Cab Volume needed

  • I’ve recognised that “Cab Volume” has been removed since tha last time I owned a Kemper.

    I’ve made 4 direct profiles and 4 studio profiles of my Mesa rig at balanced levels.
    I’ve then merged them to be able to run “Monitor” without Cab sim to my guitar cabinet and “Main” with Cab sim to F.O.H.

    This used to work perfectly in my previous Kemper, but now, with the missing “Cab Volume”, I’ve run into some problems.

    When all profiles are running on balanced levels into my guitar cabinet the clean sound becomes to weak into F.O.H.
    If I’m running balanced levels into F.O.H. then the clean sound gets to loud in my guitar cabinet.

    Cab Volume would solve this problem easily.

    Is there another way?
    downgrade maybe?

  • The user is having a problem balancing clean vs. distorted, with different needs in the FOH and Monitor Outputs.

    The user wants the Gain sounds to be the same volume in FOH and Monitor, with the clean sound louder in FOH, compared to its volume in the Monitor Output.

    I want to even out the difference between clean and drive since there becomes a difference when I turn of cab.

  • I commented to this subject already in another thread!?

    This statement of satriaulie is remarkable:

    This used to work perfectly in my previous Kemper, but now, with the missing “Cab Volume”, I’ve run into some problems.

    Cab Volume worked exactly the same as Amp Volume does! It is the same parameter and processed in the same way! Cab Volume impacted the volume of the Monitor Output with active "Monitor Cab. Off" the same way as it impacted the other outputs with cabinet simulation!!! So, if you didn't have any issue in the past, there must be another explanation for that than the existence of Cabinet Volume. Or, if it was the solution - which doesn't appear logical - you can use Amp Volume now. It will do the same job.

  • @Burkhard

    Yes. I’ve seen that you commented.

    It’s been quite a while since I sold my previous Kemper, but I was so certain that I corrected this issue with the cab volume.
    If it really is the same thing then I’m obviously remembering wrong.
    That also means there has to be a way to get the levels evened out, since it worked perfectly last time around. I will have to work more with the profiling process and see what I can do to remedy my problem.

    That being said, I can’t really understand why it should make things to complicated for users to have a possibility to balance these levels.

    • So I still think that a cab volume is needed, but it needs to only affect the cab of course.
  • I still think you need to adjust the clean sens through your cab - and then see if the result is too horrible through the main outs. Instead of adjusting through headphones at what is sure to be a different volume and frequency balance.

    I’ve tried that too. Really doesn’t help.
    I’ve mostly used clean sens now to change back and forth depending on the setup and avoided using both outputs, though it would be nice to have a guitar cabinet on stage.
    According to the clean sens settings I’ve ended up with there seems to be about 8db difference between the studio and direct versions of the signal.
    That’s way to much to be usable in a combined setup.