Kemper 2 expectations

  • ? Perhaps you missed it. I could either adjust manually or simply adjust where I am at. I like having both options. More is better. The more I use my iPad, the less I find the need to do things manually. Progress. Progress always wins.

    why stop there, you could have the toilet built into your chair and a fridge within arms reach. Use the iPad to flush and order more food.
    What's seen as progress is not always necessary or warranted.

  • why stop there, you could have the toilet built into your chair and a fridge within arms reach. Use the iPad to flush and order more food.What's seen as progress is not always necessary or warranted.

    Instead of retort, just review what I have posted and ponder: why are you on the topic ‘Kemper 2 Expectations’? To make Snyde comments? If you have everything you need there are ample topics to praise your final destination.

  • Personally, I hate reliance on smart devices to control things. Heating would be an exception to the rule, possibly. But could think of nothing worse than relying on my phone to control the Kemper. So if this is absolutely necessary, please make it a complimentary feature, not a compulsory one with exclusive features.

    Absolutely agree with you!

    If they do end up going this route of controlling the Kemper (1, 2, 100 or whatever) with a mobile device, then I hope they make it an option and not a must. I want to be able to edit from the unit itself at any time :-).

  • As soon as you touch the gain knob on the Kemper, the character of the Kemper gain knob has significant imprints on the profile. you do that to all your profiles, then they will all sound more the same. I personally got Kemper for the variety and not only to achieve one or few good sounds, I can already do that with any of my tube amps or preamps, so I'm rooting for many more advancements including not only an editor but also a wireless apps and many items listed in this thread.

    I can understand certain people's aversion to technology but it's definitely a severe case of Cognitive dissonance to want the most advanced modeling/profiling device restricted from modern days technological advancement norms.

  • @Nikos - I only can confirm that it is a hometool for me. ;)
    I have no say in professional use and therefore I can not agree or disagree.

    The time I was in studios was still pretty analog ^^

    Dont worry my friend.There have been no "big changes" to the good ol' times..mixed tube rigs are still the rule for recording electric guitars and not much has changed..yet..

    As for the there maybe a reason Fractal was so kind to give their latest version of the axe FX a bigger screen and knobs with an extra dedicated processor;

    A quote from their advertisings of the axefx3:

    "Placement of the knobs below the display gives direct access to five on-screen parameters at once, plus five “push” functions at the same time. Dialing in sounds has never been faster or easier."

    So it is not only Kemper who believe that there is no "faster and easier" than a screen and knobs but also fractal which had no other tweaking tool than the editor on the axefx1&2;

    Please correct me if I am wrong..

    For me personally the case is closed.Personally speaking for me I always said that I want an editor.Actually there is no "fanboy" here in this thread..Al agree that an editor would be a nice thing to have.This actually was never really an issue.We all agree on that.

    I will keep it with a quote of a very intelligent human being who said that "never try to explain yourself to someone who desperately tries to misunderstand you.."


  • Customers that are never disappointed are the best! I love customers like that, it takes all the pressure off... ;) The topic is 'Kemper 2 Expectations' which should really not interest you, yes? Technology is a fast market that is ever-changing. 6 months old is outdated. New is just a day away. The biggest ever is next week and when it gets here even bigger has a silhouette in the doorway. Usb... Firewire! Thunderbolt!! Thunderbolt 2! ...No... 3!! I just bought a AD/DA converter and it was outdated before the charge hit my credit card! When I bought an ADA preamp in the 80's, we all were sure that was it! Hey, a processor that has 7 effects in one box?! Unheard of! Well, I might as well put away my Musicians Friend catalog, perfection achieved! Wait a minute... What THIS?!?
    This is the daily life of tech. We are here to have fun, give ideas, and howl at the moon on new things. Anyone camped on Kemper's doorstep rioting? No. So I do not understand these retorts of ultimate loyalty. Did we all threaten to sell?? Run screaming to the exit? No. If someone says 100 times "Editor!" ok, so what. It's all good.

    I think we all know that technology moves on quickly thanks. However, I would never have bought the Kemper for over £1,000 if it wasn't something that I was satisfied with.

    Of course I am interested in any updates the team make, but the difference is that don't feel a sense of entitlement to them or irritation if they don't go in a particular direction. In fact constant updates from applications like Pro Tools trying to appease new customers have often caused more trouble for me. Steady progress without making the product unreliable is fine for me. I need it to work on a daily basis.

    We probably have different expectations from the product, but that is fine.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • On the topic of a tablet based editor:

    I think that everyone should start expecting that every embedded device will soon come with a tablet editing application. There will be varying degrees of how usable the device is WITHOUT a tablet; however, the trend will be pretty clear. Less physical controls, more tablet controls.

    I was REALLY Leary of moving from my venerable Allen & Heath Mix Wizzard to my current X32 Rack. I mean really .... who had ever heard of a mixer with no faders!

    I gotta tell you guys, I aint ever goin back to a physical console. I am completely hooked on the features I now have.

    A good tablet application is a thing of beauty.

    If you could use your PC or your tablet for editing and setup of the floor unit, you would have no reason to edit live at a gig (not that I ever touch my rig live anyway). If you are at home or in the studio, then editing on a large screen with control out the ying yang would be the way to go.

    While I applaud the larger color screen of the Axe III, I must point out that the screen on my $150 Android tablet is larger, easier to read, and much higher quality. If I drop my android and break it, I will simply use my daughters iPad, or my wife's Android tablet .... or my bass player's ... etc, etc. Break that nice new screen on the Axe III and you are likely looking at a much bigger bill along with some time without your amp.

    I personally don't see how to make a fully functional interface for a KPA on a foot controller. Anything I can imagine is simply crap when it comes to the failure mode analysis and usability.


    Does anyone REALLY use the Helix front controls to do their setup?

  • Helix has a touch based screen and from what I hear, it is really intuitive. Best in class when it comes to tweaking.

    The Axe, on the other hand, is a monstrosity. Too much menu diving.

    In that regard, I used to have a Behringer XR12 mixer. While it was really cool, after a while, I realised I like faders for quick tweaking. The XR12 is long gone.

  • Question....

    Does anyone REALLY use the Helix front controls to do their setup?

    Sometimes I do, yes.

    I also make changes to presets on the unit itself during rehearsal, right before the gig. It’s super fast and easy, which is one of the great many features of the Helix. IMO, no other multieffects unit beats it in terms of features, ease of use and versatility. That’s why my dream rig would be a Helix with the tones of the Kemper. But that’s me :-).

    Edited once, last by Jose7822 (May 17, 2018 at 4:03 PM).

  • Helix has a touch based screen and from what I hear, it is really intuitive. Best in class when it comes to tweaking.

    You’re thinking about the Headrush. The Helix doesn’t have a touch screen but it does have touch capacitance switches, which help accelerate the editing process. Agree on the best in class comment when it comes to on the fly tweaks.

  • You’re thinking about the Headrush. The Helix doesn’t have a touch screen but it does have touch capacitance switches, which help accelerate the editing process. Agree on the best in class comment when it comes to on the fly tweaks.

    Ah, my mistake. Touch-based stuff is really a step up, though I am really concerned about durability.

  • Tech moving incredibly quickly is a bit of a much genuinely new tech appears? Ipads - been around for years, wifi, the same, apps, the same. Its how they are joined up is where the innovation lies...sorry a bit semantic but this whole IT market moving so fast...hmmm...anyway, I digress...

    I missed this point before, few people would want to take a laptop on stage and edit parameters...but a phone app or that is more practical...but it would need to be wireless etc. For me its not essential but I can see that could be useful for many people to make changes.

    The real benefit for me though is an editor that I can make changes outside the device far quicker for set ups in advance of live shows so the wireless need is less of a necessity - but that's just me.

    Just been looking at the digital mixers that are entirely ipad likey!

  • The real benefit for me though is an editor that I can make changes outside the device far quicker for set ups in advance of live shows so the wireless need is less of a necessity - but that's just me.

    Just been looking at the digital mixers that are entirely ipad likey!

    Same page here.

    At a gig, I want to press a button, and change tone to something I have already setup for that song/effect. I never tweak at a gig, and very rarely at practice.

    I use my X32 Rack to play back the entire band and try out different guitar settings while playing with my "virtual band members". This lets me play a new rig in the context of the song I will REALLY be playing it in.

    Maybe I am the only one that has this problem, but I find that a rig that sounds "super, God like, OMG I just want to scream" great all by itself, often times sounds more like "are you kidding me?, Wow ... that sounds like crap, OMG ... just shoot me now" when put into the context of the entire band playing through the actual PA.

    This is just one of the MANY features of my digital mixer that I will never do without again.

    I wouldn't mind a tablet or simple phone app for "tweaking while away from home" for a Kemper floor unit ;)

    I completely agree that any serious tweaking will be done at home with a full editor. Of course, per my above statement, the rig doesn't get blessed until it performs well in the mix :)

  • I'm curious where some of you get 'serious tweeking' only with and editor? I can just 'push a button' on an editor too, just from a farther location, or even right on top of my rack. Choices are great. You people keep talking like it's one or the other. Did I miss something or do I lose the option of 'quick adjust' on the Kemper if I have an editor?

    If I use an editor, is the face of the Kemper just going to suddenly disappear?!

    An editor is an --------> ADDITION. If I care to make a quick adjustment from the Kemper, or a quick adjustment from the editor, I get BOTH not one or the other. I can use BOTH for studio or live, depending on whatever comes up.

    I have a sunroof on my car. Who needs a hole in their car roof? I don't need it all the time, but when I do, I push the button and enjoy! If I don't have a need I simply ignore it for now.

  • I'm curious where some of you get 'serious tweeking' only with and editor? I can just 'push a button' on an editor too, just from a farther location, or even right on top of my rack. Choices are great. You people keep talking like it's one or the other. Did I miss something or do I lose the option of 'quick adjust' on the Kemper if I have an editor?

    If I use an editor, is the face of the Kemper just going to suddenly disappear?!

    An editor is an --------> ADDITION. If I care to make a quick adjustment from the Kemper, or a quick adjustment from the editor, I get BOTH not one or the other. I can use BOTH for studio or live, depending on whatever comes up.

    I have a sunroof on my car. Who needs a hole in their car roof? I don't need it all the time, but when I do, I push the button and enjoy! If I don't have a need I simply ignore it for now.

    Yeap! I too wonder about some of the comments made in here. I’ve already said as much, so I guess I’ll just leave it alone. Just wanted to say that I agree with you :-).

  • I'm curious where some of you get 'serious tweeking' only with and editor? I can just 'push a button' on an editor too, just from a farther location, or even right on top of my rack. Choices are great. You people keep talking like it's one or the other. Did I miss something or do I lose the option of 'quick adjust' on the Kemper if I have an editor?

    If I use an editor, is the face of the Kemper just going to suddenly disappear?!

    An editor is an --------> ADDITION. If I care to make a quick adjustment from the Kemper, or a quick adjustment from the editor, I get BOTH not one or the other. I can use BOTH for studio or live, depending on whatever comes up.

    I have a sunroof on my car. Who needs a hole in their car roof? I don't need it all the time, but when I do, I push the button and enjoy! If I don't have a need I simply ignore it for now.

    Very good point, Nemo13.

    Just to add - in the context you have defined here - I like what BOSS have done with the GT-1000. They have simply married portability, compact design with functionality and utility (monochrome LCD screen is far better to use outdoors) by offering a mobile app for advanced rig editing; one can edit and tweak the setting (live) without kneeling over the device.

    Choice is good and should not be considered as mutually exclusive relative to the options available at the face of a device.


    When it comes to the tone, go for the jugular!

    Edited once, last by mmmaslowski: Stylistic corrections. (May 18, 2018 at 3:55 AM).