Kemper 2 expectations

  • Maybe something like this but, you know, kemper, and like the remote err somthin.

    Fingers crossed for powered stereo out. I could run two passive wedges and run my synth in stereo through the same speakers via the alternative input or "potential other". As long as they update THE REVERBS ( :P ) I'll have no need for an effects loop. Toes crossed too, trying to keep my eyes from doing the same 8|

    DI for FOH and you could do the stereo guitar cab thing too if that's your jam.

  • I guess maybe they could do that, but I don’t see how they can do any adjustments or updates regarding the power amplifier as it is a completely separate entity in the unit… The only way I can see is if it was modified by a tech, But what do I know :sleeping:

  • I haven’t read all of the reply’s but I’m sure you’ve already received some great advice.

    My two cents is:
    Do you think the Kemper, as is today, meets your needs and is worth the retail (or used if you go used) price? If so, why would you value it any less tomorrow should a new one come out tomorrow?

    A Kemper 2 tomorrow will not make your original Kemper any less of an Amp or profiler than it already is today. It might mean you get less of a return on it if you are one of those guys who has to have the latest and greatest and therefore you would need to sell the original for the 2. But a Kemper 2 tomorrow doesn’t change one bit what an original Kemper is today OR tomorrow. So if you like it today, there should be no reason why you don’t like it just as much tomorrow.

  • If Kemper had to wait till all the features that we have today needed to be available. the KPA wouldn't have been released almost 7 years ago. This is an evolving product and I don't see Kemper 2 for a while at least that's my guess based on the KPA being the longest lived modeler so far when other companies had multiple hardware versions of their modeling devices.

    CK Kemper is a true visionary, not to minimize the talents at other companies, but he's simply ahead of the curve. When others are updating their routing and massive DSP as they still try to solve the same problem that he already solved seven years ago. It's that simple.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (March 6, 2018 at 2:31 AM).

  • I’m in the same boat, I don’t want to see a Kemper II either :|

    Right! Let's just wait until everyone has had their Kempers for a while before the Kemper 2 is released. If companies thought this way new products would NEVER be released.

    As Brobar said, just because a Kemper 2 is out does not make your original Kemper less of a Kemper. When Mesa Boogie came out with the Mark IIC+ years ago, did the following Mark amps made it obsolete? Did the JP-2C model make the IIC+ obsolete? Some of you guys crack me up, lol.

  • Right! Let's just wait until everyone has had their Kempers for a while before the Kemper 2 is released. If companies thought this way new products would NEVER be released.

    As Brobar said, just because a Kemper 2 is out does not make your original Kemper less of a Kemper. When Mesa Boogie came out with the Mark IIC+ years ago, did the following Mark amps made it obsolete? Did the JP-2C model make the IIC+ obsolete? Some of you guys crack me up, lol.

    Good points, but Your Mesa analogy is not even close to what a Kemper II would be...

  • Hahaha! This was laughable. Must be a lame attempt at getting this thread shut down -_-.

    But I'll give you a serious reply, just to bring this thread back on topic. If the people at Kemper are smart, AND THEY ARE, they'll pay attention to the market and the successes of their competitors. That's how they can stay relevant. And this is good for everyone, because that's really how products get better faster. Otherwise, things remain stagnant.

    The thing is, I believe Kemper has been a success by not following the pack. Their approach has been different from the rest of the set amp modellers and their business model is also unique. There has been so much life in the one product and for me the focus has been primarily on amp tone.

    There are plenty of boxes out there that are based on effects with all the bells and whistles, if that is what someone wants. I love playing with effects as much as the next guy, but when it comes to performance it is the same as when I used as real amp in that I want tone first.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • To suggest - as some in this thread have - that a K2 is neither "wanted" / "needed" / "pointless" etc.... is just mind boggling to me.

    If you have a KPA 1 .... a KPA 2 will not affect you one iota.

    -> Can the profiling be more accurate - YEP ... try doing some direct/studio profiles of other modeller sounds.. or amps with power-stage distortion or amps with boosts / drives in front of them ... then tell me the profiling is "nealry perfect"

    -> More / better drives and other EFX.

    -> 48k / 24 Bit IR as a minimum

    -> Dual Profile Playback

    -> Some editiing software

    -> A non-fixed Reverb block

    -> Fast Boot time - Axe 2 and 3 boot in ~ 7 secs. Helix in ~ 15 sec

    -> A Steroe monitor out

    -> Dual Cabs

    -> Proper / Industry Std Hi / Lo Cuts on the Cabs

    etc.... etc.....

    This is just a super quick brain-storm list in no order of importance

    How on "Gods green earth" does having a KPA 2 with these and more features in any way upset or diminish anyones joy of having a KPA 1.



  • I'd be happy with a better user interface with a nice touch screen or so ... not because it is absolutely neccessary but because I like shiny things with touchscreens :D

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Hi Nikos. I should clarify. I want flexibility. Not more quantity. I did not mean I would use 8 effects simultaneously. I would like to be able to connect multiple devices and use them selectively without constantly re-patching. I want to save my aching back, yet be able to place almost any device in any position in my guitar's signal chain.

    Okay.Thank you for make this clear..

    The main purpose of a tool in my eyes is that you use it for what you really need in the situations you need certain things most.As much as I understand the wish for "having absolutely everything" in just one device it is nevertheless not possible.There will be always some guys who need "something else" or just "more"..and there are tools out there to fullfill these wishes and "needs" need to list them here..
    There are enough other companies which offer exactly this:"everything" and "more"..with all the consequences ie time and R&D spent for the core issues(in our case sound and most of all "feel").

    This is what we are talking about.Different philosophies.

    The musicians we call (for whatever reasons) "professionals" do prefer the kpa for the reason that its philosophy is first of all to "sound & feel great" like their beloved tube rigs without to miss some-just the most essential-very,very important advantages of digital processing,UI and whatever..A guy who uses a tool like the profiler will love the idea that what he hears and most of all what he "feels" is the concentrated "pure" effort to achieve first of all a core/great sounding tube rig tone without any compromises and gadgets,or time and R&D spent on things which could have any negative consequence on the core tone/feel.And we still dont even talked about money yet.More hardware,more brutal and sheer processing power cost more than most musicians can afford.Dont forget this.

    It is NOT about "lets look what everyone wants" or even what "everyone thinks he needs" but a developer who knows what a serious musician really does in his daily life as a guitar player in various studio & live situations.And ofcourse how much money this musician can spend on his tool.

    This all is based on the personal experience this developer has made with "serious" or call it "professional" musicians in decades of his professional life as a developer.

    THIS is a very different philosophy from any other developer out there ie guitar modelling.

    Has the developer the right (or even "the duty) to make his philosophy clear to be understood by everyone out there with out leaving the slightest doubt(One example for this could be the controversy about the editor);;;

    In my book he has.

    Any Kemper2 in the future I would like to see should give me the ability to do the "next step" (whatever this could be I will leave this to the developer since this is his job) like the Kemper1 gives me the ability to do serious recording & livegigs with so many different tube rigs sims plus fx in a single tool with digital UI.
    This is where I would love to see all the time,workhours and R&D going into..not more of something I either dont really need (like a dozen fx for recording or live) or dont want (like carrying extra devices to achieve doubtfull results).

  • Do you think the Kemper, as is today, meets your needs and is worth the retail (or used if you go used) price? If so, why would you value it any less tomorrow should a new one come out tomorrow?

    A Kemper 2 tomorrow will not make your original Kemper any less of an Amp or profiler than it already is today. It might mean you get less of a return on it if you are one of those guys who has to have the latest and greatest and therefore you would need to sell the original for the 2. But a Kemper 2 tomorrow doesn’t change one bit what an original Kemper is today OR tomorrow. So if you like it today, there should be no reason why you don’t like it just as much tomorrow.

    I agree 100%. I have an old IBM PS/1 with a 386 SX20, it's still a great computer, i don't see what's better on today's computers.

  • I'd be happy with a better user interface with a nice touch screen or so ... not because it is absolutely neccessary but because I like shiny things with touchscreens :D

    I think indium resources are due to run out in 10 years, so maybe Kemper are ahead of the curve:-) I love the individual look of the Kemper and the fact that it doesn't look like a standard piece of rack gear. I'd like a studio eq on any output, which probably requires more processing power though.

    Also someone else suggested boot up times, which would be great if they were quicker.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • In the example I cited, all of the effects and dynamics reside exclusively in the Axe FX and KPA. None of them are added later (post recording via plugins) in the mix.

    I would be curious to hear what something like this sounds negative feelings here it is just much against my way to record guitar.But in the end it is all about how good it sounds.If this what you descibe makes "tonal sense" all is good.Nevertheless you must admit that it is rather unusual.

  • I agree 100%. I have an old IBM PS/1 with a 386 SX20, it's still a great computer, i don't see what's better on today's computers.;)

    I bet you a laptop for a few hundred dollars with a USB 2 interface will give you more simultaneous effects and more flexibility than any effect processor currently in the market. I know this is not what you're talking about but think about it, Why do we need to clutter the Kemper and turn in into audio interface, multi-effect processor, floor board, millions of routing possibilities. That's what computers with audio interface are for.

  • I would be curious to hear what something like this sounds negative feelings here it is just much against my way to record guitar.But in the end it is all about how good it sounds.If this what you descibe makes "tonal sense" all is good.Nevertheless you must admit that it is rather unusual.

    Most of my presets aren't this extreme, and a lot of engineers prefer to add effects in post because there's no flexibility once they're baked into the recording, however I really like the flavor of the Axe and KPA effects, thus an obvious solution is simply to record the DI for reamping later if need be.