Profile the Axe

  • Well, you can, approximately.
    But the 2 units effects don't line up perfectly, so it's not like "Profile and... DONE" it's more like "Profile the base amp" which can be done authentically then.. "Recreated approximately FXIII effects using KPA effects" which takes time, experience, and still isn't 100% by any means.

    They don't use the same types of effects always. Since it takes a lot of time, such a person (i.e. Fremen who has done this before, and I think Armin did it first) offer them only commercially.

    I think for live playing you can tweak and get the sound in the right direction for the money, but there will always be ppl who can spot the difference and complain about it.

  • I think you just hit upon the $,$$$,$$$,$$$ idea there, Armin!

    Develop a Kemper Profiling defeat to be sold to amp manufacturers!

    THEN, release the mod that defeats that model.

    Then sell DEFEATER II that can't be defeated!

  • Maybe the new Axe3 csn detect the profiling signals and prevent it.

    LOL... like the software in VW and others... :D

    But anyway: To me there's no sense in profiling the sound of a modeled amp... it's like cloning a clone...
    although I confess as a former AXE Fx II User there were a few sounds I really liked...

    stay tuned... :thumbup:

  • There are many profiles of the AXE FX II in the rig exchange that have been profiled by nice generous guys who took the time. This can be useful for those making the transition from other modelers including the AXE FX II, but when Kemper users have a chance to compare the profile of real tube amps to the profiles of modeled amps of AXE II, anyone can easily realize that there was so much hype associated with the AXE FX product line.

    There are countless numbers of great profiles of great amps to be bothered with other modelers and besides the AXE FX III will use the same modeling as in the AXE II except that it won't be backwards compatible only to force current users to fund the hype of the new product.

  • challenge accepted :D :D

    i profiled all amps of the axe fx II BUT i must say just like on the helix some very cool sounds cause
    the "source amp distorts too much" (or: the source amp is too noisy ... i can't remember how that dialog was exactly) Dialog on the kemper ... while it works fine when you turn the master volume or overall distortion way down ... the kemper has it's limits and maybe the coolest sounds were impossible to profile d.i., with a cab it often works better but yeah, i'm not a cab profiling guy :D

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    here is a comparison or some of my axe fx 2 profiles ...

    and again:
    you don't own a product just because of how it sounds, there is more to it. The Feel, the Workflow, the practicallity, the convenience, the features like the effects ... and so on

    so profiling the axe fx III will neither give you the routing capabilities, the superb gain staging or effects.

    Don't get me wrong i love the kemper also for the profiling aspect that i can get the sounds but i just wanted to say ... there is no competition ... you can copy the sound but there are other aspects you can not copy.

  • db9091 is right. Even if you accurately profile the Axe FX's base amp, you still have to recreate the effects in the Axe using the KPA's effects, which can be hit or miss.

    but when Kemper users have a chance to compare the profile of real tube amps to the profiles of modeled amps of AXE II, anyone can easily realize that there was so much hype associated with the AXE FX product line.

    False. If you think the KPA reproduces tube amp tone perfectly, you can recreate Kemper profiles in the Axe FX II that are so accurate that they're indistinguishable from the original profile. I created a preset for one of Guido's profiles that sounds identical to the original. If anybody wants that preset to confirm I'm not blowing smoke, let me know. Here's a sample:

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    II except that it won't be backwards compatible only to force current users to fund the hype of the new product.

    Wrong again. Cliff has already confirmed that it's possible to make a converter for Axe FX III presets.

  • challenge accepted :D:D

    i profiled all amps of the axe fx II BUT i must say just like on the helix some very cool sounds cause
    the "source amp distorts too much" (or: the source amp is too noisy ... i can't remember how that dialog was exactly) Dialog on the kemper ... while it works fine when you turn the master volume or overall distortion way down ... the kemper has it's limits and maybe the coolest sounds were impossible to profile d.i.

    "You can profile solid-state amps, and also software modeling amps, although the results from profiling modeled
    amps can sometimes be underwhelming. The reason for this is that some emulations use techniques that don’t
    necessarily match the analog reality." - Profiling Guide

  • yeah i get what that should mean but i had the same problem with the real vox ac 30 and basically all real amps as soon as preamp and poweramp distorts...

    that has been discussed very often here... sometimes these sounds are very cool, especially if you like fuzz and stonerrock sounds ... sometimes the kemper version of these sounds are even better because it will not be as compressed as the source amp ...

  • I had problems profiling some very old modelers and sometimes today while profiling a amp with a korg nutube some of them sounded very strange ... i think this is what the Profiling Guide is referring too ... but since many profiles of the helix or axe fx sounded great i think my problem with profiling highend modelers came from that multiple gainstage problem ... they either so not work or sound very different then

  • db9091 is right. Even if you accurately profile the Axe FX's base amp, you still have to recreate the effects in the Axe using the KPA's effects, which can be hit or miss.

    False. If you think the KPA reproduces tube amp tone perfectly, you can recreate Kemper profiles in the Axe FX II that are so accurate that they're indistinguishable from the original profile. I created a preset for one of Guido's profiles that sounds identical to the original. If anybody wants that preset to confirm I'm not blowing smoke, let me know. Here's a sample:

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    Indistinguishable, but I don't think you will get an answer this time, either.

  • Could somebody please profile the sounds of the new Axe III?

    I'm sure someone will and it will be appreciated in case someone who uses the Kemper is curious or someone is transitioning from AXE FX platform. For most who have tried the AXE FX line of Products and opted for the Kemper, majority of Kemper owners, there's truly no demand for AXE FX Profiles for the obvious reasons.

    I tell you for one, I played the AXE FX II and I was in disbelief, based on the hype, in how harsh and non musical characteristics were present in all the models, it was very apparent in edge of breakup sounds even though some of those artifacts can be masked in Metal tones but not for discerning ears. As you see, even some of the biggest fans of the AXE FX II also had to have the kemper for good reasons, even if they don't like to talk about that.

  • I tell you for one, I played the AXE FX II and I was in disbelief, based on the hype, in how harsh and non musical characteristics were present in all the models, it was very apparent in edge of breakup sounds even though some of those artifacts can be masked in Metal tones but not for discerning ears.

    You wrote the following back in 2016, "the kemper is in a league of it's own. Let's forget about coming up with clips that match the Guido's and Top Jimi profiles as we all know, so far such clips don't' exist or no one can find them."

    I've created perfect reproductions of profiles from both, Top Jimi and Guido. First you claim those profiles can't be reproduced. Then when hear someone do it, you try to move the goal posts by claiming that artifacts can be masked with high gain tones. I'll be glad to match any edge of breakup profile that you're willing to give me, assuming there's an equivalent amp model in the Axe FX.

    As you see, even some of the biggest fans of the AXE FX II also had to have the kemper for good reasons, even if they don't like to talk about that.

    You've got it backwards in my case. Even some of the biggest fans of the Kemper also had to have an Axe FX II, and I've been an open book when it comes to talking about it.

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (February 14, 2018 at 4:43 AM).

  • Both devices can be useful musical tools....

    That's obsoletely true, but if there's misinformation about a certain product it doesn't hurt to point that out.

    Fractal promotes in their website false information that their Tone match which is an EQ Match is the same as Profiling and then some Fractal user willfully deny that when he/she knows it's the truth, yet when posts by administrator on the Fractal forum states clearly that tone/EQ Match is 99% of profiling. this same user (that I put on ignore so I can no longer read his posts) defends lies and misinformation because he claims he made a preset that he thinks sounds identical.

    What credibility should anyone give such individual who defends flat out marketing lies and gimmicks because in his/her mind, because he made one preset that somewhat resembles another preset in the Kemper that makes Fractal's intentional deceptive lies acceptable.

    Obviously my post is not to debate with anyone and more specifically those who defend lies. I'm just stating my experience that's shared by many.

    This has been my experience and research that I like to share with fellow consumers, so they're aware that there are many documented extreme unethical conduct and fabrications with lies and deceptive marketing with no regard to basic decency to build the fractal brand.

    I'm sure some feel that this doesn't matter, However I think it matters and I like to point it out because it actually is a good indication that those who resort to lies and fabrications clearly are trying to play catch up unfairly and unethically not knowing that many consumers aren't that easily deceived and or gullible enough that they can't distinguish between EQ match and Profiling even when some guy claim to have made a mere tone/EQ match to sound close to something.
