latency of the exp pedals problem Edit: could be a problem of my unit Edit2: well it's not

  • I've never noticed any latency when using pedals through the Remote. So your post got me wondering whether I had just not been paying attention before.

    Tonight I carried out a test on Wah, Pitch and Volume using the same pedals connected directly to Pedal Input 1 on the KPA and Pedal Input 3 on the Remote. I tested Wah, Volume and Pitch with each pedal (Mission EP1 and, Boss FV500H).

    I didn't notice any difference in latency in any of the scenarios. There is a slight delay before the pedal kicks in from the full heel position but this is the result of the pot taper not latency and the result is the same delay whether plugged into input 1 or 3. Once past the dead spot at the heel position both inputs functioned the same as far as I could detect.

    I know that Kemper support said the Remote has more latency due to technical reasons but I suspect they are referring to something like 1 - 5 ms which wouldn;t be detectable with an expression pedal in use.

    I wonder if it would be possible to test the layency by recording? If you set the Wah or pitch to say 50% mix and measured the difference between the direct and effected sound in both cases that might work although I can't think how to separate the two. Another option might be to record the Git and Stack or Main outs via SPDIF and measure the lag in each case. However, I'm not sure how you would manage to ensure the pedal movement itself was the same in each test. I haven't given it much thought but there must be a way to test it empirically. Any one got any ideas?

  • I can tell the difference between into the remote or into the head with pitch effects like vinyl scratch, but not with wah. I have one long TRS cable just for the pitch expression pedal (when I use one). The wah and volume go into the remote.

  • I've never noticed any latency when using pedals through the Remote. So your post got me wondering whether I had just not been paying attention before.

    I wonder if it would be possible to test the layency by recording? If you set the Wah or pitch to say 50% mix and measured the difference between the direct and effected sound in both cases that might work although I can't think how to separate the two. Another option might be to record the Git and Stack or Main outs via SPDIF and measure the lag in each case. However, I'm not sure how you would manage to ensure the pedal movement itself was the same in each test. I haven't given it much thought but there must be a way to test it empirically. Any one got any ideas?

    I will make some tests but I need to borrow a TRS cable long enough before, I will probably just play something on a clic with wha, whammy volume with the same pedal in the remote and in the kemper but even it will not be empiric but you should ear the differences (if it still like it was)

    Yes. I couldn't tell a difference. The display is brighter on the kemper too when using a POE.

    Is there any specifications importants ? cause i probably would prefer this kind (only one block with alimentation)

    [Blocked Image:]

  • I've never noticed any latency when using pedals through the Remote. So your post got me wondering whether I had just not been paying attention before.

    Tonight I carried out a test on Wah, Pitch and Volume using the same pedals connected directly to Pedal Input 1 on the KPA and Pedal Input 3 on the Remote. I tested Wah, Volume and Pitch with each pedal (Mission EP1 and, Boss FV500H).

    I didn't notice any difference in latency in any of the scenarios. There is a slight delay before the pedal kicks in from the full heel position but this is the result of the pot taper not latency and the result is the same delay whether plugged into input 1 or 3. Once past the dead spot at the heel position both inputs functioned the same as far as I could detect.

    I know that Kemper support said the Remote has more latency due to technical reasons but I suspect they are referring to something like 1 - 5 ms which wouldn;t be detectable with an expression pedal in use.

    I wonder if it would be possible to test the layency by recording? If you set the Wah or pitch to say 50% mix and measured the difference between the direct and effected sound in both cases that might work although I can't think how to separate the two. Another option might be to record the Git and Stack or Main outs via SPDIF and measure the lag in each case. However, I'm not sure how you would manage to ensure the pedal movement itself was the same in each test. I haven't given it much thought but there must be a way to test it empirically. Any one got any ideas?

    How do you find the FV500H for wah? Is it OK? I've not got an expression pedal yet

  • Well, after make some tests, I'm still not very Happy with expression pedals with the kemper. (I have way more tests to do)

    I bought the PoE and don't find a big difference with our without.

    For me the wha is ok in most case but I'm struggling with Volume and Whammy.

    I record some exemples with/without PoE and direct to the kemper with the same expression pedal Moog EP-3 that I calibrated each time before recording (I also have handmade EXP with wha enclosure but even I don't see differences in term of latency I prefered to take n official expression pedal to make the tests)

    I played very bad and it's not the same listen to it and playing it but i think with whammy you can here the difference direct and with the remote, the note doesn't have time to go to the octave often.

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    If i want to make rapid stuff it increase the bad feeling and i feel like it's not totally consistent,

    maybe it's just the latency of the kemper with those effects thats doesn't work for me (and increase with the remote).

    I'm surprised cause not a lot of people seems to point that or maybe not a lot of people uses expression pedals.

    I think I need to compare also with real Wha, Volume and Whammy to be sure.

    So for the moment the PoE solution is not concluding for me.

  • Have you tested a different original Ethernet cable? PoE solves power supply issues, but no data transfer issues.

    And have you tried to control Whammy with an expression pedal configured as Pitch Pedal and Pedal Volume with an expression pedal configured as Volume Pedal? Or are you exclusively using an expression pedal configured as Wah Pedal with "WahPedal to Volume" and "WahPedal to Pitch" activated?

  • Hi, yes I tested different options (cable not recently but in the past yes, I guess i need to try again)

    Actually when I use volume it's in volume mode, wha/Wha mode and Whammy/pitch mode.

    I have to test more things and it probably take time, I begin to think what disturb me the most is that it's not consistent, I noticed something when i calibrate the expression pedal, I can see visually the curse of the expression pedal and can see that it's not perfectly consistent (at least at the begining of the calibration) and what I can see is also what I feel when playing.