What do you think the new update will be

  • new idea,

    Some kind of major power amp profiling and profiling options where the parameters occupy the amp block and pre amp and all their parameters become a new stomp type you can load into A-D slots?

    The ability to have multiple gain stages including preamp and power amp distortion would be a great addition. Thus far Kemper has shown little interest in this, saying plainly that people aren’t after tones like this (but clearly there are). Still, the ability to cover all bases seems reasonable to be the foremost digital amp emulator, especially since other devices offer modeled power amp distortion. Does make one wonder if it’s a lack of interest in profiling multiple gain stages or perhaps a limitation that can’t be overcome.

  • Well, after seeing the jobs section, I am keeping my fingers crossed that the next update will be some kind of bonanza for us. Would be great if @MementoMori heads up about an editor on the horizon pans out.

    And the icing on the cake would be new reverbs as well. The Kemper's are nice, but I believe more models and parameters will suit me just fine.

  • I remember tried an ultra in the past and really like it, great effect and something very easy to play, like i could play things that i wasn't able to play on regular amps etc, it was a weird feeling between confidence and shame...

    Strange you should say that, because I had the same experience. It sounded like a softness somewhere in the tone that rounded everything off and made you sound more competent. I learnt something from that and filter the top end of my lead patches quite a bit, pr reduce the presence. For me, it didn't work on the heavy rhythm sounds so well though.

    Here's hoping for a TC Mimiq or more convincing widener type effect!


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • @Pixelman & @karlic

    Same impression.My very first thought was "this is on steroids"..

    It is beyond me how people can even compare the kpa's profiled tube rigs to this weird unnatural sound which is coming out of the other modelers.

    But then again I dont care that much about easy high stuff.I did when I was 20 years old and tried (with a gazillion other dudes in my generation) to be the fastest gun in town..

    IMO only the KPA can do these fine break up sounds in a realistic way,natural way(tube feel).

    And I am getting tired to be "political correct" to say that any other modeler can do this too.They cant.

    Saying all this the Fractal may be fun for shred..indeed it delivers "great help" for easy playing and the feel of being a "master shredder""..

  • "This is not intended to be what you "would like to see".but based on your experience with the various updates that have been introduced, what is you best guess about where we're heading."

    this being the premise of this thread, quite a few pages went off-topic and again opinions were re-stated - by mostly the same people - and nothing new was being said.

    I'm not sure how useful this thread would be if it stayed on topic, but if this turns into a mere repetition of sentiments voiced before and/or this thread wanders off topic again it will be closed.

    Thanks :)

  • LOL, Who cranks preamp gain (the gain Knob) on an amp that has Master volume while also cranking the master volume past noon? Some players cranked amps with no master volume back in the day but many or mostly all used Pedals.
    On modern master volume amps, Cranking both ends up with a thin muddy slush of lifeless sound that can be used by some sound designer to simulate the buzz of old A.M radio with very bad antenna that's getting no reception on any of it's dials. Seriously :D Try it out (Not the A.M radio but cranking both stages)
    Kemper will profile both stages as long as you don't crank both by the way, and that addresses 99.9% of guitar tones that are in use so far and those that have been used.

    Sorry for diversion but my guess is reverbs will be on the new update as well as other unique features that are very distinguishable from mediocre traditional modeling.

    I guess there are no people who would use it or styles of music that utilize both stages simultaneously. No amp builder accounts for power amp + preamp distortion, not Orange or Laney. Nobody famous with classic tone either like Malmsteen or Iommi. Also, I guess there’s no sense in expecting what I hear repetitiously as the best digital device that evicerates the competition to do allow for the full spectrum of a tone to be captured without “congestion”. This also applies to preamp distortion + gain pedal from what I recall.

    If the theme of the thread is what we hope to be included in a new update (which I agree with Don is rather pointless to begin with), strange you would dismiss a hope for something that would make it a better, more well-rounded device. The selective appropriation of tribalist praises and critiques when it comes to the KPA and other devices is at this point a dead end.

    Edited once, last by MementoMori (January 13, 2018 at 7:28 PM).

  • Alternatively, it could be an editor for the Kemper 2. Floor based Kemper?

    Any editor that may or may not come will support all versions.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM