Can we get the Remote to work in banks in Browse mode

  • I did my 1st gig last night with the remote , have always had the Behringer FCB 1010 w uno Kemper,

    And I did not like it . Couldn’t see which amps I was on as the name is way too small , all you see is the performance name and the 5 amp names are way too small.

    I’d like to be able to play with the remote in browse mode and have banks like in Midi mode, I could see which amps I’m playing this way

    Bank 1 1 to 5
    Bank 2. 1 to 5
    And so forth like in midi

    This is a needed thing, I don’t like Performance mode viewing at all

  • You could just rename the rigs to 01-xxx 02-xxx and so on. With the RigManager this is not a big job. However, you would lose the possibility to adjust the rigs for the respective gig.

  • You could just rename the rigs to 01-xxx 02-xxx and so on

    This is the way you would achieve that in Browse Mode. Once setup this way you could bank up and down as you've noted but you would only see the profile that you are on or initiating. See if View A or B in system changes things for you. There are two view options for the footswitch. If the view change works you can bank between performances and see each profile.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • @kriswylde
    From the manual page 162:

    In Browse Mode, you can step or scroll through Rigs in your Browse Pool according to the selected View and Sortcriteria. The option “Group of 5/Single Rig” on page Remote Settings in System Settings determines, if the Up/Downbuttons step through the Rigs individually or by groups of five in Browse Mode.


    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Yes I know. About this and it’s not practical when you have 500 profiles ,

    I don’t want to start dancing on my pedal board , Looking for profiles

    Bank 2 button 3 is more practical.

    I’ve been using performance mode as it’s the only option now. But coming from the FCB , everything worked in banks

    From the manual page 162:

    In Browse Mode, you can step or scroll through Rigs in your Browse Pool according to the selected View and Sortcriteria. The option “Group of 5/Single Rig” on page Remote Settings in System Settings determines, if the Up/Downbuttons step through the Rigs individually or by groups of five in Browse Mode.


  • I agree completely. I come from the Rocktron All Access and I just love how that works with MIDI PC when the KPA is in Browse mode. I've been pestering Mr C Kemper himself since the first day I saw the remote that it should be able to send MIDI PC to the KPA in Browse mode.

    So for now my Remote is in the closet and I just invested in a new Rocktron MIDI Raider to make things work according to my preferred workflow.


    Mats N

  • and for the price I\ we paid for this remote , I would expect it to do at least something that my FCB was doing flawlessly except I had to look at my Kemper

    Seeing the name of my profile in big letters with all the stomps is way more easy to look at live, than the clustered performance mode as it is now

    I 've been gigging with it and I still don't like it

  • I agree.

    I have been using performance mode live with the remote for over a year and I don’t like that I can’t see which amps I am using individually very well.

    The problem is that if I use a performance bank for each song as intended, the slow load time changing performance’s kills the feature.

    I have almost 50 songs that need individual settings.
    So while I could do it, if I need to get from song 5 to say 49, it takes forever!

    I can’t always remember which patch is where as well in each performance.
    Not being able to see which one is which is a problem.
    I really have to think and remember which slot is where while I’m playing and it is not ideal in a live setting.
    I try to always use the same layout, for example main rythym sound in slot 1, solo in slot 2, etc.
    But not all songs are the same.

    I have slightly different needs because I do use a synthesizer with my guitar and I have to use a lot of different tones in a regular gig.

    But I though the remote was going to be the “stage octopus “ when I bought it based on what was being said and it just hasn’t evolved at all from a very basic channel switcher.

    I have been waiting for MIDI CC”s at the very least and don’t even think that will happen at this point.

    It’s just too large for the limited useage that it has in its current state.

    I love the ease of it with the Kemper, and the one cable tidiness, but am always on the search for something else that will work better for my needs.

  • Totally agree ! It's not a complicated thing ,

    just give us 10 banks with 5 slots each and i'll be set, . like a keyboard ! I basically had 5 before and all my sounds were in there and I could see them clearly with my FX slots.

    And programming performance mode is a total pain in my ass. something never catches on , its never set up the way I did it and saved it and I don't know why. If I edit a sound is browse mode , well I must re edit the one for performance mode.

  • +1
    There needs to be a way to view the amp preset name in perf mode. Everything is so truncated I can't what any preset is.

    Also +1 on the wish for a pedal perf mode where the lower set of buttons become pedal bypass switches.

    These profiles go to 11!