NAMM 2018

  • Anyone tested the Headrush FR/FR ?

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    You mean the ALTRUSH TS 212? :D

    New Headrush FRFR speaker

  • For God’s sake.

    If I hear one more user go on about “the new reverbs” or the “the editor in the pipeline”...

    I can just see this thread repeating itself come Musikmesse. There’s probably a higher likelihood of something new being revealed then, but...

    Please. Stop. It just makes everybody unhappy when nothing comes. And now, people are actually defending the fact there was no new release on this thread?

    For God’s sake, no more.

  • Since there were no beta releases or tease videos or anything else officially from Kemper, I was expecting nothing new at NAMM until the Anderton tweet. I guess they thought that was a really funny joke, but I don't think it was funny at all.

  • For God’s sake.

    If I hear one more user go on about “the new reverbs” or the “the editor in the pipeline”...

    I can just see this thread repeating itself come Musikmesse. There’s probably a higher likelihood of something new being revealed then, but...

    Please. Stop. It just makes everybody unhappy when nothing comes. And now, people are actually defending the fact there was no new release on this thread?

    For God’s sake, no more.

    Yeahh AJ,

    do we really need something new (okay an editor...)

    Let's have a look what the beast can do yet. I scrolled to an Diezel VH4 pressed record on cubase and this comes out. Really, I don't need more. The Intropart is only to represent the pure sound and there are sooo many gems of profiles in RM.........

    Cheers Frank

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  • I have my toaster Kemper on my Desktop next to a computer within arms reach and so would anyone who wants to edit the Kemper unfortunately. If it's not within arms reach, that's clearly a self imposed problem. Of course you're not going to be able to edit the Kemper if it's not within arm's reach until an editor comes on. Pragmatism is a good solution.

    If you don't design your entire studio workstation around a single guitar processor (that MUST be less than 1 metre from your face to prevent OOS) it's a self imposed problem rather than a product limitation?

    We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Anyway, this is wasted text given the context.

  • Ok

    I think I have contributed to some of the negative feelings towards this and for that I actually want to apologies. Frustration is a horrible thing but let's look at facts the Kemper is a game changing piece of kit and I feel honoured to own one.....maybe two in a few weeks.

    If I step back and look at what I purchased it for it does surpass everything I wanted. I have reorganised my little recording area today, added in the FreqOut and I'm not at all disappointed.

    I wanted to end my contribution on a positive note rather than a frustrated negative one.

    To all who are happy with how it operates and its features be happy you are enjoying it for what it is, for us slightly frustrated ones grab a beer, grab your guitar, grab your woman/women and have fun, let's put this to bed and move on.

    Peace out


  • If you don't design your entire studio workstation around a single guitar processor (that MUST be less than 1 metre from your face to prevent OOS) it's a self imposed problem rather than a product limitation?
    We'll have to agree to disagree on that. Anyway, this is wasted text given the context.

    Of course it is a product limitation and there's currently still no editor! Of course the best solution would be an editor but since the immediate problem is that there's isn't an editor what sense does it make placing the Kemper so far out of reach in the other side of the room and expecting to edit it without standing and walking to it.

    Let;s be fair by not really believing by any stretch that those using the Kemper had to design or redesign their whole studio around the Kemper. I'd love an editor too and I agree with you . I'm sure Kemper agrees also and at some point there will be one.

    I'm just the type of person who's not going to put the company down for not meeting my future expectations of where I think the product should evolve and I'm certainly not going to put them down for not releasing updates based on anyone's expectation or mine and I'm not saying that you said anything in this regard.

    Kemper as a company have their limitations too! Just because I paid a couple of grands for their product I don't feel that I'd be within my rights to expect them to continue to update the product based on false proclamations that "customer is always right". that's just me and that's how I treat everyone. I like to be the polite appreciative customer not how some might perceive me as a cheerleader. I'm very grateful to every product maker I buy from and not just Kempr, and I'm not saying that you or I are any different in this regard. or any regard, I totally agree with you.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (January 28, 2018 at 12:40 AM).

  • You're not correct.
    It makes a MAJOR difference if I can strike a chord and then use my right hand on a mouse to mold the sound like I want, as opposed to take off my guitar, go to the KPA in the back of the studio, turn a knob, go back to my chair, pick up the guitar again, play the chord, only to find out that I needed to change the other parameter, so guitar off, back to kpa, change the parameters, go back to my chair, pick up the guitar again, play the chord and then notice I want more mid EQ. So guitar off, to the KPA again. Repeat and repeat. When I could have done this in 3 or 4 mouse clicks without having to leave the desk.

    You should try wireless. Just sayin’... ;)

  • This is just my opinion. I was very involved in the forum, almost gased by any new feature from Kemper. I reckon you can be almost addicted if you go too often on a forum... by luck I am in a solo album project during the last 12 monthes. I wrote everything and Guitar is just an instrument between many others. I used two profiles who worked pretty well and didn’t focus on guitar tones that much. Result : I have never been so happy with my tone and for the first time I don’t care about any hypothetical new feature from KPA. Music first. I have to admit in my personal case an editor would be welcome in my current gear setup though... but I would say let’s focus on what is the most relevant : playing music...let’s write more notes and less words...

  • It’s pretty clear what has happened here. CK is livin large and on cruise control as of late ( he deserves it), but as the US NAMM approached he snapped out of it and said “ shit better improve on something”. But clearly he doesn’t want to do all the heavy lifting. Hence the new “positions” opening at Kemper. He will do some interviews and hire a couple of kids to crank out some verbs and he will continue to live large and just do some quality control.

    At least that’s what I saw in my crystal ball. Yes...I have a crystal ball....and even IT has an editor! HA!

    I’m sorry I’m just being an ass. Nothing but Kemper love from me. Just probably hungry or something.

  • During all the above, I recalled the whole "delays" caper. Pre-release versions were shown at the show in Anaheim as a feature of a forthcoming OS update and then substantially "delayed". They were eventually released in two batches some months apart. There was more than a little rending of hair and gnashing of teeth on the forum in the interim period. It seemed that CK had made a rod for his own back by promising the imminent arrival of what, in reality, took a good while to deliver in final form.

    This time - no promise, no imagined schedule, just work steadily till it is ready. (Pause for a beer or three now and again.)

  • It’s pretty clear what has happened here. CK is livin large and on cruise control as of late ( he deserves it), but as the US NAMM approached he snapped out of it and said “ shit better improve on something”. ...

    My guess is different, I think Kemper, like many highly intelligent people, is driven more by creating and advancing new things. He's probably the hardest working person in the company and most likely spends more time tinkering and figuring things than anyone for the challenge and competitive aspects of being in the forefront and not just money. I bet that they've been working very hard for the last year on some big things that will eventually come in the next few months.

    I wouldn't call flying on business from Europe to USA to be in a booth in a trade show living large, you gotta love this stuff otherwise he could have sent anyone else without having to deal with the hustle of business travel himself, Instead he could have gone skiing or something more relaxing that can be more appropriately seen as living large, who knows I'm just guessing like you.

  • just checked the access virus forums. They haven't been to Namm or Frankfurt in 8 years. Why, because they've got nothing new. So that looks hopeful in itself for something at least from the kemper side. If theres been no betas or anything, they've either been sworn to secrecy or its coming later in the year.

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper