NAMM 2018

  • I also wouldn't need an editor to change parameters and values.But a management for the presets of effects, cabs, amps etc. would be quite urgently needed.

    Kemper has created a situation with their development work since its release that the many possibilities are no longer manageable.
    The Rigmanager or something similar needs to be extended by a preset management, otherwise a further development of effects and possibilities becomes rather pointless.
    It reminds me on a race car with small wheels.

    I am looking forward to new reverbs, but I have already problems overseeing the new delays or even the possibilities of Cabs.

    BTW: Obviously I was right not to expect to much 8)


  • I also wouldn't need an editor to change parameters and values.But a management for the presets of effects, cabs, amps etc. would be quite urgently needed.

    Kemper has created a situation with their development work since its release that the many possibilities are no longer manageable.
    The Rigmanager or something similar needs to be extended by a preset management, otherwise a further development of effects and possibilities becomes rather pointless.
    It reminds me on a race car with small wheels.

    I am looking forward to new reverbs, but I have already problems overseeing the new delays or even the possibilities of Cabs.

    BTW: Obviously I was right not to expect to much 8)

    I agree. If you want to use the Kemper like an amp it’s simple. If you wish to utilise the full bag of tricks it has on offer then is not.

    The technology in the Kemper is an ever-evolving thing of beauty. Those saying it doesn’t need an editor are either

    A) only using like an amp and unot utilising some of the superb features and cool things it does. Which is fair enough - it’s your Kemper. Using it this way is missing some of its excellent abilities. It sounds like an amp but it is not an amp. It’s a digital monster and can be interacted with on several different levels. I mostly use my Kemper ‘just like an amp’ because I’m too lazy to wade through 8 pages of menus. Sad but true.

    B) More fond of twiddling knobs than I am

    C) Kidding themselves

    The argument that pros don’t need an editor does not hold up. There are far more bedroom warriors / keen amateurs / weekend cover band heros / Home recording enthusiasts out there than there are people making a living out of it. It’s the case with any music gear - if guitar shops only served virtuoso professionals they would be out of business quickly. Arguing that, if pros don’t need it then nor do you, doesn’t really work.

    Everyone who has bought a Kemper paid more or less the same for it. Some have no need of an editor and that’s entirely fair enough. It should not be dismissed because you use this device differently. IMO an interface that allows a wider range of people to interact with it in a way that makes sense to them is of benefit. They will then share patches / tips with the community that would have seemed impossible before because they stumbled with the current interface. Everyone wins in that way, even those who seem offended by the concept of an editor.

  • Here's my logic for what's happening:

    - CK said at last NAMM that reverbs were coming (they even had some on the booth last year)
    - Andertons would not tease the acoustic instrument type, so it's something bigger than what we've got
    To me, that means reverbs are coming today/tomorrow depending on time of day in LA.

    The logical downsides are
    - you don't normally launch new software at a weekend (support issues with all your staff working at the weekend, and some are away at NAMM)
    - it's not normal practice for Kemper to actually completely reveal something totally brand new at NAMM (normally we have the beta first)
    This either implies something big or nothing at all

    I'm going to put even money on the reverb announcement with it available for download next week.

    If the editor is there it will only be shown for release later (less probability)

  • Someone on the gearpage said they were at the Kemper booth and spoke to them at length and they said no new announcements were happening this NAMM. So currently not expecting anything unless they are waiting for the right time to announce (like with Andertons or something), which would be odd!

  • If anyone is tired of guessing ... well, why not just quickly watch a nice demo by Thomas Dill how the Kemper can be controlled via MIDI. :) Although it's not exactly new features, it might still be interesting to actually see it done nicely. And it has been published today.

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  • I really hoped based on hints last year that there would be a floor KPA announced. Literally all they need to do is design a metal chassis and install all the hardware (minus the current chassis) of the unpowered KPA and the Remote. Done, there's your floor KPA. From a software standpoint it would be identical to a KPA with a remote attached. They finished the Remote 3 years ago!!!! In three years, they can't design a metal box, drill a bunch of holes, apply paint, and then take the guts of the two pieces of complex gear they designed 6 and 3 years ago and cram them into floorboard shaped chassis?

    Or here's one simpler. Design a 2-3 button KPA pedal the size of a Strymon Big sky or so. No effects except the noise gate, just profiles. and streamlined ins and outs and midi control. Since they refuse to do something as simple as allow you to send midi messages without changing rigs and have only one effects loop, using the KPA with other external gear is a cumbersome mess, especially if you don't need the powered version. Even if you buy something with midi controllable audio loops and midi control, if you want to use a single profile and then turn a bunch of external gear on and off without leaving the rig, you must then also purchase and run cable for a third party midi controller. Then you have the pleasure of sitting an unpowered KPA on a stand and running 7 cables back and forth between your floor board (where all your other effects belong). Or your only other option is to needlessly buy the rack version, a rack case big enough to hold a few pedals, which rack cases were never designed well to accommodate and access unless you buy one of those huge ones with rack drawers. But even then, you still can't toggle more than one external thing e on or off with the remote or send midi messages without changing rigs. Or you could mount your KPA on your pedal board like an idiot. That's why so many of us are are screaming for reverbs and an expansion of overdrives and such. Because if you need more than what the KPA offers built in, money aside, you have to have a very complex rig with lots of cables running back and forth and a long set up time.

  • Well I never post here but I figured I would log on to add my voice for whatever it's worth: I'm disappointed.

    I bought the Kemper in early 2013. Bought it knowing what features and capabilities it had at the time. Over time Kemper has added features and upgrades that have substantially improved the unit. I personally am grateful that they have continued to do this and not charged consumers for any of it. Never have I been so excited and interested in a single piece of gear/amp for so long and yes, there are upgrades that would be great to get (reverbs for me) but someone else might not care about that. If Kemper had announced a direction or features that they would be implementing and you bought the unit and they never did, well, I would understand everyone's disappointment.

  • Disappointed?
    I bought the Kemper in early 2013. Bought it knowing what features and capabilities it had at the time. Over time Kemper has added features and upgrades that have substantially improved the unit. I personally am grateful that they have continued to do this and not charged consumers for any of it. Never have I been so excited and interested in a single piece of gear/amp for so long and yes, there are upgrades that would be great to get (reverbs for me) but someone else might not care about that. If Kemper had announced a direction or features that they would be implementing and you bought the unit and they never did, well, I would understand everyone's disappointment.

    We're not comparing it to a Fender Twin Reverb, we're comparing it with the other fantastic digital options out there that have great editors.

  • Since we already have Rig Manager I don't think Rig Manager with a built in editor would cause more problems.

    Maybe you're right....but Rig Manager is a simple web/usb application that transfers small preset files to the KPA. Controlling the whole unit through it is a different ballgame, in my opinion.

  • Maybe you're right....but Rig Manager is a simple web/usb application that transfers small preset files to the KPA. Controlling the whole unit through it is a different ballgame, in my opinion.

    Actually, it does a little more than that, and if it can manage the rigs as presets, it shouldn't be a heavy lift for it to manage the other presets.

  • I'm sick of talking about this stuff and breaking my back. If there's no clear announcement about a planned editor I'm going to bite the bullet and get a Fractal or Line 6 to provide and manage my effects.

    I have been watching this thread and found people mainly want the same thing (editor and reverb). I do have only two regrets buying the Kemper, one was buying the remote. A lot of money on an item that could have been spent on a second hand Helix floorboard for effects plus there would have been a top editor to use with the Kemper in the loop. The second is having an integrated DI/Effects Send. I purchase one pedal to put in the loop and suddenly I'm switching cables as I can't reamp and use the loop at the same time.

    I love the Kemper and bought it knowing that an editor was not available but I am sick of banging my guitar on the desk whilst trying to edit the Kemper or having to put it down to start editing.

    An editor would complete the package for me, and then make the floor board a wise purchase as a single cable to do everything is perfect. No long power cable running, midi cables, 4cm method...... An editor won't make it easier to use as its extremely easy anyway but it will make it more convenient.

    The second gripe can't be fixed without a new hardware release (unless a firmware release can change the output setting to another channel)

    I think without an editor announced I may try the Helix with the Kemper in the loop and reamp via the Helix as this would solve all my problems. If the Helix sounds good enough for me I may either sell the Kemper and use the Helix or pick up a small 30watt tube amp.

    I love the Kemper but I am finding it's limitations a little frustrating at times.

    Come on editor :):(:P^^:D;(X(:*:|:evil:

    Get all my emotions out at once lol