Amps essentially useless in my apartment :(

  • I've been trying some headphones with the space setting on 6 and it sounds decent. This might be somewhat of a solution. These headphones are regular Sony $30 at best buy, so I'm assuming getting a $120 pair like the ATX-50, or HD280's might sound even better.

    Just bear in mind that the m50s are more bassy while the m40s are "tuned more flat". That's why I went with the 40s, not because of the small price difference.

  • headphone space +
    Clarity and definition +
    High, low shift and character

    When I first got my kemper I thought it didn't sound much different then my podhd500 in the headphones, then I found these parameters and they changed everything right off the top.
    Of course, as time goes on you only find more gems to make those profiles glow

  • I personally feel that the output volume on the Kemper has no effect on tone whatsoever.

    -It sounds great through nice hi-fi headphones. This is how I dial in my stage sound now since I am familiar with how it sounds through both methods of monitoring. It even sounds amazing through my super flat and unforgiving CIEMs. I often times come across an amp that I will get stuck on just noodling around exploring the expressiveness. You can really hear every nuance through headphones. I haven't messed with the space setting at all.

    -It sounds great through my JBL LSR305s (Also what I use to mix and master demos for my band)

    -It even sounds great through my stage cab at low volumes.

    I feel like this is one of the biggest benefits of this unit. It sounds great at low volumes! If you are seeking better tone I think you may be SOL. If you just want sheer volume, which is totally understandable, you need to find somewhere else to rock .

    I will add that when listening through my JBLs, I am actually running into an interface and the JBLs are hooked up to that, giving me another level of volume control on the minterface itself. I havent tried running the Kemper directly into them, but the JBLs have a 1-10 volume attenuation on the rear, so I don't see this being a problem. You can also pad the input signal with a switch.

  • Yes I wouldn't max the volume for the JBLs. I'm in the same boat... I get to play late at night, and wife works in surgery and is in bed by 9pm (townhouse, so I have neighbors, but not as bad or paper thin as an apartment). I have the LS305's, running through a Scarlett 18i8 interface. Generally I have my Kemper Master volume somewhere between 2.5 and 3, the JBLs set around middle or I believe slightly past ("6" or 1 o'clock). The focusrite Scarlett volume is on average about 9 or 10 o'clock (not loud at all). That's kind of the "late night" setting, and I find it's in a similar volume level range with itunes, backing tracks, to play along with (and those you can adjust/tweak the volume as well). When I can play louder, I just use the Scarlett volume to crank it up. :)

  • Yes I wouldn't max the volume for the JBLs. I'm in the same boat... I get to play late at night, and wife works in surgery and is in bed by 9pm (townhouse, so I have neighbors, but not as bad or paper thin as an apartment). I have the LS305's, running through a Scarlett 18i8 interface. Generally I have my Kemper Master volume somewhere between 2.5 and 3, the JBLs set around middle or I believe slightly past ("6" or 1 o'clock). The focusrite Scarlett volume is on average about 9 or 10 o'clock (not loud at all). That's kind of the "late night" setting, and I find it's in a similar volume level range with itunes, backing tracks, to play along with (and those you can adjust/tweak the volume as well). When I can play louder, I just use the Scarlett volume to crank it up. :)

    Def the way to do it in my experience. Aren't the 305s such a great little speaker?

  • Def the way to do it in my experience. Aren't the 305s such a great little speaker?

    Very pleased to hear this.....I've just pulled the trigger on a pair of 305s. What cable do you use to connect from the Scarlett to the JBLs? Also for recording, do you use SPDIF? Currently I have a loan of a 2i4 and just use a mono cable from the Direct Out for my "pure" signal and Left Main out for my "Kemperised" signal when recording....


  • You have to be kidding. The KPA may not sound its best to you when not turned up loud but it is a fantastic piece of gear for low volume playing either with a monitor speakers or headphones. You can get great clean, crunch, and high gain sounds at low volumes with the KPA. It may not be the best solution but I think you can do your practice sessions and achieve very good results with the KPA.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • So I got my JBL LSR305s and was "encouraged" to set them up in my studio (garage conversion) rather than the house.

    Maybe 5.5 x 2.5 metres, maybe 2.5 m ceiling height.

    They sound great for my Reaper mixes but they aren't that loud....e.g. Speakers on max, 2i4 monitor level near max and master level in Reaper near max.

    Loud but not thumping.

    Next is the Kemper. Guitar > Kemper>2i4>JBLs via mono guitar leads.

    Sounds ok but not a patch on my DXR10.....that said we are comparing 5 inch JBL speakers with the DXR 10 inch.

    As both are in the studio I guess it doesn't matter that I need to take a feed to the DXR10....but with my uncertainty about the power of the JBLs anyway I'm wondering if I upgrade to something else while I still have the option.

    Opinions would be gratefully received.


    Ps - I should have started a new thread...might move this later when on my pc...depending on response :)

  • Right having done some more experimentation:

    • The speakers are plenty loud enough it was just ear fatigue.
    • I do find that the guitar lacks bass through them, the impact of the LF/HF switches is almost indiscernible to my ears, but the best I can do is use the monitor out and boost the bass all the way and cut some highs on the monitor out eq.
    • The speakers don't like my Kemper high gain rigs (even with pure cab at 10) at any real volume - nasty raspy vibrations.....playing along to a mix of one of my songs I don't really hear it.... I do find it strange though as I "silent recorded" my Kemper guitars so far.....£35 Roland headphones into the Headphone out of the 2i4....and never had any issue with raspy vibrations or other artefacts.

    I think I need to accept these speakers will be fine for the purpose mix my and my band's music (separate projects).......I can have just enough signal from the Kemper (monitor out) in the mix whilst recording to check it's ok.....but monitor myself as loudly as I like using the main out to my DXR10.

    Does that make sense?


  • There might be ways of soundproofing your appt. :thumbup:

    Egg boxes, padded cell flooring... :) How to Soundproof Your Home Studio or Rehearsal Space Like a Pro

    *edited by mod
    removed bad advice:
    egg boxes might look similar to absorbers, but they serve no acoustic function - except maybe filtering out a very narrow frequency on the 1k-2k range - depending on the box I guess - which only creates more problems*

    HEY, which mod edited my opinion? Egg boxes are short form for "egg boxes" filled with heavy foam latex, tacked onto bubble pack and backed onto 3-ply.

    To whom it may concern, sir / madam you obviously don´t get it - do you? NOW this is the last time I will EVER post on YOUR forum.

    You don´t need to ban me, this is voluntary - UNDERSTOOD????


    I could just PUKE <X