I almost drank the kool-aide

  • I've only been a Kemper user for about 6 months and I'm very OCD on gear. I'm posting this cause lately I've read negative threads and reviews and would like to share my personal opinion for new users and maybe some veterans.

    I traded to guitar center a brand new engl retro 100 and evh 5153 1x12 combo to get a new kemper, I didn't want to get a used computer.

    I used countless rig exchange profiles and bought around 9 from different makers. They're all good but in the end they're profiling they're tone from the amp, once you introduce kempers eq and gain adjustments it quickly no longer becomes that amp. Also these makers run through a preamp and daw to make their profiles which colors and changes the overall sound, tone, and feel.

    Once I got accustomed to my kemper I decided to profile my vht pitbull. I tried mics,cords, position etc but fell short. I did a DI profile of my amp then traded the amp the next day.

    To this day my personal di profile of my pitbull is my favorite cause it sounds and feels like my amp. Once I tweak the kemper settings I start to "modify" my amp, it can be harsh, dark or perfectly matched it's my choice. I like profiling directly to kemper than anything in between the chain to color.

    In conclusion I'm tired of hearing cocked wah, bass heavy or other, your golden ears suck, you get what you put in. The kemper is my best investment I use di amps with ownhammers irs same as I would in real life. My profile kills through my new set up a carvin dcm3000l, I had a crown xls2000 and my tone sucked the equipment used makes a difference on what you hear.

    The product does what it says it does, it takes a snapshot of an amp, it does not model

  • I made this cause I almost got rid of kemper, it's been a 3 week battle after reading these negative reviews, I don't hear any imperfections and thought maybe I suck. I was going to trade for a couple amps but I'm glad I didn't. I have all I could ever want and I've been around the block

  • I made this cause I almost got rid of kemper, it's been a 3 week battle after reading these negative reviews, I don't hear any imperfections and thought maybe I suck. I was going to trade for a couple amps but I'm glad I didn't. I have all I could ever want and I've been around the block

    Thank you for sharing your story, mnewse614. :thumbup:

  • For the record, the sensible among us never said the KPA doesn't sound good, or even very close to a source amp. It's also worth noting that the important part is finding a sound that you love and inspires you, and if that isn't quite 100% accurate to the source amp, that's perfectly fine. In fact, some people prefer KPA profiles to true amps (which I think also denotes a difference between them). And in the end all that should matter is if you like your tone.

    your golden ears suck


  • In conclusion I'm tired of hearing cocked wah, bass heavy or other, your golden ears suck, you get what you put in.

    Here is the thing you have to keep in mind brother. Everyone is allowed to voice their opinion whether you understand it or not. There is nothing wrong with saying "cocked wah" or "bass heavy" when discussing tone. Those people are just saying what they believe they hear (myself included). Talking about certain tonal characteristics with other Kemper users could lead to someone having an idea,solution or answer to what is the cause. Nothing wrong with giving constructive feedback.

  • Just adding my own .02...

    I have several profiles of 5150s & 6505s. I enjoy quite a few of them and find them quite organic sounding for what they recreate.

    The other day I was in a GC and they had a 6505+ head into a Marshall cab on demo. Well, being curious how it sounded compared to my profiles, I plugged in..

    I actually felt some of my profiles sounded BETTER than the physical amp I had played. I was astonished and a bit confused admittedly lmao. But I left the store reaffirmed in the notion that the Kemper kicks ass and is doing a great job of killing any amp GAS I may have in the future.

  • I actually felt some of my profiles sounded BETTER than the physical amp I had played. I was astonished and a bit confused admittedly lmao.

    Well, completely different amp, different cab, different speakers, different listening environment, and you're lacking the profiles signal chain, which may include mic preamp coloration, mic coloration, cable tone, etc.

  • Well, completely different amp, different cab, different speakers, different listening environment, and you're lacking the profiles signal chain, which may include mic preamp coloration, mic coloration, cable tone, etc.

    ... which doesn't change the feel he had and that's all that matters. ;) Maybe on another day in another situation he feels opposite but isn't this part of the magic in music? Something you like today you might not like tomorrow but the day after tomorrow it might feel like the best ever.

    The single best thing about the Kemper Profiler to me is its capability to follow my mood, my feel, my taste, my ambition, my ideas within seconds. It not only allows me to change my mind, it supports me, it encourages me to find my way to express myself.

    And if others are discussing whether the Profiler gets 97% or 99% close to the original amp, I couldn't care less as long as it helps me to get 100% to my idea of sound.

    • Bought my Kemper in 2015. Thought it was ace.
    • Came on here, read great things, posted a bit. Thought the KPA was ace.
    • Started to read about lack of editors, cocked wahs, congestion, rasp...... Started to become dissatisfied with Kemper. Stopped posting much.
    • Stopped reading much other than to check for updates. Kemper sounds great again.
    • Wish they'd come up with an alert email so that I don't need to come here at anymore.

    No offence meant to anyone, no single amp is for everyone, there are some great people here and you can all post what you like but if I surround myself with negativity, I become negative.

  • In conclusion I'm tired of hearing cocked wah, bass heavy or other, your golden ears suck, you get what you put in. The kemper is my best investment I use di amps with ownhammers irs same as I would in real life. My profile kills through my new set up a carvin dcm3000l, I had a crown xls2000 and my tone sucked the equipment used makes a difference on what you hear.

    The product does what it says it does, it takes a snapshot of an amp, it does not model

    I love the OwnHammer stuff. I know that goes against some of the thought process of the KPA, by splitting a profile up, but I do it on all of my rigs. Most of the stock rigs I pull up sound great but the OwnHammer 4x12 Bogner V30+T75 with a 57 and 121 just a bit off center always wins. It's MY sound. I love that about the Kemper. That's what it's all about. Do what you do.

    Tone is so subjective. For every person that raves about Randy Rhoads' tone there is someone that hates it and calls it harsh. But it was all his. Nobody plays or sounds like him. It's art and if you want to mix pink and green to make your color then do it.

    I too get wrapped up in watching and listening to online reviews and gear demos but then I remember that a lot of these guys are getting this stuff for free or getting paid. More power to them but it is advertising.

    Will I ever get rid of all of my tube amps for the studio? Probably not. Will I ever play tube amps live again? Not unless I get a new back or a roadie to carry my shit (which would be 3 heads).

    I think the KPA is a killer tool for a working musician. Now, if it could have a square wave trem/slicer, a seek wah, and a shimmer I could get rid of my H9 and M5 and be 100% KPA.

    Not sure if any of that was on topic. Ha. Just my Sunday morning rant. Keep tweaking and doing what you do. Peace.

    Music is my religion.

  • True story....

    I played in a band with a guy who had a Mesa Mark IV. He also had a rack full of cheep 80's effects he used in his chain. His tone was totally washed out, compressed, and generally sounded like a bumble bee in a tin can.

    I had him leave his rig at my house. I removed all the crap from the chain, put a single GEQ pedal in front of the amp, tweaked the amp a little, and .... wow. Very cool sounding guitar.

    The following week, the band came for practice, we played the first few songs with the new sound and the entire band (minus the guitar player) thought it was a vast improvement.

    The guitar player rewired things to his liking over the next few songs, and we were back to bumble bee in a tin can before the end of practice.

    The moral of the story is that tone is DEFINITELY in the ears of the beholder!

  • In conclusion I'm tired of hearing cocked wah, bass heavy or other, your golden ears suck, you get what you put in. The kemper is my best investment I use di amps with ownhammers irs same as I would in real life. My profile kills through my new set up a carvin dcm3000l, I had a crown xls2000 and my tone sucked the equipment used makes a difference on what you hear.

    The product does what it says it does, it takes a snapshot of an amp, it does not model

    One of the most interesting aspects of the KPA is that it makes many users "forget" about the reason they bought it (I am talking about all the ex-tube-guys) and argue in endless threads and discussion about "how close" the KPA comes to the amp/rig it took the profile from..

    I dont need to list the reasons why most of us here bought the KPA.

    As a tool the KPA is a revolutionary design.The concept was from the beginning clear (allthough most who demand for an example even better fx and an editor fail to grasp & catch this concept which is actually an elephant in the room)..

    In the meanwhile only a few users obviously enjoy the kpa for what it is and you have fully understand it dear @mnewse614..keep on rockin´and let "the rest" get lost in the nirvana of "not exactly 100%"..

  • For years I chased a tone in my head...buying this tube amp and that tube amp and, on and on. Never was I satisfied. Then I purchase this Kemper , sold my tube amps and suddenly I have the sounds I was looking for. It's all hear and it changes with me. I now spend time playing and enjoying rather than chasing. Worth every penny...