Guitar is obsolete from now on (kind of)

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    He played the device well. But, it only sort of sounded like a guitar. Sorry, try again.

  • Try playing it with your teeth and behind your back...then I'll call you a real guitar player. ;)

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Looks like he's pulled an extra heavy duty elephant kind of latex body stocking protective over a DX7 / DX9 / SY99 or some such synth
    and accessed (channel) aftertouch.

    Then he plays the wibbly-wobbly to the video game prompt complete with karaoke to get an approximation of the real deal.

    Sounds like a lot of soft/hard/rubber-ware effort to be used to get somewhere to the real thang.

    Talking about the real thang... @HCarlH

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    Ah well... 8|:rolleyes: I´ll get my coat... :P

  • This thing's old news, Brother Skocz. If there was any danger of making guitar "obsolete from now on", it'd have already happened, brah.


    In single-channel mode, which you'd use for everything but the esoteric list of instruments I'll link to later, it loses its polyphonic aftertouch - not good if you're a keyboardist.
    - not good if you're trying to control any of the Roland drum brains that use poly AT for choking.

    Each note is sent on an individual MIDI channel. That's a lotta channels. Your DAW must therefore be able to receive and record multiple channels (actually, a crapload of 'em) at once. No big deal really... until you realise that each key requires its own track. MIDI editing, anyone? Even the CC information is spread across these tracks. Want 32-note polyphony (not much in these days of 128 and even 256-note polyphony)? That'll be 32 tracks, thank you. Wanna represent all the notes on a 24-fret, 6-string guitar? That'll be 36 tracks. Good luck with that, dear keyboardist and MIDI editor.

    I mentioned the obscure range of fully-compatible instruments earlier, but how about the most-powerful-and-respected soft synth of all time - Omnisphere? Well, you'll get 8 notes of full expressivity 'cause you have to use Multi mode to load up 8 instances of the same instrument, each assigned to its own MIDI channel and configured to map certain CCs. 8 notes? Welcome to 1980. Good luck browsing any of the tens of thousands of patches out there for it 'cause it can't be done. You'll have to construct the aforementioned multi and make all the assignments from scratch, as per the following instructions, which neglect to elaborate on the 8-note limitation, preferring instead to state that "... each voice of your patch will have fully polyphonic expression!". Well, duh; it's still only 8 notes!

    Using the Seaboard with Omnisphere « ROLI Support

    Here's the full compatibility list:

    Compatible synths, DAWs and instruments « ROLI Support

    Compatible software synths:

    Admiral Quality Poly-Ana
    Cycling ’74 Max
    FXpansion Strobe2
    KV331 Audio SynthMaster
    Madrona Labs Aalto
    Madrona Labs Kaivo
    Native Instruments Reaktor
    Softube Modular
    Spitfire BT Phobos
    Stagecraft Addiction
    Symbolic Sound Kyma
    UVI Falcon

    I've highlighted the most-popular VIs, and even they aren't exactly in everyone's arsenal, and this is after more than a year.

    Compatible hardware synths:

    Deckard’s Dream
    Expert Sleepers FH-1
    Futuresonus Parva
    MOD Duo
    Modal Electronics 001 / 002 / 002R
    Modor NF-1 / NF-1m

    This one's even-more esoteric; I've not even heard of any of them. Good luck setting up your Roland, Korg and Yammy outboard synths to respond polyphonically to the per-note "multi-dimantional" CC data. Can't be done.

    Why am I bothering to say all this? 'Cause Hype™ is one of the most-annoying things on the planet to me. By all means, push boundaries and innovate, but if you're going to "sell" something on its potential, please, for the love of God, be completely-honest-and-upfront about the product's compatibility and the lack of libraries out there configured to handle the 1-channel-per-note M.O. of this thing.

    Further to this, I've had to dig around just to find out about how one would go about recording and editing the MIDI data. No wonder nobody's screaming this info from the rooftops; it sounds like a nightmare to me.

    In short, it's early days IMHO. Much has to change in terms of compatibility and perhaps even MIDI spec across the (sea? uugghh..) board. Our arsenals of hardware MIDI modules and whatnot aren't ever going to be able to take advantage of the controller, and that alone pushes it way off the radar for the many folks like me.

    Thank you for sharing, Brother Skocz, and sorry for being a wet blanket on behalf of all guitarists out there. 8o