• Were you still planning on releasing single amps from Pack 11?

    I'm guessing that, with no forum posts in months and no email replies, The Amp Factory is no longer active in the profiling world. I did see that they were having a Christmas sale, though, so hopefully I'm wrong. I haven't bought as much of their stuff as some others, but it's still a shame seeing that happen to someone who has great reviews, and has given so much to the Kemper community.

  • I'm guessing that, with no forum posts in months and no email replies, The Amp Factory is no longer active in the profiling world. I did see that they were having a Christmas sale, though, so hopefully I'm wrong. I haven't bought as much of their stuff as some others, but it's still a shame seeing that happen to someone who has great reviews, and has given so much to the Kemper community.

    I am guessing that maybe it's a week before Christmas and it's one man with a family business?

    Thanks for Christmas discount Andy!

  • He officially retired a while back, then decided to get back in with his Pack 11, but as someone mentioned, he's a full time engineer with a new studio and is busying doing that with some profiling time on the side i believe...

    Yah. I doubt he has a lot of free time, and really has nothing to prove in the profiling world. I still enjoyed his contributions to the forum, and wish he was still around, but everyone has a finite amount of time each day. Without him, I doubt the Kemper would be where it is today.

  • Im still here : ) - But thanks indeed for your nice words.

    I do indeed do less these days, mostly because after profiling X amount of amps, there is not much more that people really need, especially the amount I have done over the years. - Now I only seek really good things to profile, then wait it out till the next great thing comes along to profile.. then when enough I will release a new pack again.

    The last thing the community needs right now is another 15 profiles of (insert same amp name here)

    Plus, yes I run my new studio "OrangeTreeStudios" and thats pretty full on, and as Im a one man operation. - things get a bit crazy and need to prioritise my workflow.

    We still offer everything back to our customers in much larger discounts these days, and full support still where needed.

    I might have given up profiling for the time being, but never give up on the support for my customers, they still remain top of my list, and am as loyal to them as they are to me.

    For now, I wish you and family a VERY merry xmas. and a great new year, - and if your feeling up to it, download my free rig pack that Kemper released today.


  • Thanks for the reply, and happy you are still around. I'm still wondering if you are going the sell the individual amps from Pack 11. Merry Xmas you and your family!

  • Thanks for the reply, and happy you are still around. I'm still wondering if you are going the sell the individual amps from Pack 11. Merry Xmas you and your family

    Possibly not Im afraid, as Ive still not been granted permission to do so at this time.. : /