Hi guys,
Would anyone be interested in a course that shows you how to operate the Kemper, how to create tones, make your own profiles, record with it, how to use it live, etc?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
Hi guys,
Would anyone be interested in a course that shows you how to operate the Kemper, how to create tones, make your own profiles, record with it, how to use it live, etc?
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
Of course (get it? Uugghh...) we would, Jesse!
How popular it proves to be, 'though, will IMHO depend entirely upon whether or not it's free, assuming you do the bang-up job I know you're capable of.
You've got my vote, at any rate, bud.
Sure Jesse.
I'm sure you would find an audience. Recently I find many newcomers here asking for help.
The key to success is simple yet precise description, good quality video (not in basement, some light would help, hide your yesterday socks somewhere) with focus on proper objects. Last but not least - sense of humor and smile for the win!
Go for it. I voted for your video on the Remote contents. I found it to be most entertaining
Yeah, you're a great communicator and player, Jesse, which is why I said I have full confidence in your ability to produce something special.
jesus. Yes plz ..trust me us non computer friendly dudes are so lost using the kempers
Hell yeah, I'll be looking forward to that. Your videos rule!
Thats a big fat definite YES!
Seriously though, I think they would be well received.
Yes the community need it.
That would be awesome!
Yes please
To be honest , I'm rather overwhelmed, confused in some areas and totally lost in other areas, since the 5.0 firmware upgrade
Let me know how I need to pay
To be a bit more clear - I was thinking a paid product, not just a free video on my youtube channel (that would be one damn long video!). I wouldn't be wanting to charge very much for it though, probably $10-20 or so.
I have no problem with capitalism, and would gladly pay for more knowledge. May I humbly suggest though, that you put up 30-45 clips of the courses so people can see what they will be paying for.
I have no problem with capitalism, and would gladly pay for more knowledge. May I humbly suggest though, that you put up 30-45 clips of the courses so people can see what they will be paying for.
I see what you did there
I'm certainly not opposed to the idea. I likely wouldn't pay for it myself, though, unless there was some fairly groundbreaking stuff in there that can't be read from the manuals and the tutorial videos (don't know what that would be, but that's your headache ;-)). That said, I think there are many people who don't like reading the manuals closely, and it might be of interest to them.
Are there any other paid-Kemper courses out there?
Could be a tough sell, Jesse.
I meant, 30-45 second clips, not 30-45 clips.
LOL One word can make such a difference!
I do not believe in paying for instructional videos. However, if you made a few profiles for sale that included FREE instructional videos on how to shape the tones. I would buy it.
Similar to what Slate has been doing with his plugins. Free instructional vids on how to use the plugins.
I do not believe in paying for instructional videos. However, if you made a few profiles for sale that included FREE instructional videos on how to shape the tones. I would buy it.
Similar to what Slate has been doing with his plugins. Free instructional vids on how to use the plugins.
His profiles or plugins?
To be a bit more clear - I was thinking a paid product, not just a free video on my youtube channel (that would be one damn long video!). I wouldn't be wanting to charge very much for it though, probably $10-20 or so.
Without a doubt I'd pay that much just to see what I'm missing!!!