Crap sound throught Yamaha dxr 10

  • Hi

    I don't know why I get such a crapy sound when using the Yamaha dxr 10 compared to my headphones (beyerdynamics)
    The sound is flat and dull. So different from the great sound I get throught headphones.
    The dxr is connected to the main out, no dsp.
    Any advice?


  • It is completely normal!! You cant make your sounds trough headphones! hedphones and PA/stage monitors/guitarcabs is another world! You need to make your rigs at gigvolume on your DXR, if not it would sound crap trough PA! You have to think about what you will play trough at the end..

  • What headphones are you using? If the headphones are not flat response. They may sound bigger. The headphone sound also contains stereo effects, and you hear it on axis, separately in each ear. It may also be relatively louder than the room sound of the DXR.

    The DXR10 is relatively flat response with mono effects. How is the DXR positioned, relative to you?

  • I have good headphones as mentioned in the post. Closed beyerdynamics.
    The Yamaha is in monitor position, 1 m right of my table/computer. Dsp off
    It should sound nice eaven at relatively low volume? It's supposed to be a good speaker? When I turn off the cab sim the sound is not that different, why? And yes I have good profiles....
    Thought my mesa rectifier cab it sounds good but for home use I wanted to use the dxr

  • Maybe its what i stated in some threads. The dxr didnt sound good at bedroom level. The headphone ( i also use a beyerdynamic closed one dt 770 pro 250) gives you this hifi feeling which the dxr never can give. At a loud level and a tweaked rig to match it to the dxr the dxr sounds good. Did you checked the pure cab parameter and the space? Mostly i dont use pure cab but space is fix at 2.5 in my box. Not headphone space!

  • I gig live as my primary use case with my Kemper. As a result, I mix my guitar through my PA. It is most important to me how my sound is going through the PA since that is what the audience hears.

    The second most important sound to me is how my IEM's sound to me and the band. I set this up with an additional EQ within my monitor mix inside my digital mixer (X32 Rack).

    The least important thing to me is the monitor sound through a monitor speaker on stage. To handle this, I use the eq on the monitor output on the Kemper under "Output".

    I also use headphones at home for practice (not my IEM rig). For this, I have a separate eq setting on my little ZED 10Fx which I drive my headphones from (and also bring in computer music to play along with). This can also be accomplished with a separate eq on the main outputs of the KPA. It would be nice if someday, the Kemper team would allow us to have a library of eq settings which we could pick by name; however, it isn't too difficult to have them written down since I really only need 2.

    In my experience, the EQ is the most critical portion of any guitar tone. If you learn only ONE effect well, that would be the one I would spend the time on to get perfect ;)

  • I have good headphones as mentioned in the post. Closed beyerdynamics.
    The Yamaha is in monitor position, 1 m right of my table/computer. Dsp off
    It should sound nice eaven at relatively low volume? It's supposed to be a good speaker? When I turn off the cab sim the sound is not that different, why? And yes I have good profiles....
    Thought my mesa rectifier cab it sounds good but for home use I wanted to use the dxr

    Try turning the volume up and see, if it sounds better. You will recognise your sound will feel different on different volume levels.

  • Could also be because you're comparing it to the tone through the guitar cab which is what you're used to.

    When I first got my kemper I played it imto my Cornford Head 50W power amp through a 2x12 and thought it sounded great. Then to try and find a more portable solution I bought a DXR 10 because everyone was raving about them.

    Almost straight away i realised I didn't like this option. At gig levels it was ok but not great and not a patch on my previous setup, but at bedroom levels definitely not for me. The tone just wasn't the same, didn't have the same meat to it, profiles sounded hi if and not amp like.

    I ditched the DXR after a few months and now use a Palmer Macht 402 power amp through my 2x12 and it sounds incredible even at bedroom levels. i definitely recommend the Palmer and it's half the price of the Yamaha!

  • Closed headphones are for sound isolation (recording, DJ, etc), not good for dialing in your tone. A good set of open ear headphones are preferable for this. The room has a big effect as well, try different rooms and I always used the DSP monitor setting for home use. When testing out speakers, always try to use stock profiles without any tone tweaking for a more fair comparison.