Dimension C or D chorus effect

  • looks like the ISP Theta Pro has a 4 voice chorus.

    Reading more about the Dimension D, part of it's sound is apparently due to:

    -Trapezoidal LFO shapes chorus tone which further adds psychoacoustic effects

    -Built-in compressor expander

    Dimension D is a chorus that don't sound like a typical chorus.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I compared three choruses (kemper set on a JC-120 with a compressor)--ValhallaUbermod, Kemper's vintage chorus, and MM4. It's blind so you won't know which is which. Pick which you think does the Dimension D sound better: 1, 2, or 3. 'scuse the rough playing.

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    Edited once, last by jtn191 (July 26, 2020 at 8:07 AM).

  • I have the UAD Classic Effects bundle. It has the Dimension D emulation ( now called the Studio D). It is an excellent reproduction of the original hardware.

    You would need a UA hardware device (Apollo or Satellite) to run the plugin. There is no native version of any UAD plugins.

    The UA system affords near zero latency when tracking through a plugin if you have an Apollo audio interface. And the UAD plugins are awesome.

    Their plugins cover almost any type of classic studio effects, channel strips, mic preamps, mastering tools, as well as guitar devices (amps, overdrives, modulation, reverbs, delays etc.).

    And the Townsend Sphere microphone has two emulation packages not available anywhere else.

    That is the good news.

    As for the bad news, the price of entry is high.

    And you have limited options for MIDI control of plugins.

    Is it worth it to you? That depends on your budget and needs.

    I love my UA system (Apollos and over sixty paid for plugins). The hardware’s audio quality is excellent as are all of the plugins. So for me it’s a bargain.

  • That is not correct, mate.

    Plugin Alliance has some that are bit-for-bit identical to the UAD equivalents.

    Monkeyman he's talking about UADs own plugins and not third party plugins. But you're right about third party plugins like PA. And another truth is that you can use more instances of any of those plugins than on a UAD card. So I don't understand why someone would pay for any third party plugin for their cards. And you have to pay them same amount of money. UAD make all their plugins so cpu hungry becuase they want you to buy another card. And it's already been proven that you can't use as many instances of any plugin as UAD claim. No wonder I sold my card years ago.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • just a head's up, Wampler has a few free plugins taken from their Terraform pedal. One is a really good chorus. There's a vibe which is ok and an envelope follower that's exceptional.

    Soundtoys Microshift and Little Microshift do a pretty good Dim C and a great DMX width that I use a lot.

    These profiles go to 11!

  • just a head's up, Wampler has a few free plugins taken from their Terraform pedal. One is a really good chorus. There's a vibe which is ok and an envelope follower that's exceptional.

    Soundtoys Microshift and Little Microshift do a pretty good Dim C and a great DMX width that I use a lot.

    Thanks for the Wampler plugins information. Installed and played with them. Can work good on other things than guitars too.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • just a head's up, Wampler has a few free plugins taken from their Terraform pedal. One is a really good chorus. There's a vibe which is ok and an envelope follower that's exceptional.

    Soundtoys Microshift and Little Microshift do a pretty good Dim C and a great DMX width that I use a lot.

    Thanks for the info.

    Seems like Don't Crack has a Dimension-C vst.


    Mats N

  • It’s actually called Dimension chorus and I really think it might be the best chorus plugin I’ve found.

    Fired up kemper and the chorus in cubase and yes it is at least one of the best chorus plugins. Period. Perfect to blend in and fatten up a solo or clean sound. Anyone who hasn't downloaded yet and uses DAW, get it now.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Kemper may make a great approximation some day, the DC only has 4 buttons and no other settings, but if you're a collector, they hold their value well. I bought an original from Japan off eBay a couple of years ago. The Waza is supposed to be pretty good too.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms