Thinking about selling the Kemper

  • i have bought a 1912 marshall cab and a caliber 22. The latter it's not powerful but for bedroom purposes it should di the job well. I will let you know my impressions.. I expect the amp in the room feel. In the meantime, could you tell me how should i connect the kpa to the cab and poweramp/ internal settings? Is there something not covered by the manual? Thanks

  • If you're patient, it'll come, I reckon. I have a feel for these things, and I predict it'll bottom out at $29.

    Martin, make sure you remember you're wearing the 'phones, eh mate? :D

    I'm lucky - mine hurt like Hell to wear, so the plug'd have to be pretty damned good to make me forget I'm wearing 'em.

    Sorry this is off topic, but the Virtual Mix Room plugin isn't the same as the NX one, and to get the full effect, you really need the bluetooth headtracker for both (using a webcam is very laggy and drops out a fair bit). The NX plugin is designed to emulate a movie theatre and give a feeling of a 7.1 setup for multimedia enthusiasts, whereas the Virtual Mix Room plugin is modelled on a stereo setup and is aimed at audio pros. The NX is half the price of the VMR. I like the VMR in collaboration with Sonarworks' headphone calibration plugin for my DT 880 Pros and the NX is nice for watching Netflix :)
    Just thought I'd share that info, being a user. Carry on

  • i have bought a 1912 marshall cab and a caliber 22. The latter it's not powerful but for bedroom purposes it should di the job well. I will let you know my impressions.. I expect the amp in the room feel. In the meantime, could you tell me how should i connect the kpa to the cab and poweramp/ internal settings? Is there something not covered by the manual? Thanks

    Using a regular guitar (instrument) cable, connect your KPA Monitor Output Jack to the input jack of your EHX 22 Caliber. Using a Speaker Cable, connect the output jack of your EHX 22 to the speaker connection of your Marshall Cab.

    When playing your KPA in this configuration (i.e., connected to a guitar cabinet), you will want to remember to defeat/disable the Cabinet Module. This can be done globally in the Output menu settings. Look for the page that allows you to toggle "Monitor Cab Off"


    Edited once, last by Tritium (December 14, 2016 at 11:35 AM).

  • i have bought a 1912 marshall cab and a caliber 22. The latter it's not powerful but for bedroom purposes it should di the job well. I will let you know my impressions.. I expect the amp in the room feel. In the meantime, could you tell me how should i connect the kpa to the cab and poweramp/ internal settings? Is there something not covered by the manual? Thanks

    Consider merged/Direct profiles with cab disabled.

  • @Ale,

    Further to my previous post, I just wanted to add the following clarification...

    When connecting your KPA to a traditional guitar cabinet, it is a general rule that you should turn off the Cab Module (cabinet simulation). However, every once in awhile you may find that you will prefer to have a particular Cabinet profile/sim enabled, when playing through a particular guitar cabinet.

    When I first purchased my KPA PowerRack, I hadn't yet received my XiTone passive 1x12 FRFR monitor. So, I initially connected it and tested it with the following cabinets I own:

    A) Marshall Vintage Modern 4x12 cabinet
    B) Vox 2x12 cabinet
    C) Tech 21 PE-60 Power Engine

    Now, in the case "A" and "B", I definitely had the KPA's Cab Off. However, with "C", the Tech 21 PE60, I found that I preferred having a KPA Cab profile enabled. Note -- As the PE60 is a powered speaker, I was connecting my powered KPA using the Monitor Output jack, with the built-in poweramp turned off. In any case, I found that the speaker in the PE60 (Celestion Seventy/80) sounded best with (believe it or not) a Cab Profile from TAF, based on a 1x15" Ampeg SVT 450 Bass Cabinet.

    So, there are no hard and fast rules. At the end of the day, you will find out what works best with your unique set-up. Again, 99% of the time you probably will want to have your KPA's Cab Module off (when connecting to a traditional guitar cabinet). But every once in awhile, you may find a sweet combination of a KPA amp profile and your connected cabinet which benefits from having a particular Cab enabled.


  • I most definitely agree! Especially when actual bass cabs with high gain profiles


    This just gave me an idea for a feature request ;)

  • thank you all! i think i will try every own (they are a lot) with cabs off and then start experimenting...i am a little nervous because i don't how the caliber will work and how the Kemper will sound through a cab give the constant volume issue of living in an apartment. At the end of the weekend i will have a clearer might be money wasting but hope it works. I will keep you updated

  • I get hit with G.A.S from time to time. Recently, I thought about getting a Fender Bassbreaker, the 15 watt 1x12 one. (And to clarify, I'd need to sell my Kemper to get a real amp) It takes pedals well and I could go back to a traditional pedalboard. But as I thought about it, I realized that I'd be keeping this thing in a closet anyhow (as I play exclusively at church these days) thus live I'd only hear it through my IEM's anyway. And were I to love the sound of this amp so much, I could find a profile of it or create one myself and get the exact same thing, or use someone else's profile. If I wanted to achieve my sound primarily through this cleanish amp, there's nothing preventing me from doing so with Overdrive pedals into a Kemper profile. However, I wouldn't have to worry about tubes and mic positions. And I would inevitably reach a point where I'd believe that there is some sound out there that would be better. At least with the Kemper, every time I change me mind, I can go profile shopping for cheap at a store (mbritt or the amp factory being my favorites) or at Goodwill (rig exchange)

    Free Bassbreaker profile right here,…tjoUR4-mVa?dl=0

    one they used in this vid

  • Ok.. I got the caliber and the cab and afrer 30 minutes of playing i can say that i wasted money. The volume is too low to drive the speaker so it sounds a little fizzy.. It's not totally bad because some profiles are still enjoyable but the overall impression is that it doesn't due to the apartment volume levels. So the only chance to play is through HP. I don't go crazy for them but that's it. One more thing i might consider in the future is an 8 inch monitor for more bass response..

  • Ok.. I got the caliber and the cab and afrer 30 minutes of playing i can say that i wasted money. The volume is too low to drive the speaker so it sounds a little fizzy.. It's not totally bad because some profiles are still enjoyable but the overall impression is that it doesn't due to the apartment volume levels. So the only chance to play is through HP. I don't go crazy for them but that's it. One more thing i might consider in the future is an 8 inch monitor for more bass response..

    Hi @Ale
    Sorry to hear you missed with that one. Can't you get your money back if the items are like in "new" condition?
    I am using 5" powered studio monitors - Neumann KH120A, they punch out even 130dB but I have also Yamaha DXR10 sitting on the floor as a wedge.
    I mix the signals so my DXR10 adds more body and bottom end but it doesn't take over 5" monitors in overall volume.
    I really like this setup and would prefer it over 2x8" speakers.
    But I got DXR10 rather hell cheap ~200Euro.
    Now I think that even 5" Yamaha HS5 would do the job here (instead of Neumanns)...

  • I have had HS80M in my untreated room (16 sqm) and I was not satisfied.I prefer current setup With 5" monitors and DXR10 as a "sub".

    I think this illustrates perfectly why you need to "try before you buy" when ever possible. What one person thinks is great will be dissapointing for others and vice versa. And that if it sounds good to you it is good!


  • Hi @AleSorry to hear you missed with that one. Can't you get your money back if the items are like in "new" condition?
    I am using 5" powered studio monitors - Neumann KH120A, they punch out even 130dB but I have also Yamaha DXR10 sitting on the floor as a wedge.
    I mix the signals so my DXR10 adds more body and bottom end but it doesn't take over 5" monitors in overall volume.
    I really like this setup and would prefer it over 2x8" speakers.
    But I got DXR10 rather hell cheap ~200Euro.
    Now I think that even 5" Yamaha HS5 would do the job here (instead of Neumanns)...

    Actually i bought the cab used for 150 euro and the caliber new. I think i will sell both

  • I think this illustrates perfectly why you need to "try before you buy" when ever possible. What one person thinks is great will be dissapointing for others and vice versa. And that if it sounds good to you it is good!


    I interacted with another guy here in Michigan who didn't like the DXR10 and replaced it with a DSR115 and is now happy.

    I have played in open air with just my DSR112 and that (to my ears) is blissful ;) Of course, one would hope that a $900.00 cab would sound pretty darned good.

    Usually, my DSR's are doing FOH duty though and I have only my IEM's for feedback ;)

  • Headphones? You think you can find something that sounds better through headphones? Good luck with that. I just got a kemper and some mbritt profiles. I play it through a jbl powered pa with an 18" sub. It's fucking amazing. I guess I can't speak to headphones because I hate headphones. I want to hear the sound in the room without shit on my ears but all I'm saying is the kemper is not the problem.