Sudden Output Level Drop - Main Output

  • Took the Kemper to church services today, and worked exactly as normal in soundcheck / rehearsal before the services, but then just prior to the start of the first song (perfect timing), there was a significant drop in volume from the Kemper, as in barely audible in the PA.

    I have the Main Output unlinked from the master volume knob, so that the output I always send to the board is the same. (The only thing the master volume is linked to is the headphone jack, so I know I didn't change anything manually going to the board). Our sound person and I met after the first service, and she didn't touch anything on the board, so we isolated it to the output from the Kemper.

    Normally, I send a level of output around "3", or 30% but after the drop, I had to crank the output up to 9 to get it to where 3 would normally be.

    I was using a floorboard (FCB1010 with latest UNO4 Kemper chip), and between services, I disconnected midi cables, shut amp off, reconnected, rebooted floorboard and amp multiple times, tried different performances, rigs, etc. I even tried without floorboard connected and also checked levels direct from Kemper through headphones, and there's definitely a major drop from where levels had been. Got home, plugged in different guitar, cables, headphones again, and output is definitely very much lower than what it has always been.

    I'm running Beta 5.0 firmware currently, and have sent a backup to support.

    Wanted to see if anyone else has run into this, and if maybe I unknowingly did something (not sure how or what - it was just a sudden drop), but am open to any starting place to start trouble shooting? I can run the amp at 9 to the board if I have to, but that doesn't leave much headroom for when / if they ask for more volume (when I normally run around 3).

    Any help / suggestions appreciated.



  • This happened to me the other day with the Monitor output, all of a sudden last night, it started working fine again?

    Glad all is back to normal with yours. Did you make any adjustments to it for it to come back to normal, or did it just start back at normal volume randomly?

    Mine is still quiet. Hoping Kemper Support maybe find something in the backup I sent.

  • Other that the usual items under the master menu, The first thing that I check when I have volume change strangeness, is the pedal links page, (page 5 of the system menu). On that page you can see if your KPA has any of the pedals at the zero position, for some reason. Same thing on page 3 of the rig menu, which is another place to check for a zero volume pedal problem for the particular rig.

    After the above, I would make sure that you don't have any weird volume settings saved in any of your stomp positions. A boost stomp, with a very low volume setting, for example. try turning off and on, all of the stomps used in the rig, for testing.

  • No, unfortunately nothing of the things you mentioned above … But i can now reproduce the problem. Today after booting i had the same issue. Volume was way to low for the level. So i raised the Power Amp Boost again, turned it back to the level there was before. Now the Volume is normal?!

    Should i send a ticket to support?

  • No, unfortunately nothing of the things you mentioned above … But i can now reproduce the problem. Today after booting i had the same issue. Volume was way to low for the level. So i raised the Power Amp Boost again, turned it back to the level there was before. Now the Volume is normal?!

    Should i send a ticket to support?

    Yes :)

  • OK,

    Here's an update on my original post. I haven't tried it yet today with the suggestions, but I have to say, after submitting the support ticket for my issue, the Kemper support team has been wonderful with answering my questions, digging into my backup file and settings I sent them, and generally helping with understanding the system settings as a whole.

    First, I would say to @hoellinger667, yes, submit your ticket and send them a backup.

    Some things they found in my backup:

    • The volume pedal was not "Locked" in the rig settings, so the volume pedal could possibly not be controlling the same things in all rigs
    • Settings for output level (-12dba) were set, along with other output settings causing the output to be extremely low
    • A couple other general setting issues, including very low output settings to the headphones.

    All of these obviously greatly contribute to the low output of the headphone jack and the main output based on the settings. Again, the Kemper support was great in answering my (many) questions.

    What I still wasn't able to get figured out was why, all of a sudden, without touching anything, the drop (5 minute break, came back, 1/3 the output). The settings obviously created big drop - question is how did they get that way all of a sudden? One suggestion they also gave me was to recalibrate the volume pedal, which I had done just a few days before. The other recommendation was to go to "Settings > Init Global>" and select that to set back to the factory get the levels back in check.

    As I mentioned above, haven't tried the reset yet, but am going to, and greatly appreciate the help Kemper has been offering. Still wish I knew the cause of the sudden drop though.

  • I have send a ticket and a backup File. The Support answered very quick:
    They can reproduce my volume drop as well … Its a Bug and they will work on it for the next version.
    A downgrade to 4.2.2 wouldn't help, same behavior.

    Thanks all for trying to help and sorry to @almesy for abusing his thread ;)
    But perhaps my bug is a part of your SUDDEN drop too.


  • Just read your threat!
    I had the same problems (even during an outdoor gig last year).

    Sudden volume-breakdown on monitor-output and main-outs. Even a slight distortion. No volume-raise via master-knob nor Output-volume-setting could compensate the volume-lack.
    I opened a support ticket later and after several trials and errors, I got the information of the Kemper-support desk that it's a bug since a former OS-Version.

    I also got an instruction to reset the profiler to it's init-settings. But after a while the problem occured again. This happened still twice and after then I got the hint NOT TO LINK MORE THAN ONE OUTPUT TO THE MASTER-KNOB.
    Since then until today the problem didn't happen again.

    So my advice would be to unlink all outputs except one and wait until the bug has been corrected in a future OS-version

  • Just read your threat!
    I had the same problems (even during an outdoor gig last year).

    Sudden volume-breakdown on monitor-output and main-outs

    This is freaky as this has now happened twice to me recently, once onstage causing quite a rise in my blood pressure. My volume dropped to nearly nothing and I hadn't touched a thing. The second time it happened I was chilling at home. Both the Monitor and Main Output volumes were incredibly low...I forget the numbers, re-booting brought it back. I normally keep Main and Monitor linked to Master, but when this happened nothing worked as if linked to anything. I of course wrote a support ticket, sent a backup. Have not heard any answers yet, but I WAS told they they never heard of this issue before!! Judging by this thread, that simply is not true.

    Gary ô¿ô