OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • wont there be some limitation on future updates ? I mean i have no idea how much these vicked delay features take up on memory and processing power but this cant go on forever .... so next Reverbs, Synth Sounds... ta ta.... how much more can we expect ?

    I don't claim to know but it's not far fetched that there can be many things to come. My reasoning to saying this is loosely based on my understanding that Brilliant efficient programmers and designers are almost always able to do so much more with very little resources. Think of Reaper a fully fledged DAW that uses a fraction of what most other DAWS use in terms of resources if comparing the same tasks. Low level programming uses much less resources. I have no idea what languages are used in Kemper but I know that low Level languages, if that's what they use don't take that much resources.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (October 25, 2016 at 1:47 AM).

  • i have no idea how much these vicked delay features take up on memory and processing power but this cant go on forever .... so next Reverbs, Synth Sounds... ta ta.... how much more can we expect ?

    Based upon past Kemper experience, I'd say we can expect more than we expect. :D

  • Loving the new delays presets! Thank you Kemper team!!

    Question...were the new delays built from the ground up (algos?) or were new parameters simply added to the legacy delay?

    They sound amazing but I'm just curious. I don't know anything about programming.

  • Hey guys, I think I must have a weird setting on my Kemper engaged or something. The new "Swell" feature has zero effect on the sound whether at a value of 0 or 10. According to the manual, larger values should blur the onset of notes creating a pad like delay. This does not happen when I adjust the swell parameter. In fact nothing changes, it sounds exactly the same. I tried it on several presets and it doesn't seem to do anything. Any ideas?

  • I imagine you'd have to have the Mix parameter way up there, 'Leader, lest the fast attack of your picking come through. It wouldn't take much IMHO in order to completely kill the swell effect. I'm not running the new FW 'til it's deemed release-worthy, so I'm basing this on more-general AE experience, but it should still apply.

    Instead of words to describe how I feel about 5.0, I though I would post a picture of how it sounds.

    [Blocked Image: http://i66.tinypic.com/4j0v0m.jpg]

    Nice one, Haysie.

    One word springs to mind - glacial. I know they're not glaciers, mate, but the serenity and expanse of the landscape invoked the word in my mind, and I think it's more-appropriate for describing the Crytal Delay™, for example.

    Heck, they could have called it Glacial Delay™ I reckon.

  • wont there be some limitation on future updates ? I mean i have no idea how much these vicked delay features take up on memory and processing power but this cant go on forever .... so next Reverbs, Synth Sounds... ta ta.... how much more can we expect ?

    Good question. We, the users, have no clue about the limitations. Detailed hardware specifications have not been published, and even if they were there are no tools included to measure performance and utilisation of processor(s), DSP(s) and memory. The profiler could be at its limits or there could be lots of resources left. Only the designers and developers with their debugging tools can know for sure.

    Anyone with basic knowledge of computers and programming understand that the KPA is a rather complex system. Most, if not all, complex systems leave room for optimisation which in turn may release resources for additional features.

    I don't expect much after the promised enhanced reverbs other than bug-fixes and maybe minor enhancements to existing effects. This is not because I don't think the profiler can not handle more, but because Kemper eventually will need new hardware to keep up with the competition in terms of requirements for user-interface, more I/O options etc. Eventually, it comes down to numbers. If the units keep selling well it will also generate a revenue-stream to pay for further enhancements. If it doesn't sell anymore at some point, Kemper will either have to release new compelling hardware or start charging for updates.

  • I Finally..good timing.. ;)

    One stupid question cause I was not able to find the info anywhere:What is the max delay time of the new stuff,still 1280 like the old ones;


    Nice demo.Has anyone done a demo with the delay in front of the amps with a clean sound;I did not upgrade yet because of some recording sessions.So I cant try it myself yet. ;(

    i think 2000ms is written in the new manual

  • Hey guys, I think I must have a weird setting on my Kemper engaged or something. The new "Swell" feature has zero effect on the sound whether at a value of 0 or 10. According to the manual, larger values should blur the onset of notes creating a pad like delay. This does not happen when I adjust the swell parameter. In fact nothing changes, it sounds exactly the same. I tried it on several presets and it doesn't seem to do anything. Any ideas?

    How about the Ducking parameter @KPA_Leader, isn't it set to -5.0 by any chance for that affected Delays?

  • wont there be some limitation on future updates ? I mean i have no idea how much these vicked delay features take up on memory and processing power but this cant go on forever .... so next Reverbs, Synth Sounds... ta ta.... how much more can we expect ?

    When there was only one Delay, discussions about the lack of dual delays speculated the "problem" was due to a "lack of memory". That was so entirely and utterly wrong.

    These things are what filled the vacuum because Kemper was officially silent on such issues, just getting the work done.

    But ask yourself this question about the future of memory and a similar overhaul of Reverb to that of this Delay release:

    If Kemper says they will do it next, would Memory really be lacking?!?

    That wouldn't be smart business, and they've been nothing BUT smart business so far.

  • Question as this is confusing to me, please.
    Yesterday, I downloaded OS to my KPA
    Today with a newly formatted flash drive, I uploaded OS 5, which appears to be delays only.
    My question is: Is there a separate OS5 that I need to download to the OS file section of my flash drive, AND a section of delays which must be downloaded to the shared files section of the flash drive?
    This is confusing me.
    thank you in advance.

  • You should be able to just choose to import factory content, then the new delay presets ought to show when you move the Browse knob with a stomp or effect slot in focus

  • Just plug the flash drive that has the new OS into the KPA, it will prompt you to update and you're set. In the future if another update becomes available, then you delete the KAOS.bin from the Flash drive and/or replace with the new bin file that you would have downloaded, then update.

  • @ C-4: Why to choose the complex way? It is so easy to update the kpa via RM when the checkbox " search for beta.." under preferences is assigned and the kpa is in Connection with the pc or laptop.

    Next is to put the new delay presets on the kpa. Download them and follow the pdf description which you can find attached to the new presets.

    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (October 25, 2016 at 3:54 PM).

  • I just updated to 5.0..it was seemless and extremely easy. My hat is off to the Kemper team. great delays..this is hands down the best single investment i have ever made in 42 yrs as a musician. you guys rock. imagine a piece of gear that keeps on updating itself...and the updates are free..worth every last cent i payed for it. THANK YOU KEMPER TEAM