OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • Can someone please give me a step-by-step process of how to install the new delays? I've followed the instructions that came with the new firmware release, but either they're incomplete, or I'm missing something.

    I've updated to firmware 5.0, so I'm all set there. I've downloaded the new delay pack. I've tried copying all the delays and putting them into my "shared" folder on my USB stick. That didn't work. I tried creating a "stomp" folder on USB stick like a post earlier in this thread suggested, and that didn't work either. The only options I get when I insert my USB stick (to the front of my KPA) and hit the "external storage" button, is to either format, or backup/restore.


    Well, I was able to import these 51 or 52 DLY presets. Can you format the USB stick and copy DLY presets to "/Shared" folder - check if then you will see Import option.

  • Can someone please give me a step-by-step process of how to install the new delays? I've followed the instructions that came with the new firmware release, but either they're incomplete, or I'm missing something.

    I've updated to firmware 5.0, so I'm all set there. I've downloaded the new delay pack. I've tried copying all the delays and putting them into my "shared" folder on my USB stick. That didn't work. I tried creating a "stomp" folder on USB stick like a post earlier in this thread suggested, and that didn't work either. The only options I get when I insert my USB stick (to the front of my KPA) and hit the "external storage" button, is to either format, or backup/restore.


    make sure your in Browser mode, then import shows up.

  • Also to install the new delay presets without messing with memory sticks and such you can simply reinstall all the factory content under FW 5.0 using the system menu factory rigs restore function which will put all the current FW 5.0 content on the profiler.. And then use RM to put your own content back as the local rig library on the profiler. This is how I did it and it seemed like the fastest easiest way to get there for me.

  • Glorious new delays, but I have also experienced a glitch.

    After playing around with the new delay-presets in browse-mode I headed to perform-mode to update some of my performances. After a bit of editing and switching between slots in a performance the unit suddenly froze. It would generate sound, but not respond to anything else. The remote went blank with noting more than a weak glow from the tempo-LED.

    After turning the chickenhead to off and wait for a few seconds the unit turned off, but with no shutdown message. I then turned it back on to Browser. The unit booted up, and immediately froze again before the remote was up and connected. Try again ... same result. Then I tried disconnecting stuff. First the remote ... no improvement. I discovered that I had left my mac with rig-manager connected to the USB-port after the firmware update. The mac was asleep and shouldn't interfere in any way with the profiler, but after disconnecting the mac the profiler booted up and now seems to run as normal (also with the remote and computer connected).

    During this I haven't seen any error-messages, nor have I yet been able to reproduce the problem. If will contact support if I find a way to reproduce the problem. I think I will revert to 4.2.2 before next gig though.

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    I finally got around to trying them out and they were very inspiring that I just had to put this quick thing together

    KPA used for all tracks including bass.
    Aside from the drums there are :
    1 guitar track for background using Dual Crystal Delay
    1 Lead guitar using dual delay
    1 Bass track using regular 6 strings with Transpose effect at -12
    Didn't add anything in the mix except for some limiting on the master bus, in the little time it was a blast but can't wait to spend more time even though I'm not a big effect guy, but these new delays might turn me into one/

  • I noticed some crackling noise on some delays, right after I hit the string. It happens only on some presets. This evening I will test all of them and report the ones with these problems, I hope it helps the support team. Anyway, so far, the new delays are really awesome, and they are a match to the AX8 ones. We made a 1:1 comparison yesterday.

  • Just a suggestion for those having trouble importing the delay presets: take everything else but the new presets out of your FX presets folder - ie no PDFs or old presets. My first run did not import the presets for some reason - I had Meambobo's presets in the folder and had dragged the pdf in with the presets (copied and pasted the entire folder). Nothing new imported. After moving everything but the new presets out to another folder I re-ran the process and the presets all imported just fine.

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    Hi, it would be great if you can share delay settings in the threat "share your new delay settings" . You find it under tips and tricks


    I suppose one can just post it on a rig in the Exchange, labelled for the effect.

    Others can download the rig and just save the effect as a preset.

    The thread you suggested could name the Profile you've uploaded.

  • funny thing happened here.. I have updated my KPA.. then I tried to install the new delays.. my KPA installed only 10 presets at a time.. I had to re-press import button 6 times in order to load all 51 delay presets :D

    THANK YOU KEMPER TEAM for these fantastic/fun-tastic delays.. Love them!!! :love:

    so let´s ROCK´N´KEMPER_ROLL.. :thumbup:

  • After the announcement of 5.0, I read the description and commented that the features listed in the addendum seemed to put these new delays in the Eventide/Strymon range. Now having finally installed and tried them out some, they seem to be there in terms of sound quality as well. Well done Kemper team! I don't think I'll be using my H9 for much anymore, as I mostly used it for ambient delays and reverbs.

  • Uploading a profile to RX that isn't your own isn't allowed, unfortunately.

    Yeah, I forget that not everyone makes their own profiles.

    I hope they create a preset area for sharing those FX settings.

    I guess for now, folks can save them, or share via Dropbox, as I've read on that thread?

    I look at it this way, it's up to Kemper to create a policy to handle the need so that it doesn't break existing policy.
    Or else people will create solutions in the vacuum. As happened with the "editor."

    On a note here, I'm glad they put out the Beta for public consumption. There are a lot of bugs and a wider set of owners will find them quickly so they can have a tight platform to work on their impending NAMM stuff.

    These Delays are just SO GOOD I truly cannot wait for the Reverbs. This creates an expectation for Reverbs (quality-wise) that will be hard to match, but I'm confident they will. It's good they got the Profiles and Emulations down pat so that a lot of the IT development is directed towards UI, Functionality and new/improved FX. Brilliant business planning. Never seen anything like it.