OS 5.0 Experiences thread

  • Both extremely grateful and very pleased with the new update. If the reverbs should get a makeover sometime in the future then that would be a nice bonus, although I do find the current reverbs pretty good, and perfectly serviceable. However, if the phaser and flanger fx could be given a bit more oomph then I would be totally at one with the world. I would have no need for external stomps whatsoever. My rig would be simplicity itself - just my KPA and my Remote. Here's hoping :) :)

    On a sort of related note - I think that the Kemper team should really push hard to get the guitar press to take a second look at the KPA, and maybe re-review it. After all, it is a much more potent beast now, than when first released. Some people might think that it's getting a little long in the tooth and wrongly dismiss it. I think that there are many more sales to be had, and it needs to be pushed to the front. It's quite astonishing how many guitarists have no idea what a Kemper is, and have never heard of one. I've met quite a few myself.

  • Sad day for me. This was my first unpleasant experience with the Kemper :(

    Been traveling lately and took a day off. Thought to myself, lets check out the new Kemper 5.0 firmware.

    I have been on 3.3 for some time, and really didn't have anything to complain about. Still, I thought it would be good to bring things up to speed now that I would soon be 2 full major revisions behind .... and the new delays really did sound cool from the clips posted here.

    Being careful, I backed up my 3.3 setup. I have spent endless hours tweaking and expanding my rig since 2014, so I really wanted to be careful.

    Ok, so I do the backup, everything looks good. I put the backup on my PC for safe keeping and go on with my updates.

    The 5.0 upgrade worked flawlessly. It was easy to follow the instructions given in this thread to get the new FX presets loaded, and away I went playing around with delay bliss :)

    When I got around to going through my performances that I have been using, I thought I noticed that the distortion seemed a bit on the heavy side. It was almost as if there was added gain to every rig. I pondered this a while, then thought, well, this is easy enough to verify. I will just restore my 3.3 rig and give it another listen.

    Before I do, I create another backup of my 5.0 setup so it will be easier to get back to it after I take a listen to the 3.3 restore.

    Put the backup onto the USB drive, and ...... the backup is "corrupt beyond repair". Hmmm. This isn't a good sign. The Kemper goes into some base setup asking for the date of shipment and my name again like it is fresh out of the box.

    I look at the file and notice that it is 0Kb! Not good.

    I think ... well, I guess I'll go back to the 5.0 beta backup. I check the file.... it is 0Kb also!

    So now here is where I sit:

    • I still have all my purchased rigs, but they are all in their original setup. Tons of work to get everything back where it was.
    • I have a backup from 2014 when I upgraded to 3 or 2 I think, but that wouldn't be much better than just doing all the work again.

    I am NOT happy about this. I also found that there was another 0K backup file from december 2014, so this has been going on for some time I suspect.

    It may be a bad USB stick or something along that line, but whatever it is, I had NO indication that the backup wasn't successful.

    I am now sitting with a REALLY base unit (no rigs) that I have to reload which will take me days of effort.

    Let my pain be your warning. Check your backup files to be sure they actually contain something. The Kemper will not tell you that something went wrong and you will be left with a false sense of security.... and no backup.

  • Thanks for warning.

  • Man, that royally sucks. My condolences.

  • Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... Owwowowowowowoowwwwwwwwwwwww......

    That really really sux, man! I feel for ya! Oucho!!! I've been fortunate as all my backups have been fine
    ever since I've owned a Kemper the first time. and I backup ALL the freaking time... Good luck putting
    the world back together. May find out you do it even better this go 'round. I know I've scrapped some
    rigs I was using and utilized some new ones.

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • Perhaps support can help you somehow @OneEng1, even if the file is 0kb

    I doubt that. 0 information is no information no matter what.

    We don't know if the backup actually was 0kb when it was written to the stick. If it was then I would ask for verification of backups as a new feature. Something along the line of computing a checksum as data are written to the backup-file, and then read the entire backup-file back off the stick compute its checksum and compare. That could eliminate problems such as this one.

  • I doubt that. 0 information is no information no matter what.
    We don't know if the backup actually was 0kb when it was written to the stick. If it was then I would ask for verification of backups as a new feature. Something along the line of computing a checksum as data are written to the backup-file, and then read the entire backup-file back off the stick compute its checksum and compare. That could eliminate problems such as this one.

    Great idea @heldal

    One thing that came to my head now. I am not sure what OS and file explorer @OneEng1 uses - but I use Windows and Total Commander and along filename, extension I have the size column. I would instantly notice if backup type of file is 0kB.

    I guess it is MAC or Windows with regular Explorer...

  • Guys...am I wrong or this beta is really stable and bug free? So far I didn't read of anything in the troubleshooting section nor I have read anything in this thread.

    this makes the release an easy come

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • Well, 5.0 has been stable so far and the new delays are excellent. I love the consideration given to mono compatibility and the other new features are very useful. Brilliant update.

    Thought I'd do something a bit more experimental to show some of the stuff the Kemper can do for noisemakers and avant-garde players, including those making soundtracks. There's some cool delay stuff towards the end. *warning: it's not a 'nice' listen :)

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  • Well, 5.0 has been stable so far and the new delays are excellent. I love the consideration given to mono compatibility and the other new features are very useful. Brilliant update.

    Thought I'd do something a bit more experimental to show some of the stuff the Kemper can do for noisemakers and avant-garde players, including those making soundtracks. There's some cool delay stuff towards the end. *warning: it's not a 'nice' listen :)

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    Nice work!! I also checked your other videos, Good stuff!!

  • Typical, the delays get released when I am on holiday!! What I've heard sounds good so far and pleased to see some straightforward parameters to tweak. I acknowledge there are some new weird and wonderful pad type delays but has anyone dialled in some really nice tape/analog sounds like the El capistan or t Rex replica? I felt the old delays were quite digital sounding so can the new delays get closer to a warmer sound? Or is it the same core delay sound with some ambient extras?

  • Typical, the delays get released when I am on holiday!! What I've heard sounds good so far and pleased to see some straightforward parameters to tweak. I acknowledge there are some new weird and wonderful pad type delays but has anyone dialled in some really nice tape/analog sounds like the El capistan or t Rex replica? I felt the old delays were quite digital sounding so can the new delays get closer to a warmer sound? Or is it the same core delay sound with some ambient extras?

    It's very easy to get that tape echo feeling with the new delays. I think almost all types have the cut off filters, most have the Cut More option to give it more of a tape-like cut off, and most have the Grit and Wow and Flutter parameters.

  • I've experienced this before backing up to USB from within the Kemper. The issue was the USB stick. Works fine in a PC with no issues. I can import effects presets, rigs and impulses made with cab maker no problem. I can even update the firmware with it. Try making a backup with it though, it appears to work without fault till you look at it on your computer and as you say comes up as 0KB in size.

    Another USB stick it works fine. Doesn't matter how or how many times you format it makes no difference.

  • have you stored some old backupfiles from your stick on your computer? I aske because when you rename the .backup file to .tar file and you untar or unzip it you see a folder with your saved rigs in this backup and you can import the rigs again. I hope you have this chance.

  • Hi guys,

    I have to say I am well excited to read all bout this new update.

    Great shared info here which is an awesome addition to the Ref. manual in my view so thank you all.

    I will be setting all up soon and fingers crossed all will be perfect.

    Happy 5.0 and thanks Kemper!

    Music is Key.