What kind of music are you listening to right now?

  • Awesome man.

    I've been a sucker for neo-classical metal since Rising Force hit the streets, which is kinda ironic 'cause I can't imagine ever being able to play it.

    Thanks for sharing, B'nB. ;)

    The latest Stratovarius album makes me feel good, haha. Really a complete great album in my opinion!

    I'm not that old (27) but i'm really a big fan of neo-classical too! :) I have practiced to couple of Yngwie-tracks and maybe neo-classical is what i enjoy most :)

    Here's a guy from a town close to where i grew up!

    Found this now:

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    Guitars: LTD EC-400, LTD Ninja-600 STR & LTD SC-607B - - Bass: LTD TA-600

    Edited 2 times, last by burnedandburied (June 10, 2017 at 2:05 PM).

  • Just found these guys. Definitely not for everyone, but a great sense of fun nonetheless. And pretty out there as mixing genres go. :D

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    Convicted murderer Varg Vikernes has a very Buddha Bar feel on this song. Quite interesting and could induce a trance in the right circumstances (and the right circumstances include the right kind of people listening too) :D

  • Beau Burchell of SAOSIN recently endorsed Hosa & I can't stop listening to their last album.

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    Stay Metal!

  • Fields Of The Nephilim from my youthful days. Still sounds great today. Some amazing guitar tones here...

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  • Great riffs & energy! :thumbup:

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  • Friends of mine. Had great help of them in some of my own songs in my studio

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  • Great blend of electronic sounds and rock guitar:

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    Sufficiently-complicated and rather-epic. Warning: 11-minute track:

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    Something different:

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    Some great prog stuff in here. Warning: 7-minute track:

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    Commercial, radio-friendly offering. Note the heavy TOTO influence:

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  • Another group that recently endorsed Hosa that I'm really digging. All the Katatonia vibes.

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  • A romantic song by Sylosis

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  • Mark Gormley. I'm not even kidding.

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