no delay update no editor still

  • Hey Joe :)

    I won't get mad or insulted as you seem to get.

    Not sure I'm translating this properly. Are you saying that I seem to get mad at your post or offended by you? This is not the case at all!

    Sorry but I do not live in a sterile world.

    Not sure what you mean by that, none of us does.
    But surely some of us have a hard time identifying themselves in others' world, so they may perceive it as "sterile".

    I do have to mention though, there is not much I find more annoying than when people quote you verbatim, line for line on a forum.

    What are your goals with this type of display?

    Oh, I'm sorry it annoyes you. it's just a practical way for me to underline what I am commenting about rather than having my post sound "generic", when I don't want it to be such.
    OTOH, I found that being quoted verbatim helps me to not write just what first comes out of my mind just because I can.

    But wow wow wow wow, on and on is just plain silly.

    Well Joe, aren't you getting a bit too much personal here?
    You decide I get mad, I get insulted, I do annoying and even silly things...

    It's a shame that the news about delays leaked so early.

    Mhhh... They were actually demonstrated, although not systematically or comprehensively... it's something more than leaking and I guess it has to do with the expectations.
    Having said that, I have to add I find this kind of whining a bit out of place, and definitely useless.

  • Hi Joe,

    I'm not sure I agree about the Strymon's being easier to edit.

    Prior to the Kemper entering my life, I had a single channel amp and a pedalboard full of commercial and home-made stomp boxes.

    I don't gig often but I can remember we had a couple of gigs coming up where I'd carefully made patches on the Timeline and Mobius for pretty much every song in the set. For the second gig, we changed the running order. As we were very, very quick-fire, I wanted the running order to be glitch free so I had to move all the presets. It took me forever to move everything around in the Strymons! It also took me a looooong while to program them in the first place.
    As well as the feedback and mix knobs in the Kemper, there are the four knobs pointing to the display which can all handle parameters. The Timeline has 7 knobs. Thing is, the 'grit' knob isn't always doing 'grit' is it? You have to know the delay in question. At least on the Kemper, if you're doing a weird and wonderful delay where you can alter the 'gurgle factor' then at least the software can write 'gurgle factor' over the relevant knob.

    Don't get me wrong - they're great, tweakable pedals and IMO from a sonic viewpoint they do indeed beat the current Kemper software in these aspects..... But there can be *a lot* of scrolling involved to get under the hood in those things and you're having to rely on a pretty crude display to get you there as opposed to the LCD on the Kemper. I think that, from a tweak-ability point of view, there is no reason why the Kemper cannot be superior to these pedals in the future. From a sound point of view, I am as in the dark as any other regular user but, as they have shocked the entire industry with the amp profiles, I think they've got a good chance of surprising me in a pleasant way :)

  • Everyone know a forum wont make a difference to Kemper and they release when ready. So no point to have bitter or make demands. So instead make this fun while we wait. Place odds on release. 30:1 before winter NAMM. 20:1 release 1 month after NAMM, etc.

  • Feel free to flame me, but after waiting for those promised delays, I bought an AX8 with the cash I would have laid out for a few Strymon pedals for my Kemper. I figured maybe I'd use the AX8 as a standalone unit a times, and other times in the effects loop of the Kemper for delays, etc.

    The AX8, however, has relegated my KPA to an expensive decoration.

    Since being released last fall, Fractal has released 3 major firmware updates with significant feature updates and tone upgrades.

    I am in love with the AX8 editor, which was also just upgraded.

    My answer to the "just play and shut up" crowd around here is that many who are attracted to modeling and profiling technology, tweaking is part of the fun. Tweaking and paging around on the Kemper front panel, though, just sucks. Especially when compared to their biggest competitor's solution.

    Then again, maybe I'm just a gear whore who has officially reached the grouchy "get of my lawn" stage in life.

    Play on, fellas.

  • the "just play and shut up" crowd

    As for me, feel free to make music with whatever rocks your boat!

    Certainly better than going on complaining ;)

    Tweaking and paging around on the Kemper front panel

    Mhhh... I have used an Axe-Fx... it certainly needed an editor. As for the KPA, I don't find editing its parameters from the unit itself sucks at all: most of its settings are two clicks away. But I'd certainly love a robust and consistent preset manager (cabs included).

    significant feature updates and tone upgrades

    8o Luckily, the Profiler has undergone no significant tone upgrade since it came out... I'd hate that.
    I would not ascribe the need for a device for a tone upgrade as a merit ... let alone three X/


  • I feel you. There are those that really like to tweak. The Kemper is obviously NOT for everyone; however, it is designed "right" for many .... if not most people who are in its target market IMO.

    The Kemper pretty religiously gets the nod for the best "tube amp tone" out there. It is also easier to get "your tone" with IMO. Sure ..... not nearly as many settings as the Axe line of products, but then again, for those that simply want to "get their tone" and play, it is pretty tough to beat the Kemper.

    I will give the AX8 some credit though. Having an integrated single foot controller is going to get some portion of the market.

    Kemper, on the other hand, still gets the nod for the most "Gig Friendly" setup with its single cable running across the stage. I don't know about you guys, but for me, my gig area footprint is very important. With my Kemper Rack, I have a set of short cables hooked into my patch panel on the rack holding my Kemper and a single Ethercon connection to my foot controller connected and booted in under 5 minutes.

    Would I like an editor? Sure. In fact, if I had as much time as I did when I was younger, I would likely be writing one myself instead of posting this in a Forum ;) Does it make the Kemper less attractive to me? Nope.

    Personally, I like getting the best profiles others have worked on (either free or for purchase) and then quickly tweaking them to my taste. My time is better spent playing.

    The Fractal guys do have a point when it comes to the efx. That seems to be a particularly strong suit for them. I think that most people that gig more seriously tend to have fewer (and less) efx, and more pure tube tone in their rigs .... at least that is more of my setup.

  • If I may be silly and bold at the same time...

    Has someone bothered to suggest to the Kemper guys that many of us would like an editor too?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Regarding Delays:
    From what I read here (didn't do research!) Kemper gave a sneak-peak of what they're working at (delays) at NAMM like perhaps most companies do there. Obviously they communicated that they plan on releasing some new dealys and things before the end of the year back then. That isn't a contract from my point of view, right? So ok I am just an amateur and I am happy having had the possibility to buy a Kemper, so if you guys all are professionals earning money with your music and those delays are just what is missing that is sure annoying, but as said nobody guaranteed anything as far as I can see. So please don't complain about an update that still can arrive on time (from what Kemper did communicate) that they wouldn't even be obliged to give to us but trying to satisfy our wishes. And as far as I can see they are doing a really good job, don't they?

    Regarding Editor:
    I can see the practical side of an editor for sure but I think Kemper put quite some energy into the front panel user interface. I think it is better than many other high-tech units physical interface and I really appreciate not being forced to carry a computer to be able to edit things but cannot deny that it might be practical to have one. Here two worlds collide: Philosophy of a company with their product and the way user tend to work with the product.

  • If you use the filter "Editor" to surch for forum titel you will find 123 ;) I think the request is not new and is many times asked for :D

    Thanks and sorry for the dumb question, but I have assumed before and been burned for it....

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user