no delay update no editor still

  • Would LOVE to see an editor too, but would also like a "easy" backup and restore method without having to uncompress and zip TAR files back and forth just to edit.

    Sorry, I'll go back under my rock now...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • HUGE

    1. Of exceedingly great size, extent, or quantity. See Synonyms at enormous.
    2. Of exceedingly great scope or nature: the huge influence of the Hellenic world.
    3. Informal Contributing in a major way to success; very important: The defensive line was huge in the second half.


    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (September 17, 2016 at 7:12 PM).

  • I'm sure delays will come when the KPA team feel they are ready. I trust the KPA team and am sure they will make it worth the wait

    Agree 100%, but I can't blame people for getting a little impatient when we are teased with them sooooo far in advance. I'm torn - I love that we get a preview of what's next, but it's a shame there's such a big gap between reveal and beta.

  • Unless someone is implying that Kemper is playing with their customers like a cat with a mouse, I can't see the sense of complaining. Kemper first have everything to gain from a further function being available, and if a certain characteristic has been announced and it's late be certain that Kemper are losing money much more than us.
    We should just do like they do.

  • Agree 100%, but I can't blame people for getting a little impatient when we are teased with them sooooo far in advance. I'm torn - I love that we get a preview of what's next, but it's a shame there's such a big gap between reveal and beta.

    Yea the "February" thing could have been handled a bit better im thinking, but it is what it is..., and when it is finally released, We will all be THUNDERSTRUCK!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (September 17, 2016 at 11:58 PM).

  • I'd love the delays now too but the company will have their reasons to 'delay the delays'. They've got a product that is already great and they want it to be better still from both a pride perspective and for commercial reasons; the better it is, the more happy customers say good things on-line and the more potential buyers you have.

    If they're not out, it's because they're not right yet either from a sound, coolness or stability standpoint. One fear of anyone using a digital device is stability and so far the Kemper has been rock solid for me. They'll have no interest in releasing something that isn't stable and, from a sound and inspiration viewpoint, very cool indeed.

    For sure I'm excited and they can't come soon enough but I'd rather the addition be awe inspiring and stable rather than an also-ran so waiting is the best option. Knowing them, it's possible that there might be other cool stuff in there too besides delays :)

  • If they're not out, it's because they're not right yet either from a sound, coolness or stability standpoint. One fear of anyone using a digital device is stability and so far the Kemper has been rock solid for me. They'll have no interest in releasing something that isn't stable and, from a sound and inspiration viewpoint, very cool indeed.

    We understand this but the problem is no one know WHEN to expect release. We hear 'coming soon' bur what does that mean? Even to have a rough idea help men decide to wait or buy gear to fill the missing effect.

  • We understand this but the problem is no one know WHEN to expect release. We hear 'coming soon' bur what does that mean? Even to have a rough idea help men decide to wait or buy gear to fill the missing effect.

    Demanding a release date on update software is not something we as "product users" even own, so its not really ours to demand or are privy to, just as we not privy to dates for Line 6 updates, or Fractal updates, or Windows updates, just because we want to know. We are granted a license to "use" it. We don't own it. Now if the company states that in February something HUGE is going to happen and then it doesn't, then we have the option to ask why it didn't happen when they said, and then they dont have to answer us X/ . But to demand they tell us a specific date of release is just asking a bit much. It is their company and their software after all, and if they choose NOT to EVER release another thing to us (the user), thats their business (regardless if it cost them their jobs, their income, their product line). That said I too want it to be released, but holding a virtual gun to their heads over a sale or 3 just wont work man...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited 5 times, last by spikey (September 18, 2016 at 7:28 AM).

  • I think an editor should be on the table. That's one of the reasons I liked TC Electronic, they always had a wonderful and easy interface on their racks, and still came out with an editor later, hell even their pedals have an editor! Or even Digitech with their GSP1101 right out of the gate had one, etc, etc.. In the computer age, it shoudl just be there, period. Nothing beats seeing it all nice and huge on a big screen, and with laptops and such, even on stage, etc.. The delays and such should have come first before this morph thing. Standard effects ALWAYS have a need and can eliminate other equipment used which is always good, special gimmicky effect things only interest a few.

    I'm sure Kemper will get there, and with many people showing interest that helps any company know if it is worth the effort, etc... For the people who say silly things like "Its not needed" or "We have no right to ask" etc., I think these people should pay xtra for upgrades. Such groveling loyalty is worth something. ;)

    Lastly, I'm sure our Kempers have hardware limits? Eventually out of nowhere will come the Kemper 2! with everything we were asking, haha... Well, that is what happened to all the Axe Ultra users, and Ebay was loaded with guys trying to get some $$$. Save your money early. ;)

  • Quote

    Lastly, I'm sure our Kempers have hardware limits? Eventually out of nowhere will come the Kemper 2! with everything we were asking, haha... Well, that is what happened to all the Axe Ultra users, and Ebay was loaded with guys trying to get some $$$. Save your money early.

    I actually sold my Ultra 2 weeks before they said what the "big news" was. 8)
    Yea there are hardware limits- Im not sure that Kemper has reached it yet.

    But Ya know, that may be what the hold up is..., err putting their resources elsewhere atm eh?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • As I said before it is my guess they are reaching hardware limits.
    This is why, I believe, the effects are taking so long. Maybe even why they seem to be against an editor.

    It is also my guess that they will not be as awesome as many are expecting.
    There may be some give and take when they are finally released because of these limitations.

    These are my hypotheses. They ain't talking, so this is what we must do......hypothesize.

    I gave up on both. The effects and the editor.
    If and when they release any of this, I probably wouldn't use them anyway.
    Maybe an editor but that depends on what it would do and how well.

    I got tired of waiting so I bought all 3 of the big Strymons.
    I don't care what they do, the KPA simply will not match them.

    With these pedals it will minimize my need for an editor. Configuring the KPA effects would have been my big reason for an editor.
    I definitely understand why others would want them built in though. Minimizing the gear for the ones who play beyond their home.

    Another good possibility for the delays could be that they found they needed an editor for the effects.
    The more variables, the more scrolling you will need to do.