• A "were working on it" sticky would be a nice pre- holiday gift... ^^

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I have been wanting an editor from day one.
    But to be honest, I question the existing Kemper teams ability to create a modern full fledge graphical interface.
    I really like what they created with the KPA but as far as the KPAs physical design goes, it is quite basic regardless of what amazing sounds come from it.
    Rig manager is pretty basic too.
    If they did, or are building an editor I would guess it would be pretty basic/ generic in its interface also.
    I would like for them to prove me wrong but until they do I will have my opinion.
    Hell, they aint talking, so.............

    This has been asked for by many for a long time.
    To be honest I find it a bit rude to not come right out and answer peoples questions directly about this.
    But this is just my opinion. I bought the Kemper for a price and I was not promised anything more so I cant rightly complain.
    It is more an opinion of mine regarding their customer relations.

    Fire away. My skin is VERY thick. :)

  • I have been wanting an editor from day one.
    But to be honest, I question the existing Kemper teams ability to create a modern full fledge graphical interface.
    I really like what they created with the KPA but as far as the KPAs physical design goes, it is quite basic regardless of what amazing sounds come from it.Rig manager is pretty basic too.
    If they did, or are building an editor I would guess it would be pretty basic/ generic in its interface also.

    An editor with a basic design is better than nothing. Hell, I would even pay for an editor.

  • i could not believe when i realized there was no official software editor.

    realtime profile editing is a BASIC feature

    to my understanding this should have been developed from day 1 and it´s, by far, the biggest weakness of the KPA.

  • i could not believe when i realized there was no official software editor.

    realtime profile editing is a BASIC feature

    to my understanding this should have been developed from day 1 and it´s, by far, the biggest weakness of the KPA.

    Real time profile editing was there from day one. Just like any other amp, Kemper has bass/middle/treble/presence knobs.
    What exactly do you need PC based editor for? Just curious. Only reason I can think of is having Kemper too far away from the desk to reach out to turn some knobs.

    p.s. I'd not mind having an editor, but it's not a necessity.

  • Real time profile editing was there from day one. Just like any other amp, Kemper has bass/middle/treble/presence knobs.
    What exactly do you need PC based editor for? Just curious. Only reason I can think of is having Kemper too far away from the desk to reach out to turn some knobs.

    p.s. I'd not mind having an editor, but it's not a necessity.

    All our work is done in DAWs. Having to move away is a drag. Having an editor increases work flow and makes everything easier.

    Not a necessity, but a timesaver.

    Edited once, last by PhilUK84 (November 1, 2015 at 9:52 PM).

  • If you have DAW vst editor - you can automate almost every parameter of the KPA in your DAW - that what was my point to create community editor thread.
    So if you reamping - you colud add some gain , reverb and use all posible combination from the KPA effects just by changing them in the editor.
    So +1 for this.

  • Mine is also thick :D Read >>>THIS<<< - in my opinion creating catchy user interface is not a problem. Problem is that the list of amps and cabs is not static - what is on the other side great advantage ;)

    Another problem in my thesis is that rig contains actual amp cab and fx, while patch/profile in competition is just settings of amp/cab/fx. Why it is a "problem" that rig/profile in Kemper contains actual amp/cab? ABytime you import stuff to Kemper it has to check if it already exists in Kemper. Synchronization related problems - nobody likes to wait 2 minutes while Kemper checks anything... ;)

  • +1 for an editor. i keep going back and forth between the kemper and the axe. i love the sounds of the kemper but the ease of working with the editor with the axe is where i usually end up. im more comfortable tweaking on the computer than pushing physical buttons. rig manager is cool but as stated before almost every modeler has some sort of software editor. as long as im bitching here (sounds like it but not meant this way), i would also like to have some more effect choices . once again axe has some killer distortion pedals (imo) like tube driver and zendrive. sure would like to see some of this come the kemper way. i love the kemper tones . just my hopes for future tweaks.

  • Gotta say, the lack of an editor at this point in the KPA's lifecycle is a little ridiculous. The Atomic guys manage to make it happen, I think on day one, with Amplifire - a $600 product...

    Simple interface, but get it's job done - do you need anything fancy?

    [Blocked Image: http://s8.postimg.org/ld0itpxth/ampli1.jpg]

    250$ ZOOM G5 has one:

    [Blocked Image: http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51a4d8c2e4b0d5c254dda6d1/t/547fdff4e4b0d77d6ee49784/1417666548882/text_img_3106.jpg]

  • Simple interface, but get it's job done - do you need anything fancy?

    [Blocked Image: http://s8.postimg.org/ld0itpxth/ampli1.jpg]

    Along with the Kemper, I have an Amplifire, and their application, while not the sexiest thing in the world, is very capable and easy to use.

    Maybe it's just me waiting for things to break, but as I work through settings, effects, etc on the Kemper, I wonder how much longer the rotaries and buttons would last if I had an PC or Mac-based editor to use while building patches.

    And while building the wish list, how about a firmware modification to accept a "Kemper-approved" USB bluetooth receiver and build an app for Android/iOS? Now that would be tasty.