• +1

    I love the unit and I really hope that we'll get the PC control software soon.
    Everytime I get some new guitars in my studio I get that bad feeling in my stomach when I turn the pots while I'm browsing through my library...

  • i don't know about the technical backgrounds... but not all of the stuff has to be loaded in the first place. just load the last selected preset and get the thing running. things like profiling routines can be loaded in the background once the unit is running. but it would be better for live use to have a minimum boot-time in case the unit has to be rebooted live.

    I would NEVER operate a piece of microprocessor based gear live without being connected to a UPS. With all the power problems I've experienced over the years at live venues operating without a UPS is just asking for trouble.

  • Well - won't agree. If you have defined precise requirements for software, and strong focus on testing since the very beginning you may have bug free software :)

    Working for software developer I can asure you, that this is not possible. Just because you can not test any given scenario from the real world. You need people to report bugs showing up under their unique circumstances. That's one reason why there are betas... :)

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I pray that the guys who develop software for car brakes or airbag are not listening to you and continue to produce bug-free software. ;) It depends on the energy (and the cost) you put in the tests, validation and verification. In this case, for good and free products, i accept tons of bugs :) !

  • Working for software developer I can asure you, that this is not possible. Just because you can not test any given scenario from the real world. You need people to report bugs showing up under their unique circumstances. That's one reason why there are betas... :)

    No need to assure me :) been in many roles Software Development Process Lifecycle. Well, applications cannot perform any given actions form the real world, because applications should be created upon precisely identifies and countable Users' Requirements which then you translate to User Stories and upon which Test Scenarios are created.

    And if you create application from user's requests like: I want this, this should be, this should be like on iTunes, you get mess :) And what someone finds a feature another one may see as defect.

    And if you don't have clear requirements, you don't plan testing activities from the very beginning, yeah lots of bugs to pop out in the production then :) But we're getting out of topic here :)

  • No need to assure me :) been in many roles Software Development Process Lifecycle. Well, applications cannot perform any given actions form the real world, because applications should be created upon precisely identifies and countable Users' Requirements which then you translate to User Stories and upon which Test Scenarios are created.

    And if you create application from user's requests like: I want this, this should be, this should be like on iTunes, you get mess :) And what someone finds a feature another one may see as defect.

    And if you don't have clear requirements, you don't plan testing activities from the very beginning, yeah lots of bugs to pop out in the production then :) But we're getting out of topic here :)

    Yes, think we're in sync. What you describe are the processes at my workspace. Huge system, close to PLM, a lot of testing. Bugs nevertheless^^. But getting OT, you're right here, too :)

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • I pray that the guys who develop software for car brakes or airbag are not listening to you and continue to produce bug-free software. ;) It depends on the energy (and the cost) you put in the tests, validation and verification. In this case, for good and free products, i accept tons of bugs :) !

    Don't know about the car industry, but there is a reason why aircrafts always have two separat systems... But we're getting OT :)
    Btw: We've seen software for airbags in the past that was NOT bug free, haven't we?

    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band: vimeo.com/10419626[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

    Edited 2 times, last by Fireloogie (October 28, 2015 at 1:29 PM).

  • That's really puzzling that there's still no software editor for the Kemper. I know the hardware interface is nice and quick but I don't think there's even a need to discuss why a software editor is almost mandatory for all digital devices at this day and age.

  • Yes, think we're in sync. What you describe are the processes at my workspace. Huge system, close to PLM, a lot of testing. Bugs nevertheless^^. But getting OT, you're right here, too :)

    That's really puzzling that there's still no software editor for the Kemper. I know the hardware interface is nice and quick but I don't think there's even a need to discuss why a software editor is almost mandatory for all digital devices at this day and age.

    Well I guess the problem might be we got RigManagement (managing the rigs through the folders, editing the tags of particular rigs) tool some time ago and most of folks desire RigEdit tool (editing rigs - creating new ones from scratch, by choosing amp, effects, cabs and so on) and we don't know if HQ puts more energy on improving RigManager or creating RigEditor, or incorporating current functionality of RigaManager into RigEditor (if it is any...)

    And only HQ know where they are :)