Enable 2 expression pedals to morph 2 different parameters withing 1 rig

  • Since I have bought 2 expression pedal and hooked them to Kemper I spent some time playing with new possibilities.
    Today however I had an idea to try if it's possible to use 2 expression pedals to morph 2 different parameters withing 1 rig.
    In my case I wanted just change mix of phaser and later mix of chorus while playing with 1 song/backing track.
    Unfortunately EXP2 pedal does the same thing as EXP1 pedal if both pedals are set to function "Morph Pedal".

  • I am guessing this might not be doable since you essentially are asking to have two 'destination' rigs from you base rig but who knows what the Kemper team can do?

    I am asking to control 2 different continuous parameters of the rig (in my case Mix % of 2 stomp boxes that are part of the rig) .
    Simpler: can you control Gain amount with pedal1 and Middle amount with pedal2?

  • Right, I understand what you are asking but I am commenting that I don't believe its possible based upon what I understand of how morphing is accomplished. But I could be wrong, hope I am wrong, and have no problem supporting your request conceptually even if I don't think its possible.

  • Could you do this with one expression pedal? Set one effect at minimum and the other at maximum at heel position. Then do the reverse at toe position.

    Of course, if you want both morphed parameters at maximum at some point of time, or to adjust them independently, this would not work.

    Until this feature becomes available, you'll have to use different performances to accomplish this.

  • Could you do this with one expression pedal? Set one effect at minimum and the other at maximum at heel position. Then do the reverse at toe position.

    Of course, if you want both morphed parameters at maximum at some point of time, or to adjust them independently, this would not work.

    Until this feature becomes available, you'll have to use different performances to accomplish this.

    It's not as flexible having the two parameters linked together... A lot of times I want to increase reverb without the delay also. It would also be nice to be able to control other parameters with those little nose expression pedals. All rig independent! wow! I would love to be able to do more!

  • Well, it could be an interesting feature. (A practical value for live performance I do not see for me)

    It would only senseful if for each parameter a new value is able to be stored at the minimum. If we assume that the ramps (if switch are used) would be the same for both morph functions.
    But I doubt that Kemper wants again a further increase of the data structure in this moment. The last was not so easy.

  • I don't know if this will help, but I have a Ground Control Pro and 4 expression pedals and continuous controlling 4 things all via midi - 2 expression inputs on the Ground Control, then I added an addition 3 midi inputs with a cool box I found from Australia or somewhere can't remember the name right off but it's awesome. All midi is completely wireless so my pedalboard has no cables running from it to the Kemper, just power cable and that's all. It's pretty sweet...

    Pedal 1 = dedicated volume mix
    Pedal 2 = dedicated delay mix
    Pedal 3 = dedicated reverb mix
    Pedal 4 = depending on preset, it's either morph, pitch shifting or wah

    Then the Ground Control Pro has 8 switches to activate or deactivate the 8 slots on the Kemper for various FX depending on the preset and if not controlling Kemper slots, I am controlling something on one or both of my Eventide H9s mounted in the back of the rack in the FX loop.

    So while you can't have more than one pedal dedicated to the actual "morph" feature, you can control anything that can be modulated via midi cc#'s and only limited by the number of expression inputs you have available.

    I will eventually do a demo to show how it a works but it's the most flexible rig I've ever had and can do just about anything I've ever dreamed of functionality wise though the RJM MasterMind would provide the ultimate functionality I am REALLY dreaming of but nothing I NEED to be able to do so I'm good for now.

    Anyway I don't know if that helps expand any possibilities you may be looking for or not but I hope it helps in some way!

    One last thing is if you don't have something like a Ground Control Pro you can purchase this guy which is what I bought to add 3 more expression pedal inputs :


    I purchased the Midi Expression iO - it's only $139 and it would allow you to do everything you are doing with the physical expression inputs on the back of the Kemper via Midi and free those up to do even more stuff.



  • Hi yes good idea. I also need to morph 2 things independently....

    I would like to change 1 by pressing the preset button again (volume) and 1 by the expression pedal (delay feedback). I don't want to use a boost stomp because that will cost me a slot.

    I have asked to add the delay feedback under the assignable expression pedal functions.

    See feature request:

    Add "Delay Feedback" to the list of assignable expression pedal functions

  • Since I have bought 2 expression pedal and hooked them to Kemper I spent some time playing with new possibilities.
    Today however I had an idea to try if it's possible to use 2 expression pedals to morph 2 different parameters withing 1 rig.
    In my case I wanted just change mix of phaser and later mix of chorus while playing with 1 song/backing track.
    Unfortunately EXP2 pedal does the same thing as EXP1 pedal if both pedals are set to function "Morph Pedal".

    Morphing is great for complex changes of multiple parameters.
    It would be great to be able to assign each pedal to any parameter (just 1 per pedal) with an adjustable min and max.

    this would need to be saved per rig and not globally. I opened this request for this:

    your request for 2 exp. pedals could be a great addition to this.

  • Cool setup. May I know what wireless midi solution you are using?

  • I would love to have that poss

    Since I have bought 2 expression pedal and hooked them to Kemper I spent some time playing with new possibilities.
    Today however I had an idea to try if it's possible to use 2 expression pedals to morph 2 different parameters withing 1 rig.
    In my case I wanted just change mix of phaser and later mix of chorus while playing with 1 song/backing track.
    Unfortunately EXP2 pedal does the same thing as EXP1 pedal if both pedals are set to function "Morph Pedal".

    I would love to have that possibility ! 8) :thumbup: