Hey All! Trying to join the gang. Financing Suggestions please.

  • Hey Serious Kemper Dudes.
    My name is Dan and I have been lurking since the beginning of the toaster. Anyway, I lusted after the axe and then the Kemper and back to the axe and now back to Kemper and STAYING with Kemper. I have yet to own either, don't laugh yet, lol. Anyway, I have 3 kids and have been disabled, for the past 8 years. Unfortunately I can no longer work, so sucks. My daughter also has Downs Syndrome and Autism. Not revealing that info for a pity party or anything, I hate that shit, to be honest. I am trying to paint a picture of my financial status. I am on a fixed income basically. I have been playing for 35 years and am DEAD serious, about my guitars and tone. I have rack gear and an amp but I can no longer move it! So for the past 8 years I have been home practicing, writing, and trying to make ends meet, while lusting after a rack solution in the form of an axe or Kemper, The Kemper wins hands down, even though the axe is a close second. I don't use a ton of effects. I am a tube amp, volume knob and done, kinda guy. I am going to make a serious run for the Kemper Rack hopefully, by selling everything I have. Is there any particular financing option that would be kind to someone in my situation? (United States BTW ) I want to finish my solo album so bad and NEED, :rolleyes: , to re-amp/re-play it all, through a Kemper. I have an eleven rack, but I just can't settle, knowing this box has all my favorite amps in it and then some. Thanks in advance and I appreciate any advice you guys might have.


  • Also, if you call them directly, they will offer you better discounts than you can get online. A few months ago I needed two new speakers and called Sweetwater, they not only had a few recent returns that they would sell me at a 25% reduction but also offered an additional discount of 25% over the phone. I was one happy guy after that call!

  • Thanks for the welcome and replies. 24 mos no interest, wow! I will look for that ASAP. My goal is just get one and spend some the first couple weeks dialing in what I need and then spend the rest of my LIFE, playing!! No more GAS, is my dream. Lets hope next time I post, it is with news of how much I am loving the Kemper. Thanks again to you all.

  • A heartfelt welcome, Dan!

    I have 3 kids and have been disabled, for the past 8 years. Unfortunately I can no longer work, so sucks. My daughter also has Downs Syndrome and Autism. Not revealing that info for a pity party or anything, I hate that shit, to be honest. I am trying to paint a picture of my financial status. I am on a fixed income basically.

    Physical challenges here also for the past 30 years (since 18), Dan. Very-low, fixed income too. I feel your frustration.

    I want to finish my solo album so bad

    Oh man. If the knowledge that I've lived through that very-same frustration for decades helps any, I'm glad, Dan. You poor bugger. This shit shouldn't interfere with art, but unfortunately in the modern world, it does.

    I've said this before, but I honestly believe that we can use this protracted wait and frustration for the betterment of our eventual output. Keep stoking that fire in the belly, brother; I believe your suffering will pay artistic dividends.

    I have an eleven rack

    Well, there's the first thing that can go. One tiny step towards paying for the Kemper.

    My goal is just get one and spend some the first couple weeks dialing in what I need and then spend the rest of my LIFE, playing!! No more GAS, is my dream

    I've gotta laugh. For me it's other gear necessary for recording, but the same deal. After all these decades I never want to have to deal technology complications, delays and burdens again, plus there's all that music-making lost time to make up for, which, I'm sure, burdens you too.

    Interestingly, we've got a new member here as of only a few days ago who's had to deal with this long-term health-challenge stuff too, so you can rest assured that you won't be alone or not taken seriously in KemperLand™!

    Aside from that, as you seem to have noticed, the forum is awesome, and bursting at the seems with talented (and not-so-talented in my case), kind, generous, empathetic musicians who share the same passions you do, so how can you possibly go wrong? Things are lookin' up the minute you buy into the Kemper family, I reckon brother.

  • Thanks from the bottom of my heart Monkey Man. I appreciate you chiming in and taking the time to read my post. It makes me feel very welcome and will be an honor to work with you. You have a lot more time than I, in the trenches of ruin and you honestly cannot relate to our mountains, until you have walked a mile in those shoes. Pair of shoes, you damn sure don't want to be wearing, lol. Anyway, we do what we do to escape the medical crap and produce something of value to us and those that want to listen. I will make a piece of art with the Kemper that everyone will dig, for sure. That will be my contribution to society and the community here at Kemper. I look forward to hearing some glorious tones, that will inspire me to do what I do best, and that's JAM! \m/

  • Oh yeah! You'll be jammin', mate.

    Yeah, we best keep those shoes under lock and key; just trying them on for size is likely to kill some! LOL

    I'll let you get back to eyeing off your gear whilst having those all-too-familiar conversations with yourself as to what you could live without if pressed... hard... hang in there, mate, and thank you for thanking me!

  • Thanks for all the well wishes. I had a good chunk saved and was on the way to the Kemper, then my hot water
    tank took a crap, leaking all over my basement. No Kemper for me, that shot me down big time. Ah well, life as
    a home owner, I guess. Hot water is more important to my family, than good tone. For me I could go without, lol.