Wait for 5.0 or buy an H9?

  • Hey guys, my KPA was sent out for repair and I'm getting it back on Monday. While it's been gone I've been looking into some alternatives to get some beautiful reverbs/delays... I know that they said new verbs and delays are coming but who knows when and I'm tired of waiting. lol

    Is it worth it for me to buy a H9 and run it in the loop of my KPA for those effects that I want... or do I just keep on waiting... I love the all in one solution of the KPA and I'll have to do some serious homework to figure out how to store all the presets according to my rig but my patience is wearing thin.

    What do you guys think? Any experience with a KPA and a H9?


  • I bought a used ms-70cdr and have a box for it that makes it midi compatible. It's no h9 sound wise, I'm still drooling for Bigsky and h9, but it's a very nice addition to have and I will (try to) wait for 5. After that it's pointless to buy external effects pedal in my use (I keep saying to myself :)
    But i know that after 5.0 and its delays I will keep drooling reverbs and so on... it's endless :D

  • 7 months is a long time to wait! lol :) I'm going to go pick up an H9 right now. I really love what I'm hearing from it. The Zoom is great too but I haven't got along with Zoom pedals in the past... Just not the sound I'm looking for. I'll see how it sounds... I have 30 days to return it.

    What are the chances we get these promised delays/reverbs in the next 30 days? hahaha :P

  • I run a H9Max in my KPA Loop, and between the two, I have not yet found a tone that is not achievable. It's a great combination. The delays coming to the KPA, will add even more to the possibilities. My suggestion, if you have the cash, get an H9 to go along with your KPA, you'll probably find that's all you need. FYI, the new "Sculpt" algorithm for the H9 is killer.

  • I have an H9 max in the loop as well. It really can do anything, and therefore it's always another option for every effect under the sun. However, I tend to just use the Kemper's effects just out of simplicity and use the H9 only when I need the advanced ambient stuff that the Kemper can't currently do. At the same time, you can't get spillover when toggling the X slot, you can only get it by changing rigs and sending a midi message to the H9 telling it to turn off. So if that's an important feature, understand that this forces you to organize things around this limitation. Supposedly the KPA team has been working on midi enhancements which I suspect they'll roll out with the new delays and reverbs. If there's an effect you absolutely can't live without that the Kemper doesn't do at the moment, I'd consider just getting a used single effect pedal that does it now and wait and see how the Kemper's turn out. I purchased a line 6 m5 for $125 3 years ago when the Kemper didn't have pitch effects yet, as I needed that sound for a couple songs.

  • i have an H9 Maxx with a 4 cable config for the crunch station which you want to run in Pre modes...it is fantastic tool and sounds great also..looking to add an fractal FX 8 at some point..but the jury is still out on that one, depending on 5.0. you can't go wrong with the H9 though

  • I didn't get it yet... still deciding. Just incase I get it tho, can someone explain how to hook it up in the FX loop but in stereo mode.

    Right now, my KPA outs are going into an RME babyface and then out to 2 powered monitors.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Not sure how reliable this information is, but after doing a google search and reading the below, I decided to hold off on buying an H9 and just wait for these delays. Once 5.0 delays are released and I get a chance to hear what they are capable of, I may only consider an H9 after that. This is only info on delays, I've found nothing about new reverbs.


    OS 5.0 Delays

    While there are a large number of delay effects listed in OS 5.0, they all boil down to a few core delay types with different features available:

    Two-Tap Delay - features two delays that function in tandem, not independently. The first setting is the baseline setting, while the other is the offset of the first. So you can get pairs of delays such as 100ms, 120ms, 200ms, 220ms, 300ms, 320ms...
    Serial Delay - this is essentially two delays built into one effect, with the output of the first feeding directly into the input of the second. The second delay will repeat the raw guitar as well as the trails of the first.
    Dual Delay - two fully independent delays functioning in parallel. Thus, you can have 30ms, 60ms, 90ms, 120ms... in the left field and 100ms, 200ms, 300ms... in the right.
    Melody Delay - this is similar to the two-tap delay in that the same delay pattern will repeat against the first delay's baseline time; however, each delay here can be set to different pitch-shifter settings. Variants for chromatic and harmony pitch-shifting are provided. This can be used to play arpeggios or scales via delay trails.
    Many of the new delays have the same great feature set, with two different kinds of modulation, (transient) smearing, attack swelling, reversing, hold/infinite feedback, crystal/shimmer (progressive pitch-shifting in the feedback loop), and both tape distortion and wow/flutter emulation.

    But perhaps the most interesting new feature is Super Stereo on the Stereo parameter. Stereo can be set to <0.0> at dead center, which means each of the delays will be panned to center. Moving left to -100% or right to 100% pans each delay full L/R or the opposite R/L. Going beyond 100% up to 200% in either direction engages "Super Stereo", which uses some EQ or phase trickery to make the delays sound even wider and even three-dimensional, like they are coming from the sides and back of the room.

  • this depends how soon you need effects of 5.0 delay because no one knows when Kemper release.. maybe next month, next year who knows. if this is like 4.0 it was 4 months after January NAMM until release 4.0 beta. Men have to delay gratification or find other option if you need stimulated now.

  • I don't see that info on the page you linked to??? Regardless, if that info is correct, it really sounds like they're going after Eventide!