Clean Sense isn't working properly

  • I just played the input video for the first time since I bought my Kemper Profiler several years ago.

    Doing so I realized that my clean sense isn't working. It works a little but no where near the degree that it does in the video. When I have my gain at 0 and turn clean sense all the way up and play. It still doesn't sound as loud as the when the gain is turned up to 50 percent. In the video, the loudness actually goes down when the clean sense is set that high and gain is turned up.

    In other words, whether I have my gain set low or my gain set high clean sense makes very little difference to loudness. If I have gain set at 0, and clean sense is turned all the way down it is only slightly quieter than if clean sense is turned all the way up.

    My Kemper has always been that way since it was new. Does anyone have a clue what could be going on? Is my Kemper just broken? Everything else seems to work fine. Do others Kemper Amps perform the way that it does in the tutorial video or is it dependent on the guitar used?

    I'm confused. ?(

  • In other words, whether I have my gain set low or my gain set high clean sense makes very little difference to loudness.

    This parameter is quite subtle. Try some FX with ducking parameter to make it more prominent. Ducking allows to either push the effect when you play load or the other way round. If the ducking is set to center it is actually off. With the clean sens you can fine tune this "center = off" loudness point from guitar to guitar.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • The purpose of the clean sens parameter is to optimise the way the Profiler reacts to your specific guitar when you play clean rigs.
    If it was the same value for every guitar it wouldnt exist.

    Yes, I realize that. But I was asking if people who have watched the input tutorial video thought that the response they heard from clean sense was anything close to what they hear from their own guitar.

    I have several guitars and for me, my clean sense control cannot balance the loudness of a low gain setting to a higher gain setting on any of the guitars. This is because the clean sense does not increase the loudness enough. Even with clean sense on it's highest setting, if I play at a gain level of 0 it is still much quieter than when I play at a gain level of 5.

    My conclusion is that my clean sense is ineffective and doesn't work as well as shown in the tutorial. It has never worked correctly and that is why I was always confused by the instructions to balance the clean low gain loudness with the high gain loudness. This did not make sense to me because I could never balance any gain setting. For me the more I turn up the gain the louder the amp gets.

    So I guess my Kemper Amp is broken unless there is some other control that effects the amount of range that the clean sense control provides.

  • This is because the clean sense does not increase the loudness enough. Even with clean sense on it's highest setting, if I play at a gain level of 0 it is still much quieter than when I play at a gain level of 5.

    What PU's do you have? Maybe the output they're producing is too low? don't know just guessing.
    In case you use active PU's check on the battery.

    If you are comparing clean seans in different rigs, one clean and the other high gain, you may be having problems with the profile's rig volume themselves.
    To adjust clean seans what I do is I pick a very high gain rig, and adjust the clean sens comparing the same rig but with the gain all the way down to 0.

    I'm using clean sean with successful results in a variety of different pickup's, Active EMGs, Strat singles, BKP modern humbuckers, hell even in Ibanez stock PU's, you name it... Every guitar will need it's own level, but when you find the right spot clean vs high gain is very balanced level-wise, at least for me.

    Hope this helps!

  • No, I think my Kemper Profiler clean sense just isn't working properly. Apparently it has never worked since the profiler was new. It's OK.

    Everything still sounds good. I just have to live with the fact that turning up the gain will also turn up the volume. No problem I can just turn the volume down. I am not sure the clean sense really impacts any part of the tone that the Kemper produces.

    I have multiple guitars with multiple pickups. They all respond the same way to clean sense, basically the clean sense doesn't compensate volume enough to balance out the loudness with high and low gain settings.

    i.e. Staying on the same clean rig, and setting the gain at 1 the volume is much lower than setting the gain at 5 on the same rig. It doesn't matter if my clean sense is on 0 or on 12. Only thing that happens is the low gain volume goes up slightly. Higher gain volume also goes up slightly. So over all the low gain volume can never be balanced with the high gain volume.

  • No, I think my Kemper Profiler clean sense just isn't working properly. Apparently it has never worked since the profiler was new. It's OK.

    Everything still sounds good. I just have to live with the fact that turning up the gain will also turn up the volume. No problem I can just turn the volume down. I am not sure the clean sense really impacts any part of the tone that the Kemper produces.

    I have multiple guitars with multiple pickups. They all respond the same way to clean sense, basically the clean sense doesn't compensate volume enough to balance out the loudness with high and low gain settings.

    i.e. Staying on the same clean rig, and setting the gain at 1 the volume is much lower than setting the gain at 5 on the same rig. It doesn't matter if my clean sense is on 0 or on 12. Only thing that happens is the low gain volume goes up slightly. Higher gain volume also goes up slightly. So over all the low gain volume can never be balanced with the high gain volume.

    I think you should open a support ticket.

  • Are you able to make the Input LED clip (goes to red) with high CS settings?
    with a clean rig it should work as a volume control.
    If this doesn't happen, then there's definitely something wrong hardware-wise.

    Check in the Input menu that Distortion Sens is set to 0 and Input Source to Front Input.

    Let us know!

  • The idea of clean sense is to balance a fully clean sound level to the saturated gain sound level. So for example if I turn my gain down so there are no led lit, notice how loud it is. Then turn the gain up so about half of the led are lit and compare how loud it increases/decreases versus the sound at no lit led. So if my saturation/ distortion sounds louder, then you need to increase the clean sense value until your cleans sound as loud as the distorted sound. If your cleans sound louder than your distorted levels, then you need to turn down the clean sense.

    Then when you go from clean rigs to dirty/distorted rigs there will not be a large volume change (unless you use effects, stomps or increase levels ). Keep in mind what stomps you have or any levels others might have increased in rigs you download. For example, many TAF rigs have an EQ boost that adds an level boost. He did so as he was using single coil guitars during that profile session. So with a humbuckers guitar I need to turn that off or down. Turn all effects/stomps off when setting your clean sense.

    Another thing to think about is the distortion sense. I have one guitar that does not break up the way I want it too, so I increased the distortion sense a bit so it acts as I would expect. It also made my patches more consistent with edits. Now I load a input setting for each guitar I use, for that very reason.

  • Then when you go from clean rigs to dirty/distorted rigs there will not be a large volume change (unless you use effects, stomps or increase levels )

    ... or the Rig's volume is set higher with the "Volume" knob.

    You covered the other factors well IMHO, drog. Thanks mate. ;)