I would buy a version 2 KPA if-

  • Being that this is the first iteration of this device, even with the updates, everything is not perfect.
    They got a lot right, especially the tones and feel. Which is the core of it of course, but....

    But of course after it has been out for all these years and all of the things learned, by themselves and through the community, the hardware, at the least, could be much improved. This is something they can't update.

    Along with some software redesigning or tune ups.

    I could be wrong but what I read from people with more knowledge in this department, the hardware may be a bit limiting. It may not be future proof enough.
    May this be why they are still working on the effects? Hardware limitations complicating things?

    If they came out with a version 2 KPA, I would buy it for sure if-

    The display was much larger, higher resolution and would show everything for a section on one page.
    This could improve the menu system greatly. Even though many feel they did a fine job, it still could be better.
    Less people would want or feel a need for an editor. Myself

    The pots were of a higher quality. As far as the lateral rigidity goes.

    Faster boot times. I only have 20 Rigs on mine and it takes way too long.
    Better Processing? Memory?

    A version that does not have profiling capabilities. To save on price possibly.
    If it had all the changes that I would like but without profiling capabilities I would still possibly pay what they go for now.

    This is not a complete list of what my dream machine would need but it would be enough for me to buy another.

    Oh, I would want a private heads up telling me when it was coming out so I could still get a decent amount for my old one. :)

    What would it take for you to replace yours with a new one? Besides a larger bank account. :)

  • I find my toaster great as it is... The only thing i could wish for is a more compact version with bluetooth connectivity and an iphone app to control it... All this should be feasable at low cost nowadays... Maybe a usb out to computers for recording...

  • Actually, I can't think of anything that would make me buy a Kemper 2. My reason for buying the Kemper in the first place was getting the best possible recorded guitar tone (for home studio and live) and that's not going to improve, it's already identical to tube amps.

    If anything it would make sense to buy another KPA if Kemper 2 is released and prices drop on KPA one. For me personally Kemper as is right now is not missing anything except a computer editor.

  • My idea of this thread was not so much what you think of the Kemper in its current form, or if it is just good enough. Things can always be better.

    But more of, what would it take to get you to buy a newer, updated KPA. Regardless of how much you like it as it is.

    What is the thing or things that would push you over the edge?

    Lets also use a hypothetical where money is not an issue. Not that you are filthy rich because then you would do it just because you can.

    I mean in a sense that you just came into enough money to buy another. No more no less.

    What would push you to spend that money on a new KPA instead of something else? Forget about the core sound. We get that. It sounds fantastic.

    I am talking the layout, the hardware, nuts and bolts, display, usability. Anything.

  • Having cut my teeth on Line 6 gear ( Vetta II, POD HD) I would love to see a dual amp set up and a more flexible signal chain in a possible Kemper II. What I would love to have would be the interface of a Helix with all the tonal quality of the Kemper. But I am a greedy, delusional bastard at times.

    I also want Charlize Theron to marry me. :whistling:

    I think I have a better chance of the former than the latter. It is fun to speculate about possible updates/improvements to Ye Olde Toaster.

    More powerful DSP chips means a cooling fan, which means more noise on the unit and make it impractical as a floor unit. As intelligent a design as the Kemper is I can't imagine Christophe resting on his laurels and "mailing it in" to his users. The FW updates have been helpful and tightened up the unit but there may be a time when new hardware will be needed. Until then . . . I will wait for Ms. Theron to show up on my doorstep.

    Edited once, last by stratattack (August 15, 2016 at 4:00 PM).

  • -display ( also on remote)
    - recording interface
    - 2 monitor outs ( stereo)
    - power amp stereo
    - editor
    - spring reverb ;)
    - pure cab storeable for single rigs
    - reverbs and delays
    - amp mixing option (amp morphing)
    - intergratet di box
    -switcheable inputs for 3 guitars
    - acoustic simulator
    - reverb storeable in every slot
    - touch screen
    - signal chain setting by touch screen
    - or an touch screen out o a seperate screen
    - bluetooth to remote and to i pad
    - no manual ( have you ever read a manual from an i phone or an i pad?) if you have to do it, the software is not top of the list ( meaning of modern program designers)
    - custom colours for the design
    - ........

    i have to stop here. These are only the things i have written down after
    10 seconds of thinking


    i am realy happy with my kpa like it is.
    Youre right, if money wasnt a problem and kpa comes up with a new machine with all the features ( and also the other feature requests solved from so many users) i'll buy it blind

  • When I struggle to hear a difference between a profile and the real amp it is made from, that pretty much cover the amp-stuff for me. What would tempt me to buy a 2nd generation profiler is:

    • More durable buttons and knobs.
    • Transparent and back-lit labels on the frontpanel to make them readable in the dark.
    • An extensive I/O matrix with more ports, where various ports can be assigned to different functions. Balanced outputs to monitors is what I miss the most.
    • Faster boot (<5 sec is not an unreasonable expectation for this type of device)
    • 0-latency rig and fx-switching at least within a performance
    • A remote user-interface that can run on a mic-stand-mounted tablet under my nose, or on a computer in the studio control-room. The device already has a network port and has had a working HTTP-server in previous editions of the firmware so a HTML5-app that will run on any device with a compliant browser is a definite possibility.
    • A kemper-remote that is able to pass digital audio back and forth to the main unit to be used for guitar input and external FX-loops.
  • I don't want to diminish others opinions in this topic, but I'm really tired of the current practice of many manufacturers and developers, who instead of bringing their product to a condition in which it is a joy to use it, they abandon such product and bring a whole new thing to the market.

    I'm glad Kemper isn't playing this game with us (yet).

    Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
    Laurence J. Peter

  • I don't want to diminish others opinions in this topic, but I'm really tired of the current practice of many manufacturers and developers, who instead of bringing their product to a condition in which it is a joy to use it, they abandon such product and bring a whole new thing to the market.

    I'm glad Kemper isn't playing this game with us (yet).

    I truly don't think they would ever abandon the core of the KPA. That is one thing that simply rocks.
    Changing the shell or other things about could turn a great device into an even more awesome experience.

  • only real upgrade would be the processor I would think. Maybe a dual so a couple of different profiles could be used at once / mixed.

    My opinion is that the processor and memory are the real factors in determining the ability of the unit and an upgrade of those would probably mean a version 2.

    Would be nice to have an upgrade option for the existing unit too though.I had asked about that a couple of years back but it obviously wasn't available.

  • I don't want to diminish others opinions in this topic, but I'm really tired of the current practice of many manufacturers and developers, who instead of bringing their product to a condition in which it is a joy to use it, they abandon such product and bring a whole new thing to the market.

    I'm glad Kemper isn't playing this game with us (yet).

    ^ this!

    Otherwise, I have no need or desire for multiamps or two profiles at once (re-amping makes it damn easy anyways), 48k makes no sense for me.

    Perhaps... Nah.


    maybe... Nope.

    Can't actually think of a thing. I'll rather buy a new guitar. :D

  • Well the only thing that would make me consider a Kemper 2 and it's not because it's desperately needed but would be really good, is if Kemper 2 can profile the tone stack also. When I first followed the KPA I was looking forward to more tone stacks that were supposed to be added. Being able to profile the whole amp is the next step in the evolution of the KPA IMHO. Effects are inconsequential to the Kemper but the ones that are in it already are pretty good, unique and very musical.

    I followed KPA from the beginning (early 2012) and forgot about it. In 2015 when I purchased it I didn't even research it and I was kind of shocked when the tone stacks weren't there and neither was an editor. I thought in three years for sure those items would have been already done. Still I'm l fully satisfied as my tones have never been better, even when I use real tube amps.

  • I love the Kemper, so much that I refuse to replace it with other products that would solve some of it's short comings.

    One of the supposed benefits to all-in-one systems is that they are simple. The Kemper is no exception, at least when using the Kemper exclusively. However, on thing that the latest generation of products is coming to terms with is that guitarists want that simplicity, but the ability to bring in other pieces of gear into their set up, and the Kemper is extremely limiting in this regard.
    The biggest hurdle to simplicity with the Kemper is two-fold. First, there isn't a floor version. The vast majority of guitar products are pedals, precisely because guitarists need live control of them with their feet. Because the Kemper is either amp-shaped or racked, by its very nature it's natural location is 15 feet away from the rest of a guitarists rig. Therefore, using the features of the Kemper requires the four cable method, plus either a cat 5 for the remote or midi cables for other controllers going to and from the pedalboard to the Kemper.
    This gives Kemper users on final option for simplicity. Keeping the entire rig in a rack with only a midi controller or remote at the guitarist's feet. The Kemper, at least in its current firmware also severely complicates this. Since there is only one effects loop, the only way to include a few more pedals is to buy an external looping system with midi control. However, even here, the Kemper is extremely limited, since it can only send PC messages on rig changes. Thus I have an external overdrive pedal that I can turn on or off within a preset. I must either keep the physical pedal at my feet, and therefore lose the ability to at least trigger it to turn on on rig change, or create more carbon copy duplicate rigs just so I can have a pedal on version and a pedal off version. What I wish was that I could automatically trigger loops on (or off) at rig change, but then also have the ability to toggle that without leaving the rig. To have this flexibility would require then either the four-cable method or having some sort of separate midi controller for an external loop switcher at my feet. One could get an dedicated midi controller to control both the Kemper and other effects and loop switcher, but things are getting pretty complicated at this point. First, you still don't have a tuner at your feet, so you need to set up something extra just to have that. Now you're dealing with a larger rack full of gear, not to mention the fact that there aren't really any great rack case options that accommodate pedals and rack gear all that well either, beyond those silly drawers. All this could be solved by what the Helix offers: four external loops with spillover options plus the ability to assign various midi messages to switches that can be toggled on or off without changing presets on the Helix. not to mention the fact that the Helix is available either in a rack or floor configuration. If a KPA 2 could do these things, I'd buy it in a heart beat. For now, I actually have the Kemper head sitting on the back of my pedal board, because there is no logical or cost effective way to use just a few OD pedals and my eventide H9 with my KPA. I'm actually thinking of getting a Boss ES-5 and trying to make room on my board for that, just so I can utilize the OD pedals with less tap dancing.

  • I don't want to diminish others opinions in this topic, but I'm really tired of the current practice of many manufacturers and developers, who instead of bringing their product to a condition in which it is a joy to use it, they abandon such product and bring a whole new thing to the market.

    I'm glad Kemper isn't playing this game with us (yet).

    This ! Well said!! I totaly agree

  • Instead of a "KPA2" or any even "bigger & better"-follow up every musician is always searching for something which makes his life easier.Actually this is the raison d'etre of the KPA and any other digital device (or modeller in this case)..

    We now have a powerfull tool which first of all does the most important thing:It sounds great!No matter what kind of amp-type.No matter if live or in the studio.

    IMO the "next step" for Kemper is to follow the "making life easier"-road.It was a great success till yet so why stop here;

    What we have seen in the "floorboard concept"-thread have been serious and very good ideas (most of all the "smartphone-app" solution for tweaking levels & FX).Does anyone really needs an even bigger KPA;Or maybe rather a "supplement" to the KPA;

    For me the answer is clear.Give me an even more functional product which makes my life even more easy.I would never sell my KPA but I already had some grab & go gigs where the KPA needed more space than I had to my disposal.I dont need an even "bigger one". ;)
    I would like to keep my KPA in my studio or for bigger venues while I could use a smaller all in one- solution for rehearsals & grab and go´s in the small students coffeehouses around the corner.If this solution would also function as back up for my KPA & remote this would be great.And do not forget that many of us are teachers who would like to recommend some nice,simple solution to his students which does not cost as much as the KPA (or the AxeFx etc)..

    Instead an KPA2 which would cost 3000 euros I would like to see a Profile-player in the remote-format for 1000 euros.