DI Profiles - Kemper Cabs vs IRs?

  • Hey all!

    I just finished making several profiles of my Mesa Mark V head. All of them are DI profiles except for one Studio Profile, but I didn't like how it came out and just don't feel like spending time micing my cabs. After all, the advantage of DI profiles is that it gives the user the ability to select any cab from the arsenal they already have. That said, I would like to add these to the Rig Exchange and wanted to know if it was OK to use the cabs included free with the Kemper (especially the newer ones from Merged profiles)? I'm assuming this is OK since they are included for free to begin with. But just wanted to make sure beforehand.

    Also, I realized that I could use IRs as well. I have several from OwnHammer that I could use for my personal use (NOT for Rig Exchange). However, for those who have tried it, do you think Kemper cabs are superior to IRs? Or are they basically the same in terms of capture quality? This is obviously assuming that both cabinet capturing methods were performed by a competent/professional audio engineer.


  • Thanks for the replies so far. I know that there are profiles of just the DI/DA amps in the Rig Exchange, but I personally tend to skip those (and I bet that a lot of people do the same). I prefer to put something that people can appreciate right away when they audition, rather than have to go through their cab collection and tweak from there. I know that I can use any of the cabs I have in my Kemper for my own use, but the question was regarding using the free cabs available to ALL Kemper users with these profiles that I just made for the purpose of uploading them into the Rig Exchange as complete rigs. I'm assuming this is OK?

    As far as IRs vs KPA cabs, is it possible to audition these without loading them into the Kemper (like we are able to do with complete rigs using RM)? Unfortunately, I'm very busy this weekend and won't be able to experiment with my Kemper until this Sunday. That's why I wanted to hear from people who have done this before in the mean time, in order to get a better understanding of this.

  • Thanks for the replies so far. I know that there are profiles of just the DI/DA amps in the Rig Exchange, but I personally tend to skip those (and I bet that a lot of people do the same). I prefer to put something that people can appreciate right away when they audition, rather than have to go through their cab collection and tweak from there. I know that I can use any of the cabs I have in my Kemper for my own use, but the question was regarding using the free cabs available to ALL Kemper users with these profiles that I just made for the purpose of uploading them into the Rig Exchange as complete rigs. I'm assuming this is OK?

    As far as IRs vs KPA cabs, is it possible to audition these without loading them into the Kemper (like we are able to do with complete rigs using RM)? Unfortunately, I'm very busy this weekend and won't be able to experiment with my Kemper until this Sunday. That's why I wanted to hear from people who have done this before in the mean time, in order to get a better understanding of this.

    Here's my thinking. Even with the separation algorithms, I'm betting the direct profile is best paired with an IR of the speaker cab that was providing the load while you did the direct profile. So, if you used a 2x12 8 ohm cab to load down your amp on the direct profile and you use an independent IR of a 4x12 16 ohm cab from a 3rd party supplier, it might not sound "right". I can't say for sure though. On the AxeFX, this was a pain in the arse but you could dial the speaker page settings to approximate the right load and response depending on the cabinet. Problem is that none of the IR makers really published all the relevant settings. At best, just the LRF.

    I think I may try this myself though. There are some good direct profiles already out there to test this out with. I've got a ton of Ownhammer IRs from my AxeFX days too...but that starts a whole nother rabbit hole!

  • Here's my thinking. Even with the separation algorithms, I'm betting the direct profile is best paired with an IR of the speaker cab that was providing the load while you did the direct profile. So, if you used a 2x12 8 ohm cab to load down your amp on the direct profile and you use an independent IR of a 4x12 16 ohm cab from a 3rd party supplier, it might not sound "right". I can't say for sure though. On the AxeFX, this was a pain in the arse but you could dial the speaker page settings to approximate the right load and response depending on the cabinet. Problem is that none of the IR makers really published all the relevant settings. At best, just the LRF.

    I think I may try this myself though. There are some good direct profiles already out there to test this out with. I've got a ton of Ownhammer IRs from my AxeFX days too...but that starts a whole nother rabbit hole!

    That makes sense. I did try out using the cabinets that I already have from Comercial profiles I bought and a few of them sounded great. The problem is I can't use those to put my profiles up in the Rig Exchange. I'll give the free Kemper cabs a try to see if they work with my profiles to then upload them to the Rig Exchange (since no one has given me any objection to doing that).

    If that doesn't work, then I guess I'll have to spend the time creating my own cabs. It's such a PITA though, lol.
