STILL no software editor ..?

  • Notice there's no Kemper personnel responses in here... That probably speaks volumes to the odds of seeing anything develop anytime soon. Companies tend to avoid the sore subjects they don't want to tackle... Just sayin...

    I am a Profile Whore... Sometimes a Recovering Profile Whore...
    but mostly a Complete and Utter Profile Whore... I want them all... aCk!!! 8|:love:

  • I am no software engineer...just a humble mechanical engineer. However, could there be some concern on the part of C. Kemper that the release of a USB-based PC software editor might allow for hackers to gain access to the proprietary code and profiling algorithms? I mean, I honestly do not know. Do software editors give rise, potentially, to security vulnerabilities on the associated hardware?

    Just thinking out loud, here.

  • Oh it's needed this guy anyway

    Those bells and whistles would very much help this user work keep up the creative flow unbroken by getting up to change settings, thus keeping me inspired to play well, and THAT'S where the tone really comes from.

    But I think more to your point, Kemper has definitely designed a fantastic UI and deserve to be praised. In that sense an editor is not 'needed'.

  • For anyone to argue and say it is not needed or shouldn't even be wanted makes absolutely no sense.

    People will ask for something because they would like it. It's that simple.

    For the few that come on here and repeatedly argue against it just makes you wonder what their motive is.
    if you don't want it, fine, but why try and argue its lack of usefulness for you.

    It is a feature request, not a feature disquest.

    Funny thing is, if they came out with a good editor most of the naysayers would surely use it.

  • Refrigerators among almost every device that uses electricity (Discovered between the 16th and 17th century about 400 years ago) have editors in the form of APPs and some folks still argue that an editor is not needed for the amp profiler, I'm going to borrow from Frank Zappa and call this brown lipstick :D8o:thumbup:

  • For anyone to argue and say it is not needed or shouldn't even be wanted makes absolutely no sense.

    People will ask for something because they would like it. It's that simple.

    For the few that come on here and repeatedly argue against it just makes you wonder what their motive is.
    if you don't want it, fine, but why try and argue its lack of usefulness for you.

    It is a feature request, not a feature disquest.

    Funny thing is, if they came out with a good editor most of the naysayers would surely use it.

    I don't get that either. Unfortunately, there are always people like this in every forum I've been to though.

  • I am not too worried about an editor, but would surely download it and find an occasional use. It is more a question of priorities. I guess Kemper is a relatively small outfit and I would prefer to see the much heralded delays and other features that would make a difference to the sound.

    I wonder why there is not a third party entry, although it would constantly need updating with the changes in features coming thick and fast.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Hmm... another way of looking at it is that if it were absolutely never going to happen, you'd think we'd have been reminded, perhaps several times by now given all the hoopla, of the fact.

    Instead, not much that I'm aware of since the quoting of the Kemper 1st Amendment™ by saying, "There are currently no plans for an editor...", has been said, if anything.

    So, we've been told once that there were no plans, and that was quite some time ago. Either we're being treated like adults (we only need to be told once), the relentless pressure has forced a reassessment of the stated position, or it's in the process of being revisited.

    I know nothing 'though, so I hope I'm not coming across, by defining a restriction of only three possibilities, as a know-it-all.

  • I'd most comfortably rule that out as a valid argument against a software editor. :)

    Well, I hear you, and speaking as a Kemper consumer, I definitely want a software editor.
    However, from the designer/manufacturer's perspective, we need to keep in mind that the KPA is singularly unique in it's execution, with a rather secretive and patented process. Again, I am not saying with certainty that a software editor might open up the hardware to security vulnerabilities, and the potential for reverse engineering. However, there has to be a reason for the glaring absence of an editor after 5 years, and this seem like it might be a plausible reason. I am hoping a software engineer might chime in on this topic, and advise if I am completely off-base, here.


  • I use the Kemper's UI directly to change sound / stomps and IMHO it is easier than all the editors for other amps I ever had on my harddrive. They were really fancy looking, but still: the many hardware knobs on the Kemper and its very logical order make my editing much faster than with mouse/keyboard.

    The only exception is renaming, sorting, deleting and making favourites and creating performances, though. For this I prefer the RM and hoping for a slightly more *convenient* version in near future. :D

    Ne travaillez jamais.