Profiler OS 4.0 Release Discussion

  • Works absolutely perfect here. I think the UI was a bit faster in 3.x but that could be imagination as well.
    I play the KPA live all the time (since nov 2011) and I had 2 reboots in all those years. Those were with the very early beta firmwares with the CC #0 bug where the firmwares were names like 7493. Man did those vintage firmwares sound good (kidding).

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • [Taps microphone...]
    Er, is this thing on? Testing, one tseew... one tseew...

    [Cue 8bit looped cricket-chirping sample...]
    Is the power off? Anyone?

    [Punters start to stream out of the venue in search of excitement...]
    Hello... please don't leave... we're really good and our drummer can sing too...

    [Janitor enters with mop and bucket, switching the main lighting off on his way in...]
    Anyone still here? The power should be back on any minute now...

    Yeah, I have to agree, Frank. My MC'ing skills are second to none, brother. :D

  • Where is the autoload function when i browse in stomp presets? I am sure that is was there in fw 4.0.6 beta, so when i scrolled from stomp to stomp i direcdtly heard what happend when i changed the fx. Updated to the latest fw and when i browse to a stomp fx i have to load it with the blinking load soft button. I cant find the checkbox where i can set it to autoload.

    If i load an fx with the type wheel every thing is ok. I dont have to hit a load button and i hear directly the change of the sound when i scroll f.e. from tube screamer to plus ds distortion.

    Any idea?

  • Where is the autoload function when i browse in stomp presets? I am sure that is was there in fw 4.0.6 beta, so when i scrolled from stomp to stomp i direcdtly heard what happend when i changed the fx. Updated to the latest fw and when i browse to a stomp fx i have to load it with the blinking load soft button. I cant find the checkbox where i can set it to autoload.

    If i load an fx with the type wheel every thing is ok. I dont have to hit a load button and i hear directly the change of the sound when i scroll f.e. from tube screamer to plus ds distortion.

    Any idea?

    There is "Autolaod" option for presets in Browse Pool in 4.06 just checked it.
    Long press any of effect slots and as soon as you turn the BROWSE knob once, the "Autoload" option is under 4th soft button.
    If you don't select this option and continue scrolling BROWSE knob, then you get blinking "Load" 4th soft button.

  • There is "Autolaod" option for presets in Browse Pool in 4.06 just checked it.
    Long press any of effect slots and as soon as you turn the BROWSE knob once, the "Autoload" option is under 4th soft button.
    If you don't select this option and continue scrolling BROWSE knob, then you get blinking "Load" 4th soft button.

    Thx Skoczy, i check it out.

  • There is "Autolaod" option for presets in Browse Pool in 4.06 just checked it.
    Long press any of effect slots and as soon as you turn the BROWSE knob once, the "Autoload" option is under 4th soft button.
    If you don't select this option and continue scrolling BROWSE knob, then you get blinking "Load" 4th soft button.

    Ha, it dont work but...
    I tried your hint and ther was still just the load button. No autoload checkbox. Than i shut down the kpa and started it again.
    Surprise, the Autoload chasckbox arrives. Puhh, very happy with this, because id like this autoload funktion when i scroll in my delay stomps and i can directly hear what happens. It's very uncomfortable when have to press load if you change the fx stomp. Maybe a bug when booting? On/off solved the problem.


  • Ha, it dont work but...
    I tried your hint and ther was still just the load button. No autoload checkbox. Than i shut down the kpa and started it again.
    Surprise, the Autoload chasckbox arrives. Puhh, very happy with this, because id like this autoload funktion when i scroll in my delay stomps and i can directly hear what happens. It's very uncomfortable when have to press load if you change the fx stomp. Maybe a bug when booting? On/off solved the problem.


    This could be a bug @Eltzejupp if you could reproduce it. By that I mean, can you again invoke a state when after long pressing any effects slot and turning BROWSE knob ONCE you wouldn't see "Autoload" option on the 4th soft button.
    Maybe you have upgraded to 4.0.6 stable recently?

  • You're gonna confuse the guy, Skocz! LOL

    Good advice IMHO, mate. Perhaps Frank had only just done the update and / or hadn't rebooted since performing it.

    By saying invoke I meant "reproduce". Probably this was once-happened bug after OS update, which was fixed after reboot. But... after OS update is done, Profiler reboots itself so..

  • By saying invoke I meant "reproduce". Probably this was once-happened bug after OS update, which was fixed after reboot. But... after OS update is done, Profiler reboots itself so..

    I cant reproduce it. Tried on/off several times and autoload is still there. Little green magic box....
    I use the new fw from day one of the beta release and never had this issue. Today was the first time and believe me, i tweak a lot, so normaly i see directly if something is wrong.

    Thx guys


  • Monkey owning the thread again ;)

    On a serious note - what if you left your Kemper on all the time to avoid wasting 60 seconds of your life every time inspiration strikes? Would this be advisable? I can imagine it burning the unit out or a huge electric bill. But if you get that hit riff down before you forget it then it will all be worth it.

    Or perhaps we can suggest something productive to do in that 60 seconds. Perhaps a warm up exercise. Or every time I am booting the Kemper I can write a post asking WHERE ARE THE DELAYS!!!!!

    No seriously, where are they.

  • Monkey owning the thread again ;)

    I know you're joking, oh Nameless One, but mate, may I say that this would be the last thing I'd want. I simply do my best to contribute in what is hopefully a helpful, friendly and sometimes-humorous (sometimes, and even this is debatable) manner.

    On a serious note - what if you left your Kemper on all the time to avoid wasting 60 seconds of your life every time inspiration strikes? Would this be advisable? I can imagine it burning the unit out or a huge electric bill. But if you get that hit riff down before you forget it then it will all be worth it.

    Well, it certainly wouldn't overheat as it runs extraordinarily-efficiently IMHO. Not sure how the screen would cope 'though.

    Forgetting ideas? I have no portable devices, so I have to retain them all day or until I can fire up the 'puter, and even then there's a lot of futzing about 'til I can record MIDI (my usual method, using outboard synths). My philosophy is that if I forget an idea (I always enforce at least a couple-of-hour delay), it wasn't destined to become a hittoon. Far too many sub-par ditties have been rendered as MIDI over the years by yours truly, and I've found that they gradually build pressure to be developed when that energy would be far-better spent on something much-more worthwhile... IMHO.

    Or perhaps we can suggest something productive to do in that 60 seconds.

    I know what the Kemper Team™ might say to this:
    RTFM! :D

  • Gratz K-Team on 4.06 FW release :)

    When I get a "min" defo gonna try it out...been super busy lately...
    Who has 60 seconds these days?


    60 seconds of intense passion followed by 45 minutes of crying...

    You could use that 60 seconds and RUB the Kemper while it is booting...(the KPA, not what Manky-Mon is subtly implying--that can give you hairy palms ;)

    Mebbe it will invoke a genie, and you can get some wishes. Perhaps make a wish for instant load time
    and save the world.

    It seems there have been many 60 seconds used up in this thread, about 60 seconds, and Skozy said it was 59 seconds too...Why do I get the feeling this may end up as some kind of running joke? Well, Mank is involved, so that will increase the chances of mirth and shenanigans, front man indeed!

    Curious thoughts about forgetting ideas. Some of the best ones I have had came out of nowhere, and can go back just as easily, taking 3 days of trying to remember what that train of thought was etc. Everyone thinks differently, and the creative process is no exception. It could even come out of a dream. Someone like me has a few devices handy, or can get them in time--some useful things can happen on the back of coasters or napkins at bars, besides phone #'s--even a little note is all you need. Write first, ask questions later is my way, and the worst risk is i just lost 60 seconds ;) You should try this kind of brainstorming for a bit Mank, different methods teach the brain to react differently; neurons that fire together, wire together. Even if you don't end up using it, the exercise is always good for that muscle.

    As for comparing KPA boot times to other modern digital devices, I can totally see what you are saying Beinifin. It is valid to a certain extent, then the importance fades increasingly. Just because some devices use this as a metric, or even selling point (my imac is ~10 seconds, never really timed it...) does not mean all digital devices should be. Even if there was another profiler, that did the same thing, how many people would base their decision on which they like based on 1-2 min difference in boot time? I am guessing many other factors would come first. This leads into the idea of what would we all like to see going on with the K-team, as someone mentioned earlier? Resources to reach zero boot time, or work on more goodies to be released (my vote fwiw). I don't expect an answer from K-team, since tech, IP, and music are all notorious industries for IP infringement. I am happily surprised that there has not been any serious issues of this kind; it shows a very well thought out IP protection strategy.

    One technical question I do have is about just leaving it on, and for how long. I'm guessing leaving it on for a day or two won't do anything if it is in a proper environment. It may even be possible that leaving it on indefinitely may have a lower amount of wear and tear in the long run. My guess is components will have a MTBF of 100K hours or more. LCD and Led are probably much longer, if they are not overheated, uv to plastic etc. I forget the power consumption specs, but for the non powered (even if powered is not making noise) is pretty low, compared to most electrical devices, say a toaster...Would be interested to see what K-team has to say about leaving a KPA on indefinately, I dont wan't to make any statement, since I don't know nearly enough about it.