Performance Mode & Rig Manager - What the *******!!!??!?!?!?

  • Hi, i think all concerns and wishes are already written from so many users in this forum.
    My biggest wish was a cab manager in rm because scrolling sucks if you have more than 50 cabs on your kpa. A drag and drop solution, different cab folders, double click on cab and it is loaded from a folder and so on, that would be great for me. The rest of rm is working fine for me.

    this thread and the questions asked are about rig manager in conjunction with performance mode. nothing else.let's focus on that, okay?

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  • While the OP shouldn't have expressed himself so aggressively, I don't think he literally meant what he said. The moderators should've given him a warning, and a chance to apologize.

    As for RM, it is truly an unintuitive software. It also looks way behind its time. The Kemper team needs to look at the current crop of editors, like the ones that the Line 6 Helix and Fractal Axe FX have. They're easy to use, cover ALL the functions of the device, and don't look like they were made in 1999.

  • While the OP shouldn't have expressed himself so aggressively, I don't think he literally meant what he said. The moderators should've given him a warning, and a chance to apologize.

    As for RM, it is truly an unintuitive software. It also looks way behind its time. The Kemper team needs to look at the current crop of editors, like the ones that the Line 6 Helix and Fractal Axe FX have. They're easy to use, cover ALL the functions of the device, and don't look like they were made in 1999.

    Be careful. Its not on topic! ;)

  • Be careful. Its not on topic! ;)

    The mods aren't that bad. If you were snarky on a lot of other forums, you would get banned without a warning and without an explanation.

    Threatening people anonymously is easy. Suppose the dude who made the RM was a seven foot monster who rode with a biker gang?

    Also, suppose he was not but developed some kind of complex worried that people would hit him? Stranger things have happened you know and you don't want that kind of behaviour on any forum.

    Imagine it was CK that owned up to creating the RM (highly likely). Are you going to threaten him directly next?

    People have been banned for 10 days for exceeding the letter count in commercial posts, so this is just the lightest rap on the wrist by my reckoning.

    I'm pretty sure OhG was just expressing his frustration and was unlikely to act on his maladjusted statement. But directing it at employees of a company wasn't the right way to do it. He could have just said, "I want to kill someone", or "I want to kill myself". No need to explicitly threaten the maker of RM.

  • examples?

    OK, I promised to give feedback after I installed 4.0.6. Did it and I am sitting right in front of the Kemper + Remote + RM...

    Checked my very first Performance I made like 10 days ago. When I left it was a clean sound for intro in slot 1 and a heavy sound in slot 2. I saved it with the Kemper save button. But: Slot 2 is now a whimpy sound, like -20 dB compared to all I ever did rig-wise. The names of the slot 2 is gone.

    Go on to second performance I did 2 days ago. Same idea as above, just wanted to start from scratch (just in case I wrecked something accidently). Select it in RM, it shows up in inspector. Slot 1 is highlighted, press return and the Kemper loads it. I highlight slot 2 in inspector, press return. Kemper ignores it. No wait! The Kemper plays the slot. Its just that the Remote ignores it, the display stays in Performance 1. I always checked at the display of the Remote if my slots are in the Kemper. I did not notice that it doesnt sync with the RM Performance changes. That was definetly a source of frustration. Intuitively the Remote display should completley sync the RM actions!

    Now I notice that the Noise Gate settings in the slots are all different. Input is locked and set to my Gretsch. I started by copying the one and same rig to the slots. I just turned down the gain for slot 1. Strange... If I want to create a Performance for that guitar, why is the locked input not reflected. Or am I wrong that the Noise Gate is part of the input?

    I go back to Performance 1 and fill the whimpy slot 2 with the intended rig. Open a second window in RM, browse in KPA for my favourites and drag/drop it to slot 2. Again the Remote's display does not sync. The Noise Gate again is way low. Double check that Rig in Browse mode on the Kemper and there its perfect. Why then not in the Performance slot?

    Switch back Kemper to Performance mode. RM and Remote are still not in sync. Remote thinks there is no slot 2. Switching performances back and forth in the remote seems to sync.

    Now I tune that Noise Gate in slot 2 to the proper value (using the Kemper). Step onto Slot 1 of the Remote and Slot 2 is again empty (according to the Remote). I switch to slot 2 by RM and the noise in my speakers reminds me that I just lost my Noise Gate settings. Where can I save slots in the RM? Why am I not reminded that I will lose settings when I change.Why is it not in sync?

    Enough for tonite. :/

    Everything else but Performance / Remote / RM was soooo smooth. Installed the WahWahs of Monkey mate. Installation worked like a charme and they show up in browser and the crybaby sound great. Instant success. The way the RM is seemlessly integrating the RIgExchange is top notch! As easy as can be. So please let this spirit drift into the scenario from above... :P

    EDIT: All righty-right: forget the Noise Gate stuff I wrote. The update to 4.0.6 unlocked the input. You mentioned that in the readme. My fault.

    EDIT 2: please read my follow up later in this thread.

    Ne travaillez jamais.

    Edited 4 times, last by SpinnerDeluxe (July 31, 2016 at 10:06 PM).

  • Just out of curiosity, are you saving these changes to the performance before switching slots?

    At my first try I saved it at the Kemper (whole performance). Is there a way to save it at RM? ANd if I always had to save before switching: how would you just do the simple task of getting the volume right? Saving after each and every slot change?

    Ne travaillez jamais.

  • My biggest wish was a cab manager in rm because scrolling sucks if you have more than 50 cabs on your kpa. A drag and drop solution, different cab folders, double click on cab and it is loaded from a folder and so on, that would be great for me. The rest of rm is working fine for me.

    Same here, and I've banged on about it enough already.

    For the record, I decided to erase all the cab presets in my KPA today, figuring I'll return to auditioning them when something more intuitive and powerful is implemented, such as what Frank mentioned. I have thousands on the computer (already converted and named), and I had 350 in the KPA, figuring I'd start out with that "small" chunk of the total and see what I could find that was worth keeping.

    Unfortunately those 350 were in my Restore file, even 'though everything else was just how I like it (1 Rig and all I/O settings etc. perfect). I use the Restore file often 'cause things generally get a bit messier after I've futzed around with updating the wah-presets thread with adjusted / renamed presets. Yesterday I tried everything I could think of to erase those cabs, including trying to re-compress the .kpabackup file after I'd removed the cabs from it. This sent the Kemper into a bit of a spin and my default System settings etc. were lost. Lesson learned. Thankfully it restored all my settings perfectly from USB without my having to do a full reset of the unit.

    So, what to do? Only one option I could see - delete the cabs one-by-one. I got a very-sore shoulder and I didn't time it but it took a long, long time. Ridiculous. An option to delete all or non-favourites, such as we have for Rigs, would've been just fine. In 2016 this is the sort of thing we expect computer-driven devices to be able to do, or more to the point, allow us to do. Actually, I expected this sort of thing on my ATARI 400 in 1982. Obviously, this bulk-preset handling is something Frank and I, and many others, look forward to being able to do in RM one day, which is why I've said all this.

    I must say that I do feel a whole lot better now that I can restore to my lean-and-mean base setup. This way I can use the Shared folder's folders to upload presets and cabs, confident that I will be able to restore to the EmptyKemper™ between experiments. Yay!

    You kpa guys rock!

    Indeed they do, Frank!


    The main one that I keep coming back to, for me anyway, is not being able to click on a parent folder and see / browse the contents of all its sibling folders, and not being able to select more than one folder, parent or not, to achieve the same thing - group Rigs for browsing on the fly.

    One other, and it's only a small-but-annoying one: Why do all folders open after just one is deleted? Has this been fixed yet? I haven't tested this as I only updated RM last night from v1.5.16 to v1.5.46.

    Thank you, G String or anyone who took the time to read this.

  • Well, I just read a post by Burkhard saying that the backup file is a .tar.

    Silly, silly me. I have Ez7z, Simply RAR and TheUnarchiver, all freeware, and they've served me well over the years; the Mac handles .zip archiving if I need to compress anything that way, and I used Stuffit years ago when the Mac was well-embedded in .sit land.

    Now I'll have to find a free .tar maker, or better still a free all-in-one sort of appy-thingy...

  • At my first try I saved it at the Kemper (whole performance). Is there a way to save it at RM? ANd if I always had to save before switching: how would you just do the simple task of getting the volume right? Saving after each and every slot change?

    I was thinking that that in order to reflect the changes on the remote you might have to save? I will check mine tomorrow.

  • Well, I just read a post by Burkhard saying that the backup file is a .tar.

    Silly, silly me. I have Ez7z, Simply RAR and TheUnarchiver, all freeware, and they've served me well over the years; the Mac handles .zip archiving if I need to compress anything that way, and I used Stuffit years ago when the Mac was well-embedded in .sit land.

    Now I'll have to find a free .tar maker, or better still a free all-in-one sort of appy-thingy...

    Hi my little hairy friend.
    Maybe a hint: rename the backup .tar file to .zip and unzip it. Maybe you got the message that the file corrups but it doesent. No problem with renaming. After renaming and unzipping it you find all folders on it, cabs, stomp, fx, amps......
    I got this tip from Ingolf. Many thx for it again Ingolf.


  • Thank you Frank.

    Yeah, I knew that - I can rename it to .zip or .rar and it unzips when I open it.

    The problem for me is that I can't recompress it after tweaking the folders, in this case, I removed the cabs but zipping it back up made my Kemper freak out. I need to be able to compress it back to .tar, and I haven't got the software yet.

    Funny, I said, "Silly, silly me", and yes, I am silly, but we shouldn't have to jump through so many hoops just to delete presets or cabs in bulk. I'm sure the Team™ knows this, so I'm not going to further frustrate them by whinging, cursing or nagging them; I'm sure they've got plenty on their plates already.

    Thanks again for trying to help lil' ol' furry me, Frankie. ;)

  • Thank you Frank.

    Yeah, I knew that - I can rename it to .zip or .rar and it unzips when I open it.

    The problem for me is that I can't recompress it after tweaking the folders, in this case, I removed the cabs but zipping it back up made my Kemper freak out. I need to be able to compress it back to .tar, and I haven't got the software yet.

    Funny, I said, "Silly, silly me", and yes, I am silly, but we shouldn't have to jump through so many hoops just to delete presets or cabs in bulk. I'm sure the Team™ knows this, so I'm not going to further frustrate them by whinging, cursing or nagging them; I'm sure they've got plenty on their plates already.

    Thanks again for trying to help lil' ol' furry me, Frankie. ;)

    Hi Nicky, there isnt a problem when you rename the kpabackup file tor tar . Than use the program "free opener and untar it to the same folder were your backupfile is.
    Do your deletes. or add cabs in folder cabs.
    Than copy the cab folder in the share folder of your kpa stick. Put in the kpa,
    import, ready.



    Edited 3 times, last by Eltzejupp (July 31, 2016 at 8:36 AM).

  • OK, I tried it again.

    My mistake all the other times before was:

    If you change the performance in RM you need to press ENTER to make it active in the Kemper. Now the performance will show up, also in the remote. This is logical and is the same like in browse mode.

    So I created a new Performance in RM, in slot 1 there is now a crunch rig. Seems to be default. I press ENTER and the Kemper shows this in slot 1. Not too bad.

    Now I add an AC clean in slot 2 in RM and press ENTER.

    Result: Kemper shows AC clean in Slot 1 (!!!) and the crunch is gone!

    Full Stop. Doesnt give me the confidence that when I will startup the Kemper tomorrow that my efforts will have survived.

    Another thing: As long as I do not change a rig in browse mode, I can fine-tune all the knobs on the Kemper. WHen I like my result, I will save. For performance it should really be the same! As long as I do not change to a different performance, I want to be able to fine tune each slot and compare by switch slots without losing all my changes. How shall I do a simple job - such as adjusting the output levels of each slot - when switching slots grounds my edits? (Pressing SAVE 3 times to store the whole performance on the Kemper is not a solution. AM I missing something? Is there a better way?)

    Ne travaillez jamais.

    Edited once, last by SpinnerDeluxe (August 1, 2016 at 12:02 AM).

  • As long as you are finetuning your slots in a performance please use the rig buttons on the right side of the Profiler to navigate between the slots. This will preserve the changes and you only need to store the performance once before you load another one.

  • As long as you are finetuning your slots in a performance please use the rig buttons on the right side of the Profiler to navigate between the slots. This will preserve the changes and you only need to store the performance once before you load another one.

    Thanx, that helps a lot.

    Sidenote: RM and Browser Mode is also sometimes out of sync with the Kemper, even after explicit "upload" with the context menu. I.e. after renaming a rig in inspector.

    Ne travaillez jamais.