Man....This has no end! now the german people!

  • Gosh this is insane!
    The world looks like on the brick of a nervous breakdown...

    My prayers go to all the victimes in the nice Munich, to all their relatives and to the german the waiting to read/hear who is next!

    is this insane or what?

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  • Absolutely shocked!
    Munich is one of the most beautiful place and me and family visited it often. It's more than strange when you know the places there in personal and you've been their several times.
    When didt this stupid terror ends?

  • Can we please keep the Kemper forum away from politics and religion.
    I understand how well this is meant, but there is no way to discuss these things without getting political in one way or the other.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • The world as reached levels of insanity I never thought were possible, at this point these cases of terrorism are becoming a daily thing.Is quite frightening I have to admit(which is the sole propose of terrorism...).

    I don't know if you guys ever visited Israel(im sure there some kemper users from that country here), but I believe the future of Europe resides in having a constant presence of the army on the streets just like Israel.

    There's no security at this moment in Europe, at any time any place a vile terrorist attack can happen.The police can't simply prevent all the attacks given how unpredictable they are.

    Some of the perpetuators of these attacks never had contact with daesh, they simply are inspired by their sick and twisted ideals.How can something so unpredictable like that can be prevented? it's almost impossible at the present day.

    My prays are with the victims and their families, it's a really sad and depressing world we are living.

  • All we know, yesterday wasn't what you'd call a terrorist attack.

    I have got to rant now.

    People getting killed every freaking day in horrible ways. I consider it the same kind of terror perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh and Anders Brevik or that guy in America who gunned down black people in a church. Sure, the Munich killer was depressed. Boo fucking hoo. I grew up in a time if you were sad, you killed yourself. You didn't go out and try and kill as many people as you can.

    I find it actually quite sad that 80 people died in a bomb blast in Afghanistan today and no one posts about it here. Not trying to diminish the Munich attack in any way. I just get sick when I see companies like Facebook that wanted me to feel like "Je suis Paris", but don't give a shit about incidents like that and the bombing in Iraq where 290 people were blown up.

    It's gotten to a point where if a cop or black man is shot in the US, it's bigger news than dozens of people dying in poor countries in horrible ways - mass rape, torture, religious persecution. "All lives matter", sure, if it's the US or Europe. Again, this is just what the media wants you to think. We give more coverage to Kim Kardashian and her fat ass than hundreds of people getting blown up in those countries every day.

    For what? People made money off those incidents all right. People like Tony Blair, who insists that he would do it all over again and have Saddam killed over non-existent WMDs and the claim that he was sponsoring terrorism. Yeah, Tony, you made the world a better place, I can see it in the world today.

    It's quite un-fuckingbelievable actually. Look at the 9/11 report where they gave examples of Saudi intelligence officials, embassy staff and the royal family in contact with the attackers. And the US hides that evidence for 14 years because they were scared it would "damage ties". Imagine that info came out two years after 9/11, when the report was first finalised, how would the public have reacted? 15 years later and the media barely said anything.

    All smoke and mirrors. One of these days, the US will say that Saudi Arabia is sponsoring terror and attack them. When will that day come? Whenever some greedy bastard linked to big oil decides that's the only way to get a bigger cut of the profits. That will of course happen after Iran is invaded for shutting the West out of its oil resources.

    I even feel sick thinking about flying these days as a consequence of all this shit going down. Just look at incidents like those two Malaysia Airlines flights, or those EgyptAir flights or even that Germanwings flight. Heaven forbid the governments are involved in this shit, targeted assassination with little care for collateral damage. Or perhaps that's the intent, keep the people scared and voting you into power again and again.

    I honestly believe that nothing I said was political. If anything, it was more along the lines of a conspiracy theory. But believe me, if you had a friend who died in one of those wars based on lies or in a terror attack that no one cared about, you will be extremely angry. Extremely, extremely angry. That's why Brexit happened. People are getting angrier and angrier and that's why all these attacks are happening. It's mainly the Islamists right now, but in a few decades, who knows?

    Maybe people laid off by Mr CK when he's a successful billionaire playboy and made to starve on the street will pick up a knife and go out and stab someone. It won't be pretty.

    I can already see Burchard coming at me with a knife right now over this post brrrr hahaha

  • Let's try to take this energy and turn it into something positive like going out of our way to do something nice for someone, even if they don't deserve it and let someone say something against us and not feel like we need to retaliate! We all should have thick skin by now! Lol

  • It's mainly the Islamists right now, but in a few decades, who knows?

    The ideology's locked in and not open to reform, so please, don't hold your breath AJ; we all love you too much, brother! :D

    Nobody deserves this sort of treatment. I'm a news junkie, so I vicariously live through the suffering of the Belgians, the French, the Germans, the Americans and yes, the Afghanis, the Iraqis, the Turks...

    Stay strong, Germany. My heart truly goes out to you guys. You are most certainly in my thoughts and prayers.

  • The ideology's locked in and not open to reform, so please, don't hold your breath AJ; we all love you too much, brother!

    Oh, hell, now we're discussing religion, Nicky.

    The thing is, I'm not so sure about that. Things change, I mean look at how Christianity was around the time of the Inquisition and the Crusades, i.e. unbelievers put to the sword or burned at the stake. Or things like slavery or feudalism.

    Concepts develop, things change. And contrary to how some would have us think, we are not at the pinnacle of civilisation and culture. Those pictures of refugee children being treated like Guantanamo inmates at an Oz detention centre should prove that, or the way Indian "upper caste" people oppress the so-called lower castes.

    I'm not an apologist though, these ISIS hicks are still stuck in the dark ages and nothing would make me happier than for them to be bombed to kingdom come or given the same treatment they give to their opponents. And they have spread around the world, so there are a lot of potential Islamic (note, I don't sugar coat it and say they are not from any religion) terrorists hiding in major cities worldwide.

    But stereotyping people is never the solution. I cannot condone the slaughter of innocents because of the acts of others.

    Justice, not vengeance should be our yardstick in responding to these maniacs.

  • A good friend of mine lost a good friend in paris last november. but I won't freak out, if I do, terrorism is winning. so i'll keep wandering in my city streets, going to shows and concerts and all types of public events, and playing music. I encourage of all of you to do the same, play & share music, entertain and share happiness. the more we entertain ourselves (in an ethical way fo course), the more we share the culture we love, the better we fight versus the madness of men who are desperate enough in their lives to fall in the trap of a promised paradise. I don't believe in paradise, i believe in life, love and fun everyday

  • A good friend of mine lost a good friend in paris last november. but I won't freak out, if I do, terrorism is winning. so i'll keep wandering in my city streets, going to shows and concerts and all types of public events, and playing music. I encourage of all of you to do the same, play & share music, entertain and share happiness. the more we entertain ourselves (in an ethical way fo course), the more we share the culture we love, the better we fight versus the madness of men who are desperate enough in their lives to fall in the trap of a promised paradise.

    I agree. Also, keep in mind that hate and discrimination are the best recruitment tools of those messed up people.