Tone noticeably changes after switching patches

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm a long time lurker on these forums and a big Kemper fan/user but lately I've been having some issues with it. I've had my toaster for a couple of years now (currently running v3.3.0) and I've been experiencing this bug where if I boot the Kemper up and play for a while it sounds great as always, but if I then change to another patch and then switch back to the original patch sounds awful and totally different. It's been doing it for a while now and at first I thought it might just have been my dodgy ears, especially when switching from distorted patches, to clean patches and then back to distorted patches again. However I decided to fully test it by recording a track in Reaper whilst I switched patches in between a 'test riff' and it does indeed sound noticeably different. The sound wave itself in Reaper completely changes! The only way for me to fix it is to switch the Kemper unit off completely and then to boot back up again. Voila! It sounds like it should have and did originally.

    Any ideas what it might be? Luckily I'm not using it for gigging currently but when I do it will be bordering on useless. It's only useable right now for me if I stay on the one same patch all evening! Should I try a full wipe, delete and restore to factory defaults?

    Thanks in advance for any help,

  • There's been a glitch in the edit buffer that loads the wrong settings from boot, but as far as I'm aware, it only rears its head in Performance mode and is exclusive to FW 4.0.1-4.0.5 (it's fixed in the newest beta). Maybe it affected 3.3.0 and was never caught though!

    Try saving the default Rig on boot under a different name and see if it then sounds the same after changing profiles.

  • There's been a glitch in the edit buffer that loads the wrong settings from boot, but as far as I'm aware, it only rears its head in Performance mode and is exclusive to FW 4.0.1-4.0.5 (it's fixed in the newest beta). Maybe it affected 3.3.0 and was never caught though!

    Try saving the default Rig on boot under a different name and see if it then sounds the same after changing profiles.

    I'm, afraid, this issue of the performance buffer after restart existed also in earlier revisions like for example 3.3.0 and 3.2.1. But as soon as you load another Performance once, it will straighten up. The fix is in 4.0.6 Public Beta.

  • I'm, afraid, this issue of the performance buffer after restart existed also in earlier revisions like for example 3.3.0 and 3.2.1. But as soon as you load another Performance once, it will straighten up. The fix is in 4.0.6 Public Beta.

    Ahhh that'll explain the problem, then. It very well might be that the sound he's hearing on boot belongs to a different profile entirely!

  • I am using the same firmware and have this issue in Browser mode too. I boot up and the sound is thin and awful - so I switch off the profile and back to it and it is fine. It isn't the sound of another profile on boot up - just an awful sound.

  • And this has been a problem with several firmwares where profiles suddenly sound thin and hollow and require a patch change to resolve.

    This is not known under any software.

    I suggest you at least install 3.3.0 release in order to have a common point of reference.
    Then take one of our Factory Rigs with standard settings.
    Don't loop in any other gear between guitar and Profiler nor in the effect loop.
    Disconnect your pedals (perhaps you have a Wah pedal also controlling volume and during the reload pedal volume gets reset to max, which could sound quite differently).
    Reamp the same tune in both scenarios.
    Open a support ticket and send us those two recordings plus a backup.

  • I did fix this one over the weekend. In the end though I just decided to wipe the thing and start again. My rigs were a bit of a mess anyways after 2 years of solid use, so on Friday night I decided to start fresh. I wiped it, installed the latest firmware and started putting some rigs back on whilst sorting out the dead wood and stuff I didn't use or need. Everything is much better now. No problems that I can hear or tell when changing patches and it was a good excuse to have a spring clean.