Some questions about the Kemper for live use

  • I love the Kemper, and although I bought it initially for studio use, I'm going to set it up and use it at an upcoming gig. Here are some questions for those with experience using the Kemper live.

    1) Background -- I have never used a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) on a guitar rig, but I have had to use them on certain keyboard processors. For instance, on one tour, there were a coupler of samplers that would turn off at the slightest hint of power supply fluctuation -- and then they took 30 seconds to reboot when turned back on (and typically both the A rig and the backup would both shut themselves off!). So the simple solution was 2 UPSs (one for the A rig, separate one for the backup). Question: is the Kemper more like most guitar processing gear and amps in being robust and bulletproof, or more like those sensitive samplers -- has anyone found that they need to use a UPS, or take other special precautions?

    2) Has anyone had issues with using the Kemper outside in the heat? In my case, it will be protected from direct sunlight, but the ambient temperature could be 90 deg F (32 C).

    3) Has anyone had any issues running a wireless rig into the input of the Kemper in various environments?

    Note, I am not concerned about the common questions -- I've used direct to FOH, with FRFR monitor with a different product for a long time, I have no trouble with that. I am confident the Kemper will shine.

    Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences.


  • I love the Kemper, and although I bought it initially for studio use, I'm going to set it up and use it at an upcoming gig. Here are some questions for those with experience using the Kemper live.

    1)Question: is the Kemper more like most guitar processing gear and amps in being robust and bulletproof, or more like those sensitive samplers -- has anyone found that they need to use a UPS, or take other special precautions?

    I've havn't felt the need for a UPS or power conditioner. I've played my KPA at festivals where power was supplied by portable generators (sometimes one monster generator, other times multiple smaller units) and never had a single problem in either case. Many shows at various clubs (some with god awful looking wiring with fridges/freezers, air con units, neon signs etc on the same circuit) and not had any KPA behavior issues there either. So from my experience the KPA's power supply could be classed as being pretty robust at dealing with less than perfect/stable voltages.

    2) Has anyone had issues with using the Kemper outside in the heat? In my case, it will be protected from direct sunlight, but the ambient temperature could be 90 deg F (32 C).

    Mines in a 4u black plastic rack and has been left out in the beaming afternoon sun (ambient temp around 25c) and all has been well.

    3) Has anyone had any issues running a wireless rig into the input of the Kemper in various environments?

    I use a Shure GLX-D4 (a 2.4ghz digital wireless system) and the only ever had 2 issues:
    1) We used a seperate 2.4ghz wifi router to control our mixer with an iPad. When this router was within about 2 feet of my guitar wireless, i would have the occasional guitar signal drop out. As everyting is in racks that stack ontop of eachother (couldnt really add distance between the units) the soulution was to change the mixers wifi router to a 5ghz model. Not a single guitar signal drop out since.
    2) At one show I was getting weird static in my guitar signal during sound check. After trying several things, simply turning my KPA rack (that has the Shure receiver built into it) 45degs fixed the problem. Kind of like moving when you play a Strat to minimize induced pickup hum. A lot of neon signs in that place so I'm confidant they were the airborne source, but not sure if it was the wireless or the KPA itself that was being effected.

    Hope it helps!

  • 1) other than a complete interruption of power, the KPA is not sensitive to voltage issues. I've used it for hundreds of indoor and outdoor gigs since 2012, including gigs powered by generator, with no problems.

    2) no heat issues, either. My most recent extreme test was two weeks ago at a 96 degree, two hour set gig.

    3) I've used mine with both Sennheiser and Line 6 wireless systems. They work exactly like they would with a conventional guitar amp.

  • I just used my Kemper last weekend for an outdoor festival with temps in the mid 80's and very humid. This was only my 2nd gig with the Kemper, so I was very nervous about it over-heating, especially since it's in a black rack and my side of the stage was directly in the sun for the majority of the set. I ran it for 3.5 hours straight with no issues at all. Very happy!

    I'll also echo what others have said about wireless systems. They'll work with the Kemper just like any tube amp. I'm using a Line6 G50 and it works perfectly.

  • t used my Kemper last weekend for an outdoor festival with temps in the mid 80's and very humid.

    Last thursday I had a small Free air Gig (with my DUO) at early afternoon on hot sunny day.
    After 2,5 h the Kemper still was working but the active boxes on the small mixer stopped to work. ?(
    Obviously the overtemperature protection switched off both boxes (Later at home they were working again)

    With my personal Kemper Monitor (it was standing with me in a shadow of a tree) I could finish the GIG in Mono.

  • We just played an outdoor festival friday night - running off of an industrial (honestly I have no idea really) strength trailer generator on a farm in the middle of nowhere, West Virginia. Kemper performed flawlessly - the only issues experienced was being enveloped in a cloud of bugs (and I do mean enveloped and cloud) once the sun went down and the light show started and some idiot breaking one of the tone knobs off my '71 Les Paul... :cursing:

  • I just compare this to a regular amp...

    Power interruption - more likely to screw valves. Some valve amps have a pre circuit anyway and take time to re-initiate. This is effectively a bit longer. I've run mine through generators, no issues to date.
    Heat - never had an issue but again, think how hot valves get - I think your more likely to get a valve failure, than the Kemper go down, although all electronics will fail under extremes.
    Wireless - same as a valve amp EXCEPT less likely to get microphonic interference from the valves...I use a Samson and no issues...

  • The Kemper itself seemes to have a very stabil Powersystem.
    Once I accidentally turned off the switch of the power distribution and immediately turned on again.
    I saw indeed the light on the manifold became dark shortly but the Kemper did not respond to the interruption.

    Now I have my little UPS with surge protection. To ensure that all concerns are gone.

  • My biggest concern with the Kemper and power failure would be the rather lengthy boot time. It is not close to other computer based stuff like smart TVs or PODs, more like a regular PC or some tablets.

    I only use 4-5 Rigs when I play live. I'm not sure but it seems to speed up the boot time.
    (I would love it if someone could verify this)
    I've never had an issue or a need for UPS so far. I have a powered head and @600 watts it doesn't heat up at all.

  • I only use 4-5 Rigs when I play live. I'm not sure but it seems to speed up the boot time.
    (I would love it if someone could verify this)

    Great news! I still have many of the presets to play with but finally I will also end up with just a handful. So, yes please, can someone verify?

    Ne travaillez jamais.