• So, I FINALLY got around to playing with my expression pedal the other night and I was like, damn, I haven't played a wah wah in a long time, and tried it and it was TONS of FUN!! So, Today I spent a few hours loading all of Monkey Man's hard work, setting up demo rigs, and demoing every WAH STOMP in Monkey Man's pack.

    First, I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Monkey Man for all his hard work compiling all of these!!! Second, thanks to everyone who contributed. By the time I got to a 'final four', I was a bit tone-fatigued, but one preset rose to the top:

    Thanks Kulle! For the rigs I use and the Wah I was after, yours came the closest!!!

  • Mate, I'd seriously be happy to be given zero credit; I've never sought it, nor will I.

    Those peeps who actually made the presets, 'though, including and especially Don, deserve every bit of love and gratitude we can send their way. So talented and generous, they are.

  • @flyingheelhook
    Thank you and nice that you like it. :)
    But I have to say, that I 'm a little bit surprised that you prefer it. In my point of view the Wah Man is to soft. But it's near the origin wah, of course.

    My Wah ist the Custom Audio Electronics MC404 or the Plutonium Chi-Wah1.
    I thinks it depends on the rigs an there characteristics. I know that the wahwahs behave very different to the various rigs. And at last I'm a friend of agressiv wahwahs.

    I'm agree with you that the WahWah section was a nice project in common of many Kemper-Brothers here. That was a nice experience an the @Monkey_Man was the dad of all! :thumbup:

  • You're far too kind, Kulle. Anyway, I'm now officially the dad of nothing, mate:

    Updated the first 3 posts:

    Removed all references to myself and humorous use of my name
    Removed the imaginative preamble to the installation instructions
    Removed all attempts at humour, period; not a milligramme of fat remains
    Added special thanks to all the talented-and-generous contributors, especially Don

    Sure, it's a drier set of documents now, but I've always feared that my attempts to inject levity into the end-user's experience of downloading and installing the presets might be misconstrued as some sort of egotistical attempt to garner attention. Nothing could be further from the truth; I aim to please, after all, but nevertheless, all and any doubt can now be removed.

    As always, and once again, thank you, talented, generous Kemperite souls!

  • You're far too kind, Kulle. Anyway, I'm now officially the dad of nothing, mate:

    Updated the first 3 posts:

    Removed all references to myself and humorous use of my name
    Removed the imaginative preamble to the installation instructions
    Removed all attempts at humour, period; not a milligramme of fat remains
    Added special thanks to all the talented-and-generous contributors, especially Don

    Sure, it's a drier set of documents now, but I've always feared that my attempts to inject levity into the end-user's experience of downloading and installing the presets might be misconstrued as some sort of egotistical attempt to garner attention. Nothing could be further from the truth; I aim to please, after all, but nevertheless, all and any doubt can now be removed.

    As always, and once again, thank you, talented, generous Kemperite souls!

    Not going to like this post, Nicky. What on earth did you do that for? This whole business is going too far, I and many other users think you are quite funny, there's no reason to think that just because a few users voiced complaints about you that the rest of us don't chuckle at "those" posts.

    Quite angry at how this whole campaign against you has turned out.

  • I understand, of course, AJ.

    The thing is, this thread's intended to serve as a resource to the community, and nothing more. I've therefore also deleted any attempts at humour on my part longer than 10 words or so throughout the thread in an attempt to reduce clutter. Indeed, even my response here constitutes a distraction, so I'll leave it at that.

    Please, try to understand, mate.

  • I understand, of course, AJ.

    The thing is, this thread's intended to serve as a resource to the community, and nothing more. I've therefore also deleted any attempts at humour on my part longer than 10 words or so throughout the thread in an attempt to reduce clutter. Indeed, even my response here constitutes a distraction, so I'll leave it at that.

    Please, try to understand, mate.

    I understand the intent, but I don't agree with the retrospective censorship. It's all good, Nicky, don't get too frustrated with things.

  • Sorry late on this thread..

    Thank You so much for this Nicky!

    I don't have a pedal yet, but the Touch ones are really cool .

    Rock On :thumbup:

    You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools
    But that's the way I like it baby
    I don't wanna live forever

  • As requested by Monkey_Man, here are my Wah settings:

    Manual: 3.3
    Peak: 7.7
    Pedal range: +37%
    Peak range: -43%
    Pedal mode: on
    Mix: 80%
    Ducking 0
    Volume 0

    For what it's worth, my signal chain goes like this:

    For a sound sample of this specific WAH setting, listen to my rendition of Joe Satriani - Love Thing:

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  • Thank you, Nick!

    I wanted to call it "WW Nicolas Badr - Smooth", but that won't be properly-viewable in the Kemper's Preset-list window. Same goes for "WW Nicolas Badr - Smth" and even "WW nicosssb (Nicolas Badr)", so I'm afraid we'll just have to stick with your shortened name, Nick. I can't remember where, but IIRC, you're happy with Nico or Nick, right?

    I'm therefore going to take the liberty of calling this "WW Nick Badr - Smth". "Smooth" wouldn't fit 'cause of the 20-character limit, and the " - " separation, including the spaces, is necessary for clarity's sake on the Kemper display, and also 'cause folks might otherwise think that "Badr" is an abbreviation for a make or model of wah. I think you'll like how it came out - very clear in the display's list!

    Hope you're OK with the decisions I made, Nico. If not, let me know and I'll edit the list and preset.

    Thank you so much on behalf of the entire forum, mate! 8o

  • Hey Nicky,

    Good to see a post from you (haven't been on the forum much lately, sorry Mate). What a typically amusing post (the ones we love!), yes, smooth, beautifully rendered and with a solid tone. Very much enjoyed it's understated beauty @nikosssb. Nicely done indeed!

    Hey Nicky - please reassure us all that the plane crash into that unfinished Melbourne Mall put you in no danger whatsoever. That was one of my first reactions to that news.

    Miss you Mate, hope all is ok in Jungleville!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • As the knight in Monty Python said, "It's only a flesh wound", mate. :D

    I'll still be able to maintain the wah thread, which, let's face it, is of paramount importance!

    Yes, Nick's preset sounds awesome in that clip, I reckon. I jumped straight onto him to see if he could share it, 'cause those smooth-sounding wahs have always been my preference. As you well know, I'm allergic to harshness, phase-cancellation causing harshness... and any other flavour of harshness in guitar-amp sounds.

    I'll PM you to see how you are, brother; I haven't forgotten your situation. This thread isn't the place.

  • Thank you, Nick!

    I wanted to call it "WW Nicolas Badr - Smooth", but that won't be properly-viewable in the Kemper's Preset-list window. Same goes for "WW Nicolas Badr - Smth" and even "WW nicosssb (Nicolas Badr)", so I'm afraid we'll just have to stick with your shortened name, Nick. I can't remember where, but IIRC, you're happy with Nico or Nick, right?

    I'm therefore going to take the liberty of calling this "WW Nick Badr - Smth". "Smooth" wouldn't fit 'cause of the 20-character limit, and the " - " separation, including the spaces, is necessary for clarity's sake on the Kemper display, and also 'cause folks might otherwise think that "Badr" is an abbreviation for a make or model of wah. I think you'll like how it came out - very clear in the display's list!

    Hope you're OK with the decisions I made, Nico. If not, let me know and I'll edit the list and preset.

    Thank you so much on behalf of the entire forum, mate! 8o

    How about nicoWAH - smooth? Rhymes with Nicolas :D Unless you want it to start with WW then I'm fine with the name you chose!
    For a second I was confused by @prsgary post, I thought he was talking to me. Turns out your name is Nicky :D great we share the "same" name!
    Cheers mate and thanks for the feature!

  • Hey, no worries, Nick. Thank you, mate!

    Yes, I'm using conventions (spelled out in post #3) for this, mainly for consistency and ease of navigation on the Kemper. That's why the WW (conventional wahs) has to stay. There are other prefixes too, depending upon whether the presets are vowlers, touch-wahs or whatever, and I chose those carefully as well so that they don't get mixed in with the factory ones.

    This way, everything's neatly gathered together adjacent to the factories of whichever flavour they may be.

    Yeah mate, I'm the same as you but with an "h", as in Nicholas. Still, it's the same thing; I think we have the Greeks to thank for it?