How Do You Organize Your Profiles in Rig Manager

  • I am slowly catching up to many of you that have 1,000s of profiles in your Local Library on Rig Manager. I am trying to find a good way to organize them. What has worked for you in organizing your profiles? By Author? By amp? or by????? Thanks in advance for your advice.

  • Thanks for the replies. @Sharry I like that Idea. I was doing as @ShadowJumper does, but it was kind of tedious when looking for a specific amp. I was thinking of sorting just by amp, but then each author has multiple versions of each amp and its tough to sift through them all. I Think I will try sorting by author and then by amp. Cheers!

  • Yeah, that really seems like a great idea. Ultimately, I'd like to have a favorites folder, with all the best versions of each of the amps I am after. But every time I try to set that up it soon becomes cluttered and unusable. Imma try the author/amp way and see if that helps...

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • First, by author (MBritt and Guido), then by gain.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • I don't understand how you guys organize anything by amp. Do you use the bogus names ("Mars", "Fan", "High Watt", "MeBo", etc.) or do you fix the tags in every rig first, even the factory ones?

    If the meaning is easy understood I let it as it is. If not, I add the Amp name in the designation of the subdirectory. I do not change the names of profiles.

  • Yeah, I guess it's easy enough to organize in RM using folders. I find the organization on the unit itself difficult due to the bogus names. Currently I use RM to update the Amp Name tags with the real names and then sort by Amp/Cab on the unit. Then when I turn the browse knob at least I can navigate to all the Fenders, then Fender Deluxes, etc., but only if I squint to see the small font on the bottom right of the screen.

    I wish there were a way to customize which tag gets the big font. I don't find the big "TAF - Hello 1960z" quite as helpful as the little "Fender Vibro-King."

  • First I created one folder for each Author, then one folder per amp inside it. But after creating many ones , Rig Manager became very laggy and unusable.

    So I decided to create one folder for each author, then I put all amps in it, and moved the "Amp Name" column to the left and sorted the amps' names. It allows me to have all amps and authors sorted with less folders and a responsive Rig Manager.

    It looks like this :

    [Blocked Image:]

    Edited once, last by MrVivz (May 29, 2016 at 11:37 AM).

  • 90% of the time i use my own profile, they are sorted by pickup style in my RM :)


    each folder contains like 20 rigs ,

    I then sort by ascending gain ,volume is normalized on my profiles, so going from a profile to another is almost transparent and will only affect the color.

    this is pretty convenient for recording with a given guitar , like a palette of tones I don't have to adjust, they are guitar ready

    The rest is sorted by author, I also have an import folder to test the new rigs that come out of the Rig Ex.

  • I'm hoping Rig Manager will evolve and give us some more capability, (like being able to change the rig order in the lists and put the ones your most interested in at the top - not possible at the moment).
    I create files of performers, (put the John Mayer sounds in his file, same with Peter Green etc etc).
    A lot of rigs are copied into more than one file, (but I was trying to find a way to access files purely by performance suitability).
    Every time I do this the master Rig Manager file grows with all these multiple copies and it gets more and more unwieldy to find new rig updates for evaluation.
    Also have a file of clean rigs, acoustic rigs, clean sustain, etc.
    A benefit of grouping this way is that you get a lot of "similar" but different sounding rigs grouped in a file.
    I pick recordings - say Albatross or Gravity and load selected similar sounding rigs into performances under those names.
    During the performance I step through these using the Kemper Remote, (It gives the the music a subtle extra dimension for instance you can reposition the "Albatross" within the music - move it closer or further away).

  • Sharry,
    This is a work in progress - so I haven't decided on a final combination of profiles yet and I'm not 100% trying to find Pete Greens sound at this stage.
    Rather give the feel of the recording and the best combination of sounds to add interest to a solo performance.
    I also play the base part at the same time, (open bottom E using a plectrum for a lot of the recording - to the beat of the drums).- so that effects the profiles I've chosen as well.
    These profiles suit a Strat. with Demarzio Area pickups - (your guitar may need different profiles).
    Gundy Gilmourish, Gilmour clean 1 Wip, TAF-low tides, Till's Recto clean2, Gilmour HEY Acoustic, U2 WireIntro&Harm F2#aO, U@ WherStrNoNam F2#a0, !RZ_EnglTH_M2, !Hotel Acoustic, Yamaha PB-! Thumb, Lovepedal OD11
    (The last one is played very lightly to avoid the distortion in the profile kicking in).
    I selectivley switch between these profiles during the course of the music.

    Edited once, last by snowy (July 7, 2016 at 1:04 AM).