Pool: What is your favorite rig for classic rock (70's/80's/90's) ?

  • The 1959 Randy Rhodes from the exchange, I think. Called 1959RR... I think.

    I lowered the treble a little and cranked the gain to 5 o'clock, and it became the rig with the highest mojo rating of all of mine. My lil' brother, who's an LP man, loves it too; it's his fave. Mojo for miles.

    The trick is to lower the treble and crank the gain at least a little. The initial treble setting makes it scratchy and nothing special, but as soon as you lower it, the mojo starts to kick in magically, almost from nowhere.

    I've banged on about this profile before, but nobody's agreed or got excited, and I'm guessing it's 'cause they didn't lower the treble in the amp stack...

  • Right now my favorite is MBritt's Colonial profile as it works great for clean, dirty and everything inbetween.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • So hard to choose but if I may recommend a few I'd suggest the toneking imperium from factory rigs, one of the few I kept and Alex Olivari's AC30 profiles with greenbacks on RE, my favorite vox profiles so far.

    Nicky, why wouldn't you share this tweaked profile somewhere ?


  • So hard to choose but if I may recommend a few I'd suggest the toneking imperium from factory rigs, one of the few I kept and Alex Olivari's AC30 profiles with greenbacks on RE, my favorite vox profiles so far.

    Nicky, why wouldn't you share this tweaked profile somewhere ?


    Well, I would... if I knew how, pamplemousse! Seriously. Am I allowed to upload it to the exchange if the original comes from there? It's by David Gerard Burns, if anyone has had trouble finding it, and is called "1959 RR ch2 vol6".

    I can't properly remember the few other tweaks I made apart from lowering the treble and cranking the gain to 3->5 o'clock (to taste). The trick with lowering the treble was to ignore the impulse to immediately go back up as soon as I felt I'd gone too low, and just to give it a chance for a while at a setting that's lower than one might otherwise, intuitively and instinctively, settle on. After perhaps 15 to 30 seconds, (or less) one's brain latches onto the mojo, the new magic, if you will (the mid and low mids are a part of this), and the profile finds a voice of its own, at which point the treble level, which one previously felt was necessary for pick definition, becomes a non-issue. In effect, it becomes a new rig in tone and feel. This is why I suspect others haven't appreciated it; it's unlikely many would've dared to go with this counter-intuitive procedure. I just got lucky I guess, and if I'd been playing as opposed to just listening to Fingers, I reckon it wouldn't have panned out this way.

    The input noise gate may need to be set to 2 or 3 depending on how high you crank the gain as it becomes quite noisy, if that matters to you. I may well have cranked the power sagging a little and possibly lowered the definition for an even more vintage feel.

    With these settings, especially after raising the gain, and this is possibly partly because it's the Kemper's "own gain extrapolation" due to the profile's having been made at a lower setting, the Rig becomes a little grainy, but this is part of the appeal. There's a magical mid-range warmth that combines with the graininess and feel to provide, as I said, mojo for miles.

    Please do try these settings, and I'll keep an eye on this thread for feedback on whether or not you reckon I'm allowed to upload my tweaks...

    PS: I auditioned and tweaked this probably 4 months ago whilst my brother "Fingers" went nuts on his LP, so I really had to rack my brain to try to remember what I did to it. I'm reasonably confident that that's pretty much the gist of it 'though. Also, bear in mind that I've not tested this since, so everything said applies to LP use, although I'm betting that with the right treble setting it should work for any guitar. Just remember the counter-intuitive procedure for determining the treble's level.

  • Well, I'll be damned if I can find a way to upload them (two tweaks - one flatter or more neutral).

    Checked contextual menu and main menus. Tried changing author's name to mine (to match my pref setting and Kemper name), and still no change to the menus. I've assumed for the last year that a right click of the mouse would show me the option to upload to the exchange. Quite mystified by this. My request for guidance still stands.

    Unfortunately no drop box here; my preference will always be to use the Exchange so everyone can benefit... in theory - nothing to contribute yet except this one! Hey, you'll never believe it, but the only upload I've ever made was my forum avatar to a free image host 11 years ago or something; it was 25k in size, so yeah, I'm a high-fallootin' uploader.

    Hmm... I'm so close to being able to upload to the exchange I can almost taste it. I can't help but wonder whether or not I'm simply not allowed to upload this Rig; that'd x'plain it...

  • You're kidding, Paul! Thank you, mate.

    Do you know if the option appears, but greyed-out, in the right-click menu whilst hovering over a Rig in RM? I really expected to at least see a greyed-out line there. Maybe I just dreamed it once.

    I love the Kemper so much, I've actually profiled in my dreams; just not in reality yet. I know. I've got it bad. 8o

    EDIT: Will look into this tomorrow. Been awake for a couple o' days and have to draw the line now. I just hope the Rig's ready for prime time 'cause I didn't attempt to refine it at all; the first tweaks brought out that mojo and made it entertaining to listen to and, according to Fingers, fun to play, so I left it at that...

  • You're kidding, Paul! Thank you, mate.

    Do you know if the option appears, but greyed-out, in the right-click menu whilst hovering over a Rig in RM? I really expected to at least see a greyed-out line there. Maybe I just dreamed it once.

    I love the Kemper so much, I've actually profiled in my dreams; just not in reality yet. I know. I've got it bad. 8o

    EDIT: Will look into this tomorrow. Been awake for a couple o' days and have to draw the line now. I just hope the Rig's ready for prime time 'cause I didn't attempt to refine it at all; the first tweaks brought out that mojo and made it entertaining to listen to and, according to Fingers, fun to play, so I left it at that...

    Can you get benzedrine over the counter down-under? You know Keif (Richards) ? - read "Life" - really knocks your socks off - I wish I had been old enough to have been there... Cheers!!!!