Profiles sounds bass heavy/no clarity (SOLVED)

  • Hi All,

    I recently got Kemper and playing around with it. It works great and I profiles does have that tube amp feel in it. However one thing is bothering me. Most profiles that I tried does not have enough highs or clarity or sparkle. Here are some examples

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    This was recorded with my strat through spdif to focusrite saffire pro to logic pro x. No additional effects or eq were added. Profiles are from M.Brit, ATF and other well know commercial rigs.

    And this is with the stratocaster on bridge pickup. My other guitars with humbackers sound even muddier.

    I used FW 3.3 and FW 4 - no difference. Did a factory reset, flash reset. All the same

    Any ideas why is that so?


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  • Check that Pure Cab is not set too high.

    Also, check that there's nothing locked in your parameters and there're no locked effects in your slots.

    How does the rig sound if you connect the Profiler straight to your monitors?

  • What's your monitoring setup? How does it sound to you through cans (using the front of the Kemper rather than th Safire)?

    The Kemper itself is true to the recorded source, i.e. It should be as bright or bass heavy as the actual amp when recorded through that signal chain. Are you used to using other modelers before the Kemper, or a DI with something like a Two Note Torpedo? These options often result in an exaggerated treble and scooped sound as compared to the real deal.

  • viabcroce: Thanks for the tip. Although Pure Cab was at about 3 turning it off helped a little.

    Per: I monitor through Alto TS212 and through them it is even more muffled. I also have Byerdynamics headphones and they are really treble heavy.
    True I used to use Torpedo Live and noticed that it has exaggerated treble.

    How does my samples sound to you?


  • Don't hesitate to use the EQ. Many profiles (MBritt for example) are tweaked for higher volumes. I created a seperate Output preset for playing @home/recording boosting highs and lows. When I play this "homesound" at gig volumes it sounds very bad - way too much treble/bass.
    Guess your problem probably is Munson Fletcher ;)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • viabcroce: Thanks for the tip. Although Pure Cab was at about 3 turning it off helped a little.

    Per: I monitor through Alto TS212 and through them it is even more muffled. I also have Byerdynamics headphones and they are really treble heavy.
    True I used to use Torpedo Live and noticed that it has exaggerated treble.

    How does my samples sound to you?


    the samples sound exactly like my MBritt-profiles at home. at live-levels (loud) they are perfect but for recording they may sound a bit muffled IMO.

  • A Kemper should sound right out of the box and all the profiles you mention are good profiles. They should sound good without much tweaking.

    My first Kemper I had doubts about the sound as well (it also had the loose knob issue) and I returned it to the shop. Bought a second one and that one (I still use) sounded 10 times there are some less manufactured models sent out (although I hear very little about it) and if I were you I would go to the shop and compare your unit with others to make sure it sounds yours doesn't sound less.

    If they all sound the same to you then it might be a matter of taste :)

  • Is there anyone else who have heard about diff. sounding KPA, caused by unsolid manufacturing ?(

    No, this is a digital device. Either there is sound, or not - I'm sure Clutterbillys 1st KPA had a wrong configuration somewhere

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • No, this is a digital device. Either there is sound, or not - I'm sure Clutterbillys 1st KPA had a wrong configuration somewhere

    Well...I'm not going to argue about that, but it sure sounded different (all muffled like there was a blanket in the KPA) and it also had the loose knob issue where it would jump occasionally from 1 to 5 without being able to select values 2, 3 and 4....I don't know but it all sounds like a Monday morning manufactured model to me...updating firmware and resetting it had no results. Still have the serial number of that device so that I can always make sure to not own it again :)

  • The KPA is not only digital, there are many analogic parts in it, and converters etc.
    And the clips do sound muffled to me.

    If the OP has checked all the options we suggested, the unit might well be defective.

    Suggestion: record a short clip along with the dry signal, using a factory rig you perceive muffled. Then someone will reamp rhe dry track using the same rig, and post the results.
    I have no soundcard ATM, but this would give us some answers.

  • Of course, but what I meant to say: it's not like an amp where failures can occur that change the sound very drastically, it is unlikely to have a DAC or ADC become a LP filter.
    The clips doesn't sound muffled to me, when I use MBritt rigs without adjusting the EQ it sounds like this as well.

    This is a Michael Britt Rig from the newest Colonial Pack (Colonial 2 8)

    First part: EQ zero, output EQ zero. Second part: Output set EQ to my "play at home" preset.

    Just use the EQ if you find the sound to be too muffled. You would do that with an amp as well ;)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • The KPA is not only digital, there are many analogic parts in it, and converters etc.
    And the clips do sound muffled to me.

    If the OP has checked all the options we suggested, the unit might well be defective.

    Suggestion: record a short clip along with the dry signal, using a factory rig you perceive muffled. Then someone will reamp rhe dry track using the same rig, and post the results.
    I have no soundcard ATM, but this would give us some answers.

    Good call on the reamping.

    Also keep in mind that one person's "muffled" is another person's "warm".

  • Thanks guys for the suggestions. You are the best. I say this is the best community I've ever seen.

    1. I tried to clean all settings by restoring factory defaults, so unless there are settings that are no being cleared during factory reset the problem is not with the settings.
    2. I agree that there could be something wrong with the unit, there so many many digital and analog parts there. Unfortunately I live in a wrong part of California and there are no stores where I can go and compare with another unit.
    3. Reamping approach sounds interesting will try to record something tonight.
    4. Some rigs actually sounds good for example Andertons - Cornford.
    5. One more thing - Master Volume behaves weird. Sometimes it jumps from like 5 to 0 with a slightest turn of a knob. (FW 3.3)

    Any other opinions on the clips? Do they sound muffled?

  • Any other opinions on the clips? Do they sound muffled?

    Like @Michael_dk said, one man's muffled could be another man's warm. Your sounds don't sound very muffled to me, for some songs I could imagine to dial in sounds like yours.
    But I agree they are not especially sparkly. Some of MBritt's profiles sound like this and it's ok.

  • You should keep in mind that every guitar player adjusts his amps to his liking. This is true for the KPA as well (at least tweak the EQ). In the amp section, I find that with my Gilmour strat, clarity needs to be raised a bit or else the strat sounds like a Les Paul.