Any word on 4.0 yet?

  • A floor model would suck. Pedalboards get beat up. Unless you sit in a studio or music room only. Who wants to crawl on the floor or slump way over to make changes? The setup now is perfect, the pedal board now is great, just what you need, and the rack/head is nice and safe from drunks and mishaps.

    But we already have a head/rack! I pick my pedalboard up all the time and sit it on a table when I need to do a ton of tweaking. I don't know why a rack/head is so popular with everyone. There's a reason that the other companies made an all-in-one: some people prefer it. It's not the 80's. Most folks use stomp boxes rather than racks full of gear. Having racked gear makes sense if you have an amp back there as well. If you have say some fancy delays reverbs like strymon and eventide and stomp OD's, they make sense at your feet, not in a rack. Especially using a Kemper since it only has one effect loop. They don't even make many racks that accommodate many pedals well. (sure you can get rack drawers). If you use OD pedals and a few fancy delays you need the 4-cable method, midi cable, Cat5E for remote, not counting power cables and supply, just so you can sit your Kemper head/rack behind you. That's 12 cables ends to plug and unplug! I get it if you have a powered version or a guitar speaker cabinet shipped FRFR cab where you can sit it. But what about the folks that use a typical powered monitor like the Yamaha or QSC that's popular around here? What is the purpose of putting a Kemper behind you and running cables so that literally everything else you need is at your feet? I don't get it. Never will. Why wouldn't you want all your effects, kemper included all set up and plugged in all the time inside one case, needing only to only power your pedal board, plug your guitar in, and at worst a 1/4 cable to a powered or unpower cab? Instead, you'd rather run the half dozen cables back and forth between two locations and have an extra case to carry?

  • I'm curious if there are more business analysts, philosophers, or soothsayers here on this forum. I think that 4.0 better come out before Kemper's entire business plan gets rewritten and product line gets redesigned. :D

    I hate emojis, but I hate being misunderstood more. :)

  • I'm curious if there are more business analysts, philosophers, or soothsayers here on this forum. I think that 4.0 better come out before Kemper's entire business plan gets rewritten and product line gets redesigned. :D

    I can assure you there ARE more.
    This thread will only end after every member of the forum will have stated his opinion. ;)

  • Not really sure why you felt the need to insert paragraph tags there, but, that aside, Line 6 is backed by Yamaha. Kemper is Kemper - a smaller company with two products, no sub-companies or partnerships. Getting a dedicated editor means development time, debugging, cross platform support, and, on top of all that, paying the developers to build the thing. It's different when you have talent you can just tell to "hey build this thing," it's another when you have limited resources and a small company.

    Yes, there's rig manager. Yes, it's cross platform. But the only update its really had since I picked up my Kemper about a year ago was the addition of performances. There's still no real editing, and ckemper has gone on record saying that probably wouldn't ever be a thing.

    There's one called Toaster that's open source and works via MIDI. Look into it if that's what you need.

    Doug I have no idea why paragraph markers got entered there either, I also have no idea why you felt the need to raise it?? In any event I think you missed the point of my post, which isn't about an editor in particular, just an observation.

  • I'm curious if there are more business analysts, philosophers, or soothsayers here on this forum. I think that 4.0 better come out before Kemper's entire business plan gets rewritten and product line gets redesigned. :D

    I know younare kidding but there is no harm in passionate customers to keep a company on its toes! Perhaps Atari would still be around if they had an internet forum fulll of customers with suggestions.

  • I would hate like hell to have an unstable or quirky beta

    If you don't want unstable FW, I'd suggest to wait and not install a beta. which is called "beta" for some reason ;)

    Line 6 just released an editor for the Helix. Not that I want one for the Kemper. But their wheels are turning at a different speed sadly!

    Mhhh... not really. L6 started designing the Helix way before the AxeFx and the Kemper saw the light.
    It took Kemper 1 year to be awarded as "best technological innovation"...

    ... I'd say it's the other way round! ;)

  • I know younare kidding but there is no harm in passionate customers to keep a company on its toes! Perhaps Atari would still be around if they had an internet forum fulll of customers with suggestions.

    For some reason, I just imagined CK sitting at some remote location, sipping his favourite drink with a smile on his face, thinking "on my toes... my arse"... ;) (or whatever German equivalent is)

  • I can assure you there ARE more.
    This thread will only end after every member of the forum will have stated his opinion. ;)

    You say that like it's a bad thing. ?( . You do realize this is a message board for people to discuss their opinions don't you? That's what people do in message boards, state their opinions..

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (April 2, 2016 at 3:23 AM).

  • You say that like it's a bad thing. ?( . You do realize this is a message board for people to discuss their opinions don't you? That's what people do in message boards, state their opinions..

    Why you come to such perception and try to go after me is beyond me. I have not implied it's a bad thing at all.

    This is indeed a message board, and it's part of the human nature to voice opinions and even expand from there to beliefs and other concepts. So in the end threads like these are inevitable, and I for one think that some of the OT posts in this one were quite interesting. ;)

  • I think that I know the exact date of releasing 4.0 firmware!!
    I guess That it is actually ready for release right now, and only waiting for one week with nobody asking every minute: hey, when will 4.0 firmware get launched? :D
    so it will be launched next week (if we stop begging for it now) :)

  • Why you come to such perception and try to go after me is beyond me. I have not implied it's a bad thing at all.

    This is indeed a message board, and it's part of the human nature to voice opinions and even expand from there to beliefs and other concepts. So in the end threads like these are inevitable, and I for one think that some of the OT posts in this one were quite interesting. ;)

    The problem is that my impression is that there are a few occasions where a select bunch of people 'round' and undermine anyone who even gives a sniff of criticism, whether it is constructive or not. References to 'soothsayers' and OT posts and CK sipping wine and laughing. Quite frankly it is passive aggressive bully boy playground mentality. As long as we are discussing in a civil way and being constructive there is nothing wrong with not saying 'everything is brilliant' all the time.

  • The problem is that my impression is that there are a few occasions where a select bunch of people 'round' and undermine anyone who even gives a sniff of criticism, whether it is constructive or not. References to 'soothsayers' and OT posts and CK sipping wine and laughing. Quite frankly it is passive aggressive bully boy playground mentality. As long as we are discussing in a civil way and being constructive there is nothing wrong with not saying 'everything is brilliant' all the time.

    I generally agree, but even @Klappy, the guy I originally quoted, put a big fat smiley in his post, as did I.
    It seems to me that in 'pre firmware release times' some people have difficulty seeing the humour in a post.
    Even if it is in capital letters.

  • Why you come to such perception and try to go after me is beyond me. I have not implied it's a bad thing at all.

    This is indeed a message board, and it's part of the human nature to voice opinions and even expand from there to beliefs and other concepts. So in the end threads like these are inevitable, and I for one think that some of the OT posts in this one were quite interesting. ;)

    I ran into you before in another thread where your one sentence post read "this thread is worthless" and I called you up on it. So when I read this two sentences post here, it was very hard not to perceive the condescending tone, unless you know that 4.0 will be a very very long time coming that will give every member a chance to voice their opinion because obviously this thread will immediately end as soon as 4.0 is released.

    so getting back to topic "Any word on 4.0 yet? Anything? Whispers? Rumors?"

    Are you aware that it's going to be that long and how long do you estimate?


  • I heard a rumour
    They travel far
    You know what it's like
    The way people are
    They talk and they talk
    Though they don't understand
    They'll whisper and whisper
    And lie on demand
    Please tell me now
    I want to know
    I have to hear it from your lips
    Say it's four point oh
    I heard it on Monday
    And I laughed a while
    I heard it on Tuesday
    I managed to smile
    I heard it on Wednesday
    My patience was tried
    I heard it on Thursday
    And I hurt inside
    I want to know
    The depths of your mind
    Tell me this whole thing is madness
    And the firmware is fine

  • @Dean_R: please understand that it's your very own problem (with me obviously) to mingle a completely different thread with is one, of which I never said it was useless.
    So I'd appreciate if you didn't put words in my mouth.

    As for how long this thread will last:
    I'm sure it will stop the moment Kemper choose to release FW 4.