2nd Layer of functions on the Kemper Remote by pressing tuner switch, then ability to make switches control something else.

  • It would be cool if you could press the tuner switch on the Kemper Remote and get a second level of functions for the Remote's switches. The tuner switch could be made to go to tuner only if you hold it down for a second or two, the way many floorboard tuner buttons are multi-functional, such as the G system and the Pods, among other. Therefore, if you just press the tuner switch, it activates a second mode for the buttons. Suppose you had assigned the X slot, mod, delay, and reverb to the four effect switches. But if you go into the 2nd level (by pressing the tuner button) you could assign those same four switches to control slots, A, B, C, and D. Obviously, external switches can be added, but the problem there is that they don't light up, and of course the physical space on your board. Another major need is the ability to send more midi data, plus the ability to send midi messages with switches, not just when changing rigs. So hypothetically, you could hit the tuner switch, step on switches I and II to bank up and down midi on an external pedal (say an eventide H9) or whatever you need. If it could be set up globally or per rig, that would be useful as well, as some would prefer one to the other. For my uses, if I plan on using 2nd layer controls to operate my H9, I would rather just do that once than have to program the same thing on every single rig. And while were at it, perhaps you could chose to make the 5 rig select switches be able to have a second layer function as well, or choose to leave them to continue functioning as rig change switches, so you can still quickly get out of 2nd layer and switch to a different rig?

    As I've said elsewhere, the more rigs you create the harder it is to manage everything. This feature request would enable much more to be done within one rig. For example, just so that I can have a several different delay/reverbs combinations, I need to create multiple copies of the same rig with different delay/reverb settings. However, if I decide I want to mess with my amp sound, say my standard go-to crunch, I have to go to all my rigs that use the same exact amp, and same OD slot, and the rest and copy and paste and save and wait and switch, repeat a dozen times. Or lock lock lock, switch rig, save x3, wait, switch rigs, save 3x,, wait, repeat a dozen times. Therefore, the more you can do without leaving a rig, the better, because it means you can play with your amp's sound and have fewer rigs that use that same amp sound. (If I tweak this go-to sound, that I'm going to use throughout a set list, I have it in number of different rigs, and don't want slightly different versions of the same thing floating around, some that had the latest tweaks and some that I forgot to do, so the fewer rigs I need with the same amp the better) This is a reason that I like having a separate independent pedal, the Eventide H9. As without leaving a Rig, I can instantly have access to dozens of sounds, rather than have to create several identical rigs all so I can use them with 3 different delay presets. And at least for now, it's a huge pain to keep my H9 on my pedal board, which is why I'm requesting the midi part of this feature. Since the H9 can have as many presets of delay/reverbs as I could possibly need, (I think 100 on the pedal alone) I can get all these sounds from there and use them with one Rig.

    In my set-up I have a serious need to not have to run tons of cables back and forth from where I keep my Kemper permanently (in a side stage closet) and where my pedal board is on stage. The more things I can leave in the closet with the Kemper, the better. As it's at a church where I lead worship and need to have all the cables to and fro taped down, therefore making practicing and tweaking during the week a long process of moving stuff back and forth, and unplugging an insane amount of cables.

    One thing awesome about the remote is that it is small (leaving room for lots of stuff) but that is also its greatest weakness. This is a way to make it do a lot more, and a feature that could simply be ignored by those that have no use for it.

  • would also be great reprogramming Some buttons. For example looper button to program a boost pedal for solo's. Because you need that more often than a looper. And it wont cost you An effect slot.

    Same with volume as well as reprogram the bank buttons and reverse the bank up and down button since it is unlogical to me

  • would also be great reprogramming Some buttons. For example looper button to program a boost pedal for solo's. Because you need that more often than a looper. And it wont cost you An effect slot.

    You can reprogram the looper button. Not exactly as you describe it, but you can use it to control an effect slot for example.

  • UP, Great request !

    Hopefully CK reads this topic someday ...

    Having the ability to re-assign a button to send a PC (or a CC) to a MIDI channel would be already a huge feature and would probably be easier to code (maybe ?) than programming a 2nd layer of functions ? (Having both abilities would be great obviously !)

    Example : Let's say you already have 2 different PC sent to 2 different MIDI channels within one rig slot in Performance Mode (ie. One single pressure of one of the 5 preset switches on the Kemper Remote selects the corresponding rig + sending one PC to two separate external devices.)
    What if you want the ability to toggle bypass mode on one of your external devices ?
    Easy with a re-assigned button sending another PC (or a CC) to one of the external devices.

    What do you think ?

    Hopefully that is technically feasible ...