New Trio+ Tone Suck?

  • So I just got the new Trio+ and am hearing a pretty fair amount of tone suck when I place it before the Kemper. Actually, no matter where I place it, I'm dropping a small amount of gain and a lot of top end in the guitar signal at the Trio+ Amp Out. I've run through various cables, even short little 6" insulated patch cables, and the same thing. The Mixer Out sounds great, but the Amp Out is just blah.

    Has anyone else has had a chance to get theirs going and tell if they are hearing the same thing?

    I'm getting around the problem atm by plugging directly into the Kemper and then feeding the Trio+ input from the Kemper Direct Out. I'm using the Trio+ Mixer Out for Bass/Drums, and a dummy cable in the Trio+ Amp Out because I don't need it -- you have to have something plugged in so the guitar signal isn't sent to the Trio+ Mixer Out. Of course, you can't use the Looper in this scenario, which is obviously problematic.

  • Nothing of substance to add right now since I don't own a Trio+.

    I am however seriously considering getting one so, apart from being interested in the matter at hand, I'll be hijacking the thread for a few posts to ask whether you've had any issues with Trio+ "recognizing" what you play when connected guitar->Kemper->Trio+?

    While I'd probably hook it up just like that for the most part, I have read that Trio has problems detecting what is being played unless the guitar is plugged directly into it? Has this been your experience as well?

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • Great to hear that the Trio+ is already available in the U.S.
    I'm still waiting for it to hit the stores which will take another few weeks.
    That said, to get great guitar sounds into the Trio+ and its looper I'd recommend to use the Profiler's direct out anyway.

  • I have read that Trio has problems detecting what is being played unless the guitar is plugged directly into it?

    I haven't read of anyone actually having problems, but I do know that the way you wrote is the way Digitech recommends hooking it up. I set the Kemper Direct Out to send the clean unprocessed guitar signal to the Trio+, which is basically the same thing. When you do this you have to use a dummy cable to trick the Trio+ into thinking the pedals Amp Out is connected to an amp.

  • The Trio+ autmatically applies different EQ-settings on various outputs. The amp-output will by default get an EQ-setting that makes drums and bass sound half-decent through a mids-focused guitar-amp, while the mixer output is flat for connection to FRFR equipment. This seems to cause a lot of confusion among users.

    Edited 3 times, last by heldal (March 24, 2016 at 9:16 AM).

  • But that doesn't fix the core problem: the Amp Out is attenuating the guitar signal.

    I'm beginning to think the Trio+ is doing some "intelligent" sniffing and altering the output based on the detected impedance levels. Just guessing.

    Just submitted a Digitech support ticket.

  • But that doesn't fix the core problem: the Amp Out is attenuating the guitar signal.

    I'm beginning to think the Trio+ is doing some "intelligent" sniffing and altering the output based on the detected impedance levels. Just guessing.

    Just submitted a Digitech support ticket.

    Please keep us posted.

  • Don't expect too much and you'll be fine with them.

    This is what I've been thinking lately... I'm just seeing it as a practice tool anyways. My playing leaves much to be desired as it is, tone suck is realistically the least of my worries. :rolleyes:

    Also doing some pre-Trio-purchase thinking, whaddyall think of pushing both Kemper direct out and monitor out into an a/b/y box, outputting into the Trio input? Use the direct out to set up the Trio's band and then switch to monitor out to lay in the loops with full Kemper power? Doesn't help with the tone suck but should clear up any Trio mis-learning issues? Afterwards take both Trio outputs into a mixer and out into a powered system....

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • hi all

    so I own a trio+ since yesterday. excellent stuff, very easy to use with immediate fun and intuitive controls. the drums & bass mixes are pretty good, lots of fun!

    And yes, there is a tone suck, which can be mitigated by pluging the trio+ in the KPA loop i.e. fed from the direct out (master mono) with amp (loop) and mixer (drum+bass) outs back to alternate and direct inputs to the KPA. The problem here is that the trio+ outputs are mono and the KPA inputs are stereo left and stereo right. So what happens is that I have the mix coming from the right speaker only and the loop from the left. This is annoying when playing through headphones cause its output can't be configurated i.e. set to master mono, and that's bad cause my main use of the trio+ is on my own at night when the house is asleep.

    Are there solutions which would prevent me from running guitar to trio+ to KPA? Can the headphones be plugged in the left main out set to master mono? some cheap piece of gear to mix the 2 trio+ mono outs to the 2 stereo KPA ins?

    I hope I made myself clear, no sure though.


  • Perhaps running the KPA outputs into the trio, and from the trio into a mixer? I had a stereo JamMan and had it set up that way.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • thanks Gianfranco
    do you mean something like this?
    [Blocked Image:]
    with the exception that the output shall be mono otherwise the trio+ (having only mono outputs) will send a mono signal to a stereo jack resulting in half the signal. and such mono-only device seems not to exist.

    wouldn't it be simpler to connect the headphones to main outs of the KPA in the end ?
