FAQ for cabinet module features?

  • Do you mean how to switch speaker cabs?
    I'm getting fantastic results both with kempers perfect amp/cab separation and with cab driver algorithm.

    copy of explanation about the 3 profiling modes in this post:
    DI-boxes suitable to create Direct Amplifier Profiles

    "There are three (3) basic types of profiles.

    A) Studio --
    This is the "normal" profile, and represents the vast majority of all the profiles out in the wild (including factory, commercial, and free). The
    Studio profile is a combination of the Amp and the Cabinet. In order to be able to switch (or remove) the Cabinet, the KPA has to figure out what contribution the "Cabinet" makes to the profile. To do this, the KPA employs an intelligent algorithm, called Cab Driver, which calculates and determines best approximation in order to separate the Cabinet from the Amp. It works amazingly well. However, Kemper saw opportunity to create a perfect separation, which leads us to Direct/Merged profiles, discussed next.

    B) Direct Amp --
    This is a profile process that employs a suitable DI box. The DI box takes the signal from the speaker output of the Amp, and sends an XLR/line level signal to the Return Input on the Kemper for the profile process. The DI box needs to have a speaker thru connection which sends the amp's high voltage/high wattage speaker level signal on to the connected guitar cabinet (a tube amp needs to be connected to a load). There is no microphone connected to the KPA during the Direct Amp profiling process.

    C) Merged --
    This requires a secondary step, after the Direct Amp profiling process. Immediately after capturing the Direct Amp profile, and without making any changes to the amp settings,a normal "Studio" profile is made. The KPA now has data from just the amp (Direct amp profile), as well as the combination Amp + Cab from the Studio profile. The person making the profile (i.e., the original author) then uses the MERGE function, and Merges the Direct and Studio profiles. This is now a Merged profile, which allows the KPA to perfectly separate and subtract the Cab part of the profile from the Amp. Obviously, if the person making the profile only wants the Direct Amp (no cabinet), then the second step and subsequent Merge procedure isnot applicable."

  • exactly what is your question?

    in a studio profile, the Profiler will determine what is AMPLIFIER and what is CABINET by using a clever algorithm - it's a guess, but a very good one.
    in a merged profile,the Profiler 'knows' exactly where the amp ends and where the cab begins.

    No, i was wondering whether you needed to replace your profiles with independent ones that weren't captured with the speakers.

    Who's selling open back cab IRs with JBL / EV ? Thanks again!

  • No, you can swap the cabinet in the Profiler regardless the kind of profile you are using. As Don pointed out, in the case of a profile made with a real cab included in the chain, the Profiler will estimate how the cab portion of the profile sounds and give you a very musical result nevertheless.
