So I bought an Axe Fx Ax8 and I have been profiling my preset as I make them...

  • So I was experimenting with mixing the Axe delay with the Kemper delay.

    This is recorded mono as that is what I am set up to do, wish I would have switched to stereo for this test!

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    Anyone care to guess if the amp was Kemper, Axe or Kemper profile of Axe? :)

  • So I was experimenting with mixing the Axe delay with the Kemper delay.

    This is recorded mono as that is what I am set up to do, wish I would have switched to stereo for this test!

    I'd be interested to hear a stereo version solely with the Axe delay.

    Anyone care to guess if the amp was Kemper, Axe or Kemper profile of Axe? :)

    I'm leaning toward the Axe but it might be easier to assess in stereo without the mixed delay.

  • Unfortunately I have not.

    I tested the Axe's transparency as I was noticing the Kemper was adding body to the sound when the delay or reverb was activated.

    It was said on the forum prior that the delay and reverb were before the cab but after the amp. I found this strange as there is no separation of amp and cab in studio profiles. I have done some tests and found that there is a filter applied the delay/reverb that acts like a cab but is not rig specific.

    What is even stranger, if you are in profiling mode listening to the reference amp and disable the cab on the front of the Kemper an artificial cab is removed from the reference amp.

    I am sure this is all in design but I have prior felt the Kemper effects were a tad dull but maybe this was the wrong term and it seems that my perception was due to this filter that is the emulated cab section.

  • The difference between us is you buy products based on Artist's endorsement, and I buy them based on trying them first hand! So let's hypothetically say that if I told you I played on platinum records, this will change your opinion of the Kemper and the guitars that I use should all the sudden become better guitars? 8o

    Well don't let me stop you from buying into artist's endorsement and advertising, but I let you in on a secret "Artist endorsement means crap and it falls into promotion and advertising" . Keep that a secret please as some companies might not be able to survive if everyone finds out that advertising is fiction for the feeble minds who are unable to judge for themselves.

    The difference between you and me is I was on the road touring the United States with a 64 Super Reverb in 1973 and played pro for 20 years. I have owned most of the truly classic amps and still have a few. I play very very well. I have never bought an item based on an endorsement. If I hear something great I might see what a player is using. The folks I mentioned are not endorsers. As a matter of fact Carrie Underwood's management had a gag order on Fractal to not tell anyone all 5 guys in the back line were using Fractal. They use them because they easily replace the real amps they were using and sound great. Your opinion to the contrary means absolutely zero in the grand scheme of things. You can barely play so guys like you are like armchair quarterbacks to me. Can't play, never had a music career=try to be somebody important on a gear forum to earn street cred. Classic. If you had some chops I might listen.

    The company that made the rack posted it on Hugeracks which is how it came out. Your insulting attempts at belittling other products and people only serve to make you look like a petulant schoolchild who saw a new kid at school with a shiny bike and rather than congratulate your tore in to him our of insecurity and jealousy. You post a lot here and most of it is anti other guy. Kinda sad. :(.

  • The difference between you and me is I was on the road touring the United States with a 64 Super Reverb in 1973 and played pro for 20 years. I have owned most of the truly classic amps and still have a few. I play very very well. I have never bought an item based on an endorsement. If I hear something great I might see what a player is using. The folks I mentioned are not endorsers. As a matter of fact Carrie Underwood's management had a gag order on Fractal to not tell anyone all 5 guys in the back line were using Fractal. They use them because they easily replace the real amps they were using and sound great. Your opinion to the contrary means absolutely zero in the grand scheme of things. You can barely play so guys like you are like armchair quarterbacks to me. Can't play, never had a music career=try to be somebody important on a gear forum to earn street cred. Classic. If you had some chops I might listen.

    The company that made the rack posted it on Hugeracks which is how it came out. Your insulting attempts at belittling other products and people only serve to make you look like a petulant schoolchild who saw a new kid at school with a shiny bike and rather than congratulate your tore in to him our of insecurity and jealousy. You post a lot here and most of it is anti other guy. Kinda sad. :(.

    Hey old man, for me, thank the good lord, it was always breadline and more. Golden ears my friend, I tell you, and that's why I bought a Kemper not an AXE II.

    As for the difference between us, I'll let the quality of your discourse speak for itself.

    It's about time you bought a Kemper yourself and gave yourself a well deserved upgrade from the overrated overly exaggerated fake AXE FX II tones! I blame it on your ears!

    God bless you sir!

    deadpan: I apologize, for going off topic and promise that would be my last of topic response in your thread.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (March 3, 2016 at 2:53 AM).

  • As I have it set now the level of the Axe is by ear exactly level with the loop off.

    I experimented with lowering the level of the Axe further, what I noticed was that the signal input to the amp lowered as the gain the amp produced was lower but the noise didn't decrease.

    I wonder if the signal before the amp is treated differently than after the amp? For impedance reasons maybe?

    Any other ideas are surely welcome!

  • Why not run the KPA in the AX8 loop? Works great with the Axe II.

    I will give it a shot at some point. Right now to record I use spdif from the Kemper so I have the Axe in the loop, I use this for profiling as well.

    The only reason I would need the Axe before the Kemper amp is for the looper. Once Kemper make the built in looper controllable by external switches all will be ok for me. Something seems off with the Axe looper so far and I am not sure what it is. Almost like it is not recording at high enough quality, of course this could be the settings which I haven't even looked at.

  • I just ran the Kemper into the FX loop of the Axe XL with a high gain profile and I couldn't hear any real difference between running direct and through the FX loop. Granted, I had to crank the volume in the XL's output section to level match the two sources, but it sounded close enough when level matched that I couldn't really tell a difference. I might try other presets just to be sure, though.

    Edited once, last by ColdFrixion (March 3, 2016 at 10:02 PM).

  • I just ran the Kemper into the FX loop of the Axe XL with a high gain profile and I couldn't hear any real difference between running direct and through the FX loop. Granted, I had to crank the volume in the XL's output section to level match the two sources, but it sounded close enough when level matched that I couldn't really tell a different. I might try other presets just to be sure, though.

    Your signal chain was guitar to axe, axe loop to Kemper, back to axe then to monitor?

  • A clean test for anyone interested.

    Three parts here, one profile unrefined, one refined and the original Axe preset. Not in that order.

    Recorded with neck pickup.

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