Recommended portable 1x12 guitar speaker and full range cabs

  • I''m looking for a guitar cab to go with my Kemper that is more easily portable that sounds great. I currently have a Port City 2x12os which sounds great with Kemper and Bogner Shiva 20th I have, but it's not a grab and go cab. May go with a 1x12os Port City but wondering what other 1x12 guitar cab/speakers you all might recommend that would work great with Kemper and my Bogner or other amps. I've heard Bogner cubes might be nice but i have no access to them here.

    Im still new to Kemper and have not really investigated full range setups. Since I already have the 2x12 guitar cab I'm thinking of sticking with that setup to start out (im assuming i'll need to create my amp sounds while listening thru the intended speaker setup, so i don't want to have to create separate profiles for full range vs guitar cab). If I was to go full range, I'd still like to find a portable 1x12 cab setup. I currently have a small PA with QSC K10s but don't really want to lug around a stereo PA setup. Since K10s are powered I guess I could use one of them alone, but have yet to try it out but will soon. Appears many here suggest K10s leave something to be desired in sound quality with Kemper? Recommendations on portable grab and go 1x12 full range setups?

  • I have a Matrix NL12 that is as grab-n-go as you can get. Sounds great with most decent profiles with Cabs switched on in the Kemper, due to its extended frequency response. It might not have enough headroom if you have a power head/rack, though (I use mine with my unpowered toaster and an Ambrosi ATM70 rated at 60W. I use a 1936 2x12 with my Power Rack).

  • Matrix has some new 10" and 12" powered cabinets -- the 10" is only 21lbs.

    Having and owning a few 2-way powered wedges makes me think I would prefer a coaxial design like the CLR/Xitones, etc.

    I have a couple Bogner cubes w/WGS speakers that I'm thinking about converting to Eminence BETA CX based setups. At 1.35 cf internal volume, they'd be great with the 12" (with the ported plugged) or 10" ported.