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  • I know, mate. As I like to say, it could be worse, AJ.

    First custom job I ever organised, the dude threatened to kill me when I pointed out to him that the frets were unevenly spaced, and that all chords were therefore out of tune with themselves. He proceeded to play every note chromatically (no chords) through his Laney at full tilt, from the lowest to the highest on each string(!), ignoring my requests for him to try a chord, any chord, and then when he finished, he raised the mahogany axe to hit me over the head with it whilst making the threat I mentioned.

    2 grand down the drain on what turned out to be the biggest dog of a guitar I've ever seen. You could see from across a room that the frets were all over the place. Amazing. Burned it for firewood, I did!

    Anyway, the bridge thing would've crushed your nuts for sure, but hey, you recovered and lived (very important, this bit!) to tell the tale, AJ, and I for one am very glad you're able to be with us!

  • I know, mate. As I like to say, it could be worse, AJ.

    First custom job I ever organised, the dude threatened to kill me when I pointed out to him that the frets were unevenly spaced, and that all chords were therefore out of tune with themselves. He proceeded to play every note chromatically (no chords) through his Laney at full tilt, from the lowest to the highest on each string(!), ignoring my requests for him to try a chord, any chord, and then when he finished, he raised the mahogany axe to hit me over the head with it whilst making the threat I mentioned.

    2 grand down the drain on what turned out to be the biggest dog of a guitar I've ever seen. You could see from across a room that the frets were all over the place. Amazing. Burned it for firewood, I did!

    Anyway, the bridge thing would've crushed your nuts for sure, but hey, you recovered and lived (very important, this bit!) to tell the tale, AJ, and I for one am very glad you're able to be with us!

    Wow, he threatened to physically hurt you? You should have taken him to a consumer forum, there are laws about this kind of thing. In my case, the unfortunate thing was that I happened to have moved from the city where I had given the guitar and one of my uncles picked it up for me. I only realised the switch after I received it and by then, I was several states away. If I had known what he had pulled and I was in the same city, I would have been the one threatening him with some serious hurt. As it was, there was nothing I could do but swap the generic pickup for something else.

  • Came across a guy named Mark Cuthbertson playing one on Youtube. I was immediately taken with the tone so I reached out to him to find out exactly what he used to achieve it. I was surprised that the answer was nothing more than a Kemper with an MBritt profile and a OD pedal from Rockett Pedals called the Blue Note.

    This one maybe? The tone is nothing but awesome. Tasty playing, too. Do you achieve it? Can you tell which MBritt profile it is?

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    Gear: Strats & KPA. Plug Ins: Cubase, NI, iZotope, Slate, XLN, Spectrasonics.
    Music: Song from my former band:[/media][/media][/media] Something new on the way...

  • Here's my latest guitar, a beautiful American Deluxe Strat in olympic pearl. It's the first strat that I fell in love with as I picked it up. That compound radius neck might be the main reason. Playing mostly Charvels and Jacksons, I feel at home and have a very versatile instrument that covers alot of territories music wise. Thanks to its S-1 switch, I can get a very convincing humbucker sound as I activate it in the first position. It's definitely a keeper!

    Staggered locking tuners, medium jumbo frets, fast neck, noiseless PUs, what do you want more?

  • Beautiful, Dirtstyler.

    Wow, he threatened to physically hurt you? You should have taken him to a consumer forum, there are laws about this kind of thing. In my case, the unfortunate thing was that I happened to have moved from the city where I had given the guitar and one of my uncles picked it up for me. I only realised the switch after I received it and by then, I was several states away. If I had known what he had pulled and I was in the same city, I would have been the one threatening him with some serious hurt. As it was, there was nothing I could do but swap the generic pickup for something else.

    Yeah, I'm not litigious 'though. He was scary anyway, so I just wore it. I was one of his first customers, and I found out only a few months ago, 30-odd years later, that he's earned the reputation of being the worst luthier in Melbourne. People get what they deserve eventually, and yes the threat was "backed up" by his grabbing the guitar by the neck and raising it above my head, ready to knock me to kingdom come with it.

    Funny, I only offered this example to you to help you not feel so bad about your experience, AJ, and yet, as I walked away the other day, I wondered if I should've included my only other custom experience. I just couldn't reduce it down enough as it's practically a novel. Suffice it to say that this time, someone did actually die as an indirect result, but definitely as a result. The luthier took 7 years to make it (pre-paid). I wasted a thousand hours and petrol travelling to visit and motivate (beg) him. I put him up for 6 months when he needed a place to stay, and he swiped my girlfriend, got her drunk (virgin - we were waiting), cheated on her and she died in the Black Saturday bushfire in 2009 after having skipped town following his antics. She was the one. If I'd only said "yes" when she proposed to me, she'd be alive today and I'd been a happy Kemper!

    I know. My life's practically statistically-impossible, and yet here I am, in all my funky gory... I mean, glory. LOL

    Anyway, as I suggested, your luthier-rip-off experience could've been a whole-lot worse, matey. In a way, and I'm obviously not you, but I'd be thankful it was only the bridge, man. Just a lil', expensive piece of hardware that was easily-replaceable. Glad you got it sorted out anyway; well done, and again, my heart does go out to you 'cause nobody deserves that $#!t.

  • That sucks, I hope you are rid of that dude for good.

    That's an unbelievable novel of loyalty, forgiveness and patience in itself, and I couldn't hope to condense it to anything like pt 1, matey. LOL

    Have you checked out all the guitars from page 1 right through? Some absolute beauties the likes of which I, and possibly you, can only dream of. That's the idea of visiting the thread in my case; you've gotta be able to dream. I'm a firm believer that having a pic of a Benz on the fridge makes it more likely that I'll own one one day (dream since a kid, and this started my appreciation for German design and engineering). You'll be glad to know I've had about 20 Benz pics on the fridge for about 20 years now. Hasn't worked yet, but give it time. Maybe I should have a Les Paul and Jazz bass or something up there too, come to think of it. Hmm...

  • That's an unbelievable novel of loyalty, forgiveness and patience in itself, and I couldn't hope to condense it to anything like pt 1, matey. LOL

    Yeah, it's crazy. Amazing how many disasters one can cram into 50 years, provided of course one doesn't flit away valuable seconds with downtime in the form of happiness, good times, socialising and all the other ills of society!

    Keep 'em coming, I say, ensuring none is recovered from fully; that way the golden opportunities to savour nervous breakdowns, PTSD and other fascinating learning experiences won't be missed. It's hard to avoid concluding that the whole dog's breakfast's been a cunning plan to whip me into shape for something great, like maybe working at a McDonalds Drive-Thru™ or something. LOL

    Have you checked out all the guitars from page 1 right through? Some absolute beauties the likes of which I, and possibly you, can only dream of. That's the idea of visiting the thread in my case; you've gotta be able to dream. I'm a firm believer that having a pic of a Benz on the fridge makes it more likely that I'll own one one day (dream since a kid, and this started my appreciation for German design and engineering). You'll be glad to know I've had about 20 Benz pics on the fridge for about 20 years now. Hasn't worked yet, but give it time. Maybe I should have a Les Paul and Jazz bass or something up there too, come to think of it. Hmm...

    I too am a firm believer in dreaming also. How can one live, if you have no dreams or goals? Being in a state of not having the ability to generate income like I would want, I just lowered my dreams a little. My dream right now is to own a Kemper and finish my album. I sincerely hope all our dreams come true and you get your Benz.

  • Ironically, like you the past 15 years life has been brutal, seeming that there is a black cloud following me around. Aside from all the bad things that happen, weekly, no joke, at least my children are healthy and happy. That is what it's about. My kids come first, my wants come second. It's about them now, not me, I hope I can eventually get a Kemper and fulfill my dream. If it's meant to be, it will be. Over the next month, I am going to work very hard to let go of what I have to get one. I guess you just need to keep plugging away and deal with the cards you have been given, good or bad. It could always be worse, there is someone that is in a worse situation than ours, always. I try to make the best of it and keep moving forward.

  • Crumpets. Always so many lovely-looking guitars.

    I too am a firm believer in dreaming also. How can one live, if you have no dreams or goals? Being in a state of not having the ability to generate income like I would want, I just lowered my dreams a little. My dream right now is to own a Kemper and finish my album. I sincerely hope all our dreams come true and you get your Benz.

    You know, the Benz stopped mattering many years ago; I really couldn't care less anymore. I mean, one has to get one's priorities straight, as you know. Icing on the cake one day? Sure. Necessary? Not on your life! LOL

    Your guitars look very, very nice, Dan!

  • This one maybe? The tone is nothing but awesome. Tasty playing, too. Do you achieve it? Can you tell which MBritt profile it is?

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    That's the one. I'll go back through my conversations with him to get the exact profile.
