Wrong rig performance mode after starting up

  • I use the latest firmware ,
    After starting up and open performance mode, the first Slot is often a wrong one, its not the slot I saved the actual performance with.
    I have to switch to the second performance and back to the first performance again to get the right slot rigs.
    The rig that comes up in the first slot is the latest one witch I used before shutting down, So if I used a Cranked Marshall rig from the fourth slot ( and the first slot is a clean Fender )
    This Cranked marshall Rig will come up in the first slot after starting up again.
    If I switch to the second performance and back to the first, its gone and the usual planned clean Fender rig is back again in that first slot
    It doesnt happen every time, what could cause this problem?
    Changing System 3/17 Perf.load settings doesn't help, Could this be another setting ?

    Edited 3 times, last by Dorrus (November 4, 2015 at 4:22 PM).

  • No, Paults, Its not recalled by pushing the first slot, the wrong rig moves to the first slot in that case.
    If the last slot when shutting down whas for instance slot four, than this fourt slot comes up at the first slot after starting up again.
    pushing the number one doesn't bring anything,The name in the first slot is the right one but the rig that comes up doesn't match that name, it just keeps holding the fourt rig in the first slot, only when switching one time to another performance- and back solves this.
    I did a reset and a restore, but it isn't solved
    The only way to create a good start with the right slots in the first performance seems to push the first performance slot before shutting it down, I can live with that off course but never discovered this before. Is there something wrong with my Kpa ?
    I'll check my other one tomorow ( haven't got it at home )

    Edited 3 times, last by Dorrus (November 9, 2015 at 10:01 AM).

  • I think it could be a bug wich started with firmware 3.1.4
    The problem is totaly gone when going back to firmware 3.0.2 and is back after loading firmware 3.1.4. again

    The problem step by step :
    Open Performance mode and select the third slot.
    Shut the KPA down and start it up again
    Open Performance mode and you will notice that the last slot you shutted down with, is the first slot that opens ( thats good )
    But now hit the first slot button, and you'll see that the rig you see and the sound you hear is NOT slot one- but still the Third slot the Kpa started up with !( so you've got the rig of slot three, playing in slot one )
    The only way to get the first slot right again is to choose another Performance and back to the first again.
    Very strange to me that I'm the only one that notice this , am I the only one with this problem ?(

    Edited 4 times, last by Dorrus (November 5, 2015 at 3:26 PM).

  • Got it !
    It happens only if I push the buttons on the KPA itself by hand with the Remote not atacched, Also with a Behringer fcb1010
    But with a Kemper remote connected everything works fine if switched with the remote, with the remote attached and switched bij hand ( on the kpa) the problem stayes the same

  • Yes I did, and the fault is still there, I have do downgrade the firmware to 3.0.2 to solve it, I think this is a firmware bug. ( it starts with loading firmware 3.1.4)
    this evening I'll try my second Power rack and I'll know for sure, I'll let you know.

  • Please let us know what you find. I've been trying to quantify some weird anomalies when in profiling mode. Like, when I turned on my KPA in performance mode last night at practice, It came up on bank 4. I have nothing programed in bank 4 and I know I was in bank 1 when I turned off the KPA the previous night ?( I'm in 3.2

  • My second Power rack does exactly the same, so I'm sure now that this must be a firmware bug witch started with version 3.1.4 , updating to 3.2 doesn't solve this.

    Again, The problem step by step :
    Open Performance mode and select the third slot.
    Shut the KPA down and start it up again
    Open Performance mode and you will notice that the last slot you shutted down with, is the first slot that opens ( thats good )
    But now hit the first slot button (by hand on the KPA itself- not with the remote ), and you'll see that the rig you see and the sound you hear is NOT slot one- but still the Third slot the Kpa started up with !( so you've got the rig of slot three, playing in slot one )
    The only way to get the first slot right again is to choose another Performance and back to the first again.

    Edited once, last by Dorrus (November 9, 2015 at 10:03 AM).

  • I have encountered a similar but different anomaly, again with the latest FW installed.

    1.Turn on Profiler - Browser Mode (1st photo)
    2.Go to Perform Mode eg Performance 14. Focus is in Slot 1, with correct rig name. (S.Mehl 50 Clean) (2nd photo)
    3.Change focus to Slot 2,with correct rig name (Silverclone)
    4.Change focus to Slot 4.Incorrect rig name is shown (S.Mehl 50 Clean again instead of Sultan) (3rd photo)
    5.Change to Perfortamnce No 15 (4th photo) then back to 14.
    6.Slot 4 now shows correct rig name (Sultan) (5th photo)


  • My second Power rack does exactly the same, so I'm sure now that this must be a firmware bug witch started with version 3.1.4 , updating to 3.2 doesn't solve this.

    Again, The problem step by step :
    Open Performance mode and select the third slot.
    Shut the KPA down and start it up again
    Open Performance mode and you will notice that the last slot you shutted down with, is the first slot that opens ( thats good )
    But now hit the first slot button (by hand on the KPA itself- not with the remote ), and you'll see that the rig you see and the sound you hear is NOT slot one- but still the Third slot the Kpa started up with !( so you've got the rig of slot three, playing in slot one )
    The only way to get the first slot right again is to choose another Performance and back to the first again.

    This - I had the exact same thing last night. I've seen it before but thought I was going crazy.

  • ...The problem step by step :
    Open Performance mode and select the third slot.
    Shut the KPA down and start it up again
    Open Performance mode and you will notice that the last slot you shutted down with, is the first slot (for clarity, do you mean slot#3? - chromos's note) that opens ( thats good )
    But now hit the first slot button (by hand on the KPA itself- not with the remote ), and you'll see that the rig you see and the sound you hear is NOT slot one- but still the Third slot the Kpa started up with !( so you've got the rig of slot three, playing in slot one )
    The only way to get the first slot right again is to choose another Performance and back to the first again.

    I can confirm it. My KPA with fw. behaves the same way.

    Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
    Laurence J. Peter

  • I confirm the bug. Rig stored in slot #4 is loaded in slot #1 at startup, and the slot name is the name previously stored (that doesn't match with the loaded rig).
    The problem is that even switching back and forth with another performance the situation is not restored. The wrong rig is still there. I have to recall the original rig and store it again in the first slot.

  • Mine does the same thing (I have the FCB1010 so it's not related to the Remote) and it is very problematic at gigs.

    I've also had a LOT of weird things happen since installing 3.2.1. It is the most buggy update I've had in the last 2 years. Had several things happen at the last two gigs, including a Firmware crash on startup. Unfortunately I did not have time to take photos or write anything down since I was in the middle of a gig. It was the first time after gigging with the KPA for 2 years that I was worried I needed a backup device for the gig.

    But, this bug has been happening to me for a while. I hope they can track some of this stuff down.
